Copied from the Blossburg Borough Facebook Page: Contact the Blossburg Borough for more information.
Borough Residents – North Williamson Road
In an effort to reduce water infiltration, the Municipal Authority will be contracting repairs to sewer mains in the area from the Sewer Pump House South to the Main Street Green Bridge on both sides of No. Williamson Road. Please be aware, work will begin on Monday, November 4, 2024 and continue for a period of 3 to 4 weeks.
This is a two (2) step process. The first step is to clean and televise the sewer main. This work will consist of pressure washing the interior of the sewer lines to remove debris. If your home’s venting is inadequate, there may be some water backflow from the toilet. For this reason, please keep your toilet flushed of any material, and keep the lid down during the day. Once the cleaning is completed, the line will be televised to determine any issues that need to be addressed before relining.
The second step is to reline the pipes. The process installs “Cured-in-Place-Pipe” liners which allow for repairs to deteriorating pipes without the disturbance and costs of conventional dig methods. This is accomplished by inserting a resin saturated felt liner into the existing pipe which is then expanded and cured using steam or water thereby creating a brand-new pipe in the existing pipe. By relining sections of sewer pipe, the infiltration in this area should be cut by 98%.
You may experience an odor during the curing of the pipe liners. This smell would be similar to car putty in an auto-body repair shop. If you smell this odor in your home, it maybe coming from a line connected to the sewer system. In this case, you may have a cracked drain line or there may be no water in a sewer trap. During this process, NO WATER can enter the work section of the piping. We are asking for your cooperation by not running water, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc. and avoid flushing your toilets. We will notify you when the lining starts so you can avoid water use.
We understand this is an inconvenience, but for the best results of the project, we are asking for your assistance. We have worked with the contractor, Insight Pipe, before and have found them to be very knowledgeable and complete their work quickly and professionally.
During the work, you will see trucks along the roadway, please be aware and use caution. If you have any questions or concerns, before or during this process, please contact the Borough Office.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.