
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes September 13, 2004 6:30 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance recited.
The regular Blossburg Borough Council meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA, by Council President Jerome Ogden.
Attendance: |
Vice-President Tonya McNamara; Councilmembers Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk; Mayor John Backman; (late, Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett); Chief Ronald Steffen; Borough Manager George D. Lloyd; Borough Secretary Mary Signor;
Charles Freeberg KCC Committee; David Darby.
Agenda |
Minutes: The minutes of the August 9, 2004, meeting were approved on motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, James Holleman. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Report accepted subject to audit on motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Bills: Bills to be paid on motion of Thomas Bogazcyk; second, Tonya McNamara. All in favor.
GUESTS: David Darby attended the meeting to present the new proposed primary zoning map. Mr. Darby brought two (2) maps. The first was a color-coded map and the second map was an aerial. Mr. Darby explained that Pennsylvania law states every time a zoning change takes place within a municipality the zoning map must be updated. The Blossburg Borough zoning map is dated 1979 and has never been updated. Mr. Darby, James Bogaczyk, George D. Lloyd and the GIS office in Wellsboro pieced together a new zoning map. Mr. Darby asked council to look the map over for any corrections. The Planning Commission has already reviewed the zoning map. The next steps are to take the maps to the Zoning Hearing Board meeting on October 6, 2004 and then post the maps for the public to review. After all approve the new zoning map, it will be sent to the GIS office.
Mr. Darby left the meeting at 7:13 P.M.
Reports : |
Mayor : Nothing to report at this time.
Police : Everyone has received a copy of the Police Report.
The Police report was accepted on motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
Chief Steffen reported a Preliminary Breath Test machine was purchased for the department, which was reimbursed with grant money from the office of District Attorney John F. Cowley in the amount of $510.00.
Borough Manager : Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
The tree on Main Street between the Brick Tavern and Dr. Ollock's office had a large limb pulled off by a truck. G. Lloyd asked if the tree should be replaced or leave tree as is. The damage could be turned into the trucking insurance company. After a discussion, it was decided to leave the tree as is and try and collect money for tree.
George F. Coxe, Jr. of the Tioga County Election & Registration contacted the Borough about making the Borough Building a handicap accessible polling place. After Mr. Coxe toured our town he suggested the polling place be changed to the new Fire & Ambulance Building. Mr. Coxe is to contact the Fire & Ambulance members to see if they would permit the voting location changed to their building. Councilmembers all agreed the Fire & Ambulance building would be convenient. A motion to change the voting location from the Borough Hall to the Blossburg Fire & Ambulance Company Building, contingent on acceptance by the Blossburg Fire Department and Blossburg Ambulance Association, was made by Thomas Bogaczyk; second Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
PennDOT District 3 contacted the Blossburg Borough inviting the Mayor and Councilmembers to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of new section of Route 15 (1 mile North of Blossburg) to be held on October 29, 2004 at 1:00 P.M.
2005 Municipal Minimum Obligations (MMO'S) has been completed by the actuaries and needs to be presented to Council before September 30, 2004, Police: $12,501.00 Non-Uniform: $20,647.00.
Borough Manager George Lloyd asked about setting the day for celebrating Halloween. Councilmembers decided on Saturday, October 30, 2004 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. The old Ambulance Building was always used by the KCC for the judging of costumes, but the building was sold to the Acorn Markets. A new location is needed. Mr. Lloyd is to contact a few locations to see if they would approve use of their building.
A motion to accept the Uniform Construction Code agreement between the Blossburg Borough and Hamilton Township, contingent on acceptance by Hamilton Township, was made by Raymond Kaminski; second by Tonya McNamara. All in favor.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : No applications were submitted. No meeting.
Planning Commission reviewed new proposed primary zoning map.
Karen Stanley resigned from Planning Commission on August 30, 2004.
Appointment to Planning Commission: James Bogaczyk, motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Timothy Roupp.
Zoning Hearing Board: No meeting.
A October 6, 2004 meeting is scheduled for a decision from board on Gregory and Kathryn Brooks, 263 North Williamson Road, who applied for a special exception for home occupation, vehicle detailing.
James Roupp's replacement on Zoning Hearing Board: Borough Manager George Lloyd is having difficultly in contacting residents mentioned last meeting to see if they are interested in serving on Zoning Hearing Board.
Recreation : The pool is closed for the season.
Recreation is looking for a DR trimmer, which would be a great machine for the Island.
Tennis courts closed and locked due to bad condition.
A possible litigation dealing with a person hurting their finger on new chair that was just purchased.
Fire Department : No report received.
The siren is off. The firemen have repeaters, there isn't a need for a siren. Richard Williams, Emergency Services Coordinator for the Blossburg Borough, to be contacted on a new siren location for civil defense/emergencies.
Police: Robert Scott was interviewed for a part-time police officer. Mr. Scott has passed his Act 120. Councilmembers that attended the interview with Mr. Scott were impressed with him. A motion to hire Robert Scott, contingent he passes his state and psychological tests, was made by Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Timothy Roupp. All in favor.
Television : Channel 33 off because of frequency change.
James Roupp is getting equipment to put on the Emergency Alert.
Library : The "Garden Party" held at the Hamilton Club to benefit the Library was a great success. Lida Kaiser, owner and operator of the Hamilton Club, to be commended on the outstanding job she did to make the "Garden party" such a success.
Street Committee : Nothing to report.
K.C.C. : Charles Freeberg reported on the KCC finances. The organization's regular checking account balance is $2,766.51. The Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts are scheduled to rent KCC building for their meetings.
Mr. Freeberg presented a proposed estimate for the new heating system from Ben Jones Heating & Plumbing in the amount of $3,294.94. The work to be included is installation of cast iron addition in meeting room: 24 ft. each side of room, 30,000 BTU both sides. A total of 48 ft. cast iron radiation TP14 Type 1280 BTU per ft.
Donations have been received from various organizations towards the new heating system. KCC is also applying to The Tabor Foundation for additional funding.
A motion to enter into contract with Ben Jones Heating & Plumbing for the new heating system as presented by Charles Freeberg was made by Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Tonya McNamara. All in favor.
NPHS Student: Tonya McNamara to contact N.P.H.S. to see if a student can be recruited for Council.
Committee Business Development: Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business and Entertainment) The Farmers Market held on Saturdays from 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. is doing well.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Nothing to report.
- Building Codes: Appeals Board to be setup. Borough Manager to check with C.O.G. to see if they can help.
- Sale of Old Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor working on. At present time, properties are being surveyed.
- Sale of the Old Ambulance Building: Acorn Market to purchase additional railroad property.
The Blossburg Fire Department and the Blossburg Ambulance Associations asked about the status of the sale. They are wondering if they can turn off the gas and the electric. Mr. Barrett to contact Acorn Markets to ask what should be done with the utilities.
- Decorating Community Christmas Tree: It was suggested to wait until we get a student for Council.
- Electric System Assessment: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett reviewing paperwork.
- Dollar General Survey: Borough Solicitor has finished necessary documents.
RESOLUTION NO. 9 - Motion to accept the resolution as submitted by the Borough Solicitor was made by Cheryl Bubacz; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
- Home Occupation: Borough Solicitor is working on a new description of home occupation.
- Advertise 1991 ¾ Ton Pickup Truck for Sale: No bids received second time around.
- House Condemnation: Borough Solicitor sent Mr. Scroback another letter.
- Tax Collector: Dorothy Rakoski asked if she can charge for certifications and bad check charges. Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett suggested waiting until these problems are uniformly adopted.
- Williamson Commercial Park Access Street: Williamson Land Company, Inc. is requesting that the Borough accept the access street to be constructed at their commercial development located off Old Rt. 15. Council will not accept the street until it is sub-based and paved completely before they will accept the street.
Plans to start construction for Red Apple store by the end of the month and completed January 2005.
New Business:
Budget Meeting: Scheduled for September 23, 2004 at 9:00 A.M.
Tioga County Election & Registration: Discussed earlier.
Annual Homecoming Events: Wednesday, October 6, 2004 at 7:30 P.M. or 8:00 P.M. - Bonfire (School needs to contact the Blossburg Fire Department).
Thursday, October 7, 2004 during school hours - The Block Party
Friday, October 8, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. - Parade
Octoberfest: Saturday, October 9, 2004.
- TCAB Dinner, Thursday, September 23, 2004 - Knoxville, PA - RSVP by September 16, 2004.

ADJOURNMENT: President Jerome Ogden closed the meeting at 8:43 P.M.
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2004 at 6:30 P.M.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary