
William Bauchop Wilson First U.S. Secretary of Labor
Our thanks and appreciation to those who have contributed their valuable time, photos, memories, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia to this project:
David A. Jones, Blossburg, Pa. (great grandson)
Robert Wilson, Annapolis, Md. (great grandson)
Kitty Wilson, Blossburg, Pa. (wife of grandson Thomas Wilson)
Jean Burnette Daugherty, Syracuse, N.Y. (grand niece)
Janet Wilson Kirk Emerson, Convent Station, N.J. (grand niece)
Susan Kaczynski, Blossburg, Pa. (great granddaughter)
Sally Ward, Blossburg, Pa. (Blossburg Borough secretary)
John Backman, Blossburg, Pa. (mayor)
Heidi I. Jones, Blossburg, Pa. (great great granddaughter)
Joshua D. Jones, Blossburg, Pa. (great great grandson)
Beverly S. Jones, Blossburg, Pa. (wife of great grandson, David A. Jones)
Shelly T. West, Laurel, Md.
James McIntosh, Blossburg, Pa. (a life long friend)
R. Keith Lindie, Blossburg, Pa. (a life long friend and photographic historian)
Source materials:
Babson, Roger W. William B. Wilson and the Department of Labor, (New York: Brentano's) 1919.
Jones, Mary Harris The Autobiography of Mother Jones, (Chicago: Kerr Publishing Company) 1996 (original published 1925)
Wilson, William Bauchop, unpublished manuscript, 1913.
Wilson, William Bauchop, Memories (Washington, D.C.: The Trades Unionist) 1916
Swinsick, Phyllis Flashbacks: The lore and legends of eight small communities in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, (Tioga County: Tioga Printing Corp.) 1993
The Blossburg Advertiser December 1898 through December 1899.
Many newspaper clippings, photographs, and oral histories. Most documentation available from David A. Jones.
The Wilson index: