2015 Light Up The Holiday’s Contest

Blossburg V.I.B.E. Presents Light Up the Holidays Contest 2015
House and Business Decorating Contest

Decorate your house or business storefront for the holidays and maybe you’ll win a prize from V.I.B.E.! Light Up the Holidays judging will be held Dec. 18, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. everywhere in the borough of Blossburg. Prize donations are welcome – contact vibe@blossburg.org

The “Light up the Holidays!” contest is free of charge and open to every resident of Blossburg. You don’t even need to sign up!  Just decorate your house or business and you’re in.

Blossburg V.I.B.E. members will select 4 residential winners and 1 business winner.

More Info:

  • Judging: Dec. 18th, 6 p.m. to 10 pm – Remember to turn on your lights!
  • Contact V.I.B.E. for more information: vibe@blossburg.org.

2014 Winners Click here for pictures

  • Amy and Rob Bowens
  • Karen and Glenn Lattimer
  • Randy and Brend Sokoly
  • Rita and Lawrence Larson
  • Best Business Display: Amy and Rob Bowens
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