Blossburg Volunteer Fire Department’s
Holly Jolly Christmas
Saturday, December 14 – Downtown Blossburg, PA
Join us for our second Holly Jolly Christmas celebration that includes a community tree lighting ceremony, Christmas Marketplace, Santa’s Parade of Lights and more!
Follow Blossburg’s Holly Jolly Christmas on Facebook to keep up on the latest information.
Schedule of Events
2:00 – 5:30 p.m. – Vendors & activities along Main St.
5:30 p.m. – Santa’s Parade of Lights (parade will begin at the Island Park and will end at the Blossburg Fire Hall)
6:15 p.m. – Community Tree Lighting 6:30 – Story time with Santa and Mrs. Claus at Blossburg Fire Hall ($5 per child. Proceeds benefit the Blossburg Fire Dept.)
For more information, to become a vendor or enter Santa’s Parade of Lights, call/text 570-404-0282 or email pr@blossfireems.org.
Story Time with Santa and Mrs. Clause
Join us for a very special hour-long story time immediately following Santa’s Parade of Lights
Blossburg Fire Hall, 324 Main St.
$5 per child, paid at the door. Cookies and hot cocoa will be provided
Vendor Information
Help us create a Christmas Marketplace along Blossburg’s Main Street.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Vendor setup 1:00 to 2:00 pm
Vendors will open at 2:00 pm
Vendors provide their own table and chairs.
No electric is provided
$10.00 per vendor space – Vendor checks can be made out to Blossburg Volunteer Fire Department and mailed to Holly Jolly Christmas, 324 Main St., Blossburg, PA 16912
For more information or with questions, call 570-404-0282 or e-mail pr@blossfireems.org

Santa’s Mailbox has been delivered to the Boro Office!
Make sure to drop your letters in the mailbox before December 20 so they arrive at the North Pole in time to be read by Santa and Mrs Claus!

It’s time to light up Blossburg for the holidays!
Decorate your outdoors and then drop your address on our Google Map by filling out the form below by December 10 to be added to the map of light displays.
New this year – voting will be done online by those viewing the displays.
The light contest will begin on December 10 and close on December 20. Votes can be cast on the poll that will be released on December 10.
The light contest is free to enter and open to anyone in Blossburg. Prizes will be awarded to the top three displays.
BUSINESSES – we didn’t forget about you! Decorate your windows with a scene from your favorite Christmas movie, and add your addresses to the form as well!
To register or with questions – Call/Text: 570-404-0282