C. Freeberg reported on the KCC building.
Not much activity during the time the building is used for the summer camp. Very pleased with the way the group kept the building when in use and after. Will check with B. Laverty to determine if a bill is sent for use. C. Bubacz advised he could call Irene Morgan. He did not want to send bill if not supposed to. Was not clear in past accounts how it was taken care of. I. Morgan oversees Partners.
The Gridiron Club is buying a new refrigerator. The one in the kitchen will be put in the back room. The Coal Festival asked what the committee could do as they are allowed to use the building during the Car Show. They will help paint.
Bob Harzinski is coming to measure the three doors. They will use the hardware they have for on the new doors. The Gridiron Club helped clean the back part. T. McNamara said it looks good out there.
The borough did the window in the girls room. More work is planned to improve or repair the building. He thanked Council and left the meeting at 6:50 P.M.
Fire and Ambulance Building Committee:
K. Lindquist, D. Hall, S. Hall attended to request a meeting with Council or the Fire Committee in order to find out what the Department will be asked to do to get the project started. They (Fire and Ambulance Companies) must know what the departments will have to do and what expenses for either land, water, sewer, whatever legal expense if sub-division need, etc. They have not been advised as to their responsibilities. They meet every Tuesday evening. It is suggested that a committee from the departments get with the Fire Committee of Council.
They have appointed a Building Committee, these are the people they would meet with.
Meeting scheduled for 17 September 2002 at 7:00 P.M. after much discussion on who could be available when. With no decision from Council or outline of what they must do, they have had to delay moving forward. They would like to have the Borough Manager attend if at all possible.They have been meeting at the old hall. They thanked Council and left at 6:58 P.M. The map received from the rail-road company was discussed. The maps of sub-division of lands school made from that larger area, are much more detailed.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : View report
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing.
- Street Lighting:Mayor Backman had talked to PENELEC about changing some of the lights. Could save $1,500.00 month if lights changed.
Last year would have done the changes but Borough did not act in time before policy changed. North Williamson Road had been changed to 70s while the rest are 100s which causes price to be higher. Ogden asked if anything can be done. Letter had been sent, basically not informative.
- Ordinances: Police/Streets: P Barrett is to take care of the advertising, etc. Nothing to date to set date of adoption from him.
- Monument Repairs: Sent K. Webster letter explaining job not completed as in bid. No call from him at this time.(Copy letter sent.)
- Evaluation: G. Lloyd has not received this back from P. Barrett who is to review and comment.
- Well old hospital: G. Lloyd -- Need pump to check out rate of flow. Has been making contacts.
- J. Bogaczyk, B. Laverty: Discussed ways to present plaques. Thoughts on doing something special for J. Bogaczyk due to his length of service to borough.
- Rail road property maps: Copies of the maps received were not good. The Fire & Ambulance do not want maps of anything but the lot off Ruah street.
- Foot bridge: Letter senior Citizens Tenants Association - This should help if Grant applied for.
- Cul-de-sac: Granger street/Minor Sub-Division B. Jones/A. Lindner: Nothing
New Business:
Maps,..Etc. Minor Sub-Division Williamson Development Rt. 15. Reviewed by County Planner. Conditions met - all listed on maps. Recommended approval. Council approval granted motion of R. Kaminski; second, T. Bogaczyk. Roll call: All in favor except Abstention by C. Bubacz due to work related matter.
Homecoming Parade Application needed to PA DOT. Approved motion of J. Holleman, second , T. Roupp. All in favor.
PA DOT Letter RE: North End Borough Road Construction site. Will not be opening as planned to south bound travelers. Need to go
to off ramp to enter borough from north as it is now.
- TCAB Lawrenceville 9-19-2002
Mayor report:
J. Backman worked with the Chief developing - for all officers - a new Pursuit Policy. Reviewed by Police Committee as presented to them , now requesting Council action. T. Bogaczyk had one question which was answered.
Motion to approve Personnel Policy by T. Bogaczyk; Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor. This applies to Police Department only.
Applicant in answer to advertisement for part-time officer has been tested and passed tests. Request permission to hire Joshua McCurdy, Blossburg resident who has graduated from the training course. An Executive Session was called at 7:00 P.M. to interview McCurdy by himself. Session closed 7:06 P.M. in order for Council to take action.
Motion made by J. Holleman; Second, T. Bogaczyk, "That Joshua McCurdy be hired for part-time Police Officer with probation as required." All in favor.
Mayor |
Police report:
The reports had been sent to members. Report accepted on motion of T. McNamara; second, T. Roupp. All in favor.
Discussion on report questions ref: Covington reference; school patrol 3:00 P.M. T. Bogaczyk there four days, no officer.
The Chief left at 7:05 P.M.. in order to work with McCurdy for night patrol training.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
Report accepted Motion C. Bubacz, Second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Complaints on limbs overhanging on Ruah Street starting at T. Phinney property. Have calls from M. Hilfiger problem with limbs scraping school bus. Tree near corner out front has low branches, also. With the work schedule, he has not been able to take care of this.
The letter in regards to the foot-bridge was received. No way to repair. Ways and means to replace discussed. Suggested RSW order beams to place on existing abutments R. Kaminsk. He also made suggestion having Strange look at it to see what he thought could be done. At least get an idea. T. Bogaczyk reminded Council of request for handicap access. Ramp must be extended according ADA regulations.
There was a Federal grant after Agnes to put the present bridge in. It is needed for work access, people to get to their homes, not just for recreation. Also, physical therapy uses and handicap camp access in summer as well.
The annual report of Financial Requirement for Police and Non-Uniform was presented as required prior to 30 September 2002.
A notice had been received about notification of imminent attack, etc. Mayor asked why County had not been the one contacted. G. Lloyd explained it was the Homeland Security for public utilities such as sewer and water. That is why it would be sent here. County would have been notified, also. Borough must know.
Granger Street cul-de-sac (where B. Jones, A. Lindner, D. Jones have located new homes) discussed. A. Lindner called G. Lloyd wanted to know street name for when post office starts to deliver, etc. This has been listed and numbered as Granger Street same as on North Williamson Road where cul-de-sac is where F. Roupp built. If different street name, would require survey, ordinance amendments with related costs i.e. advertisements, preparation, changing ordinance books. This will be reviewed. A. Lindner thought perhaps named Bear Creek Heights. No street sign put up on North Williamson. According to map and ordinance Granger Street goes right through. No more buildings will be put on that cul-de-sac according to way lands were sold. Houses must face an existing borough street, this is how they were allowed to build in that area to begin with. Would be an expense to the borough. Even if a dirt road, some liquid fuels will be received for the existing layout when filed.
T. McNamara suggested waiting until the street number review by 911 is completed for borough. This is being worked on at county level. Suggestion well received, will wait and see as it would be an expense to borough otherwise.
When would Budget Committee be able to meet? The date selected is set for 9:00 AM September 30, 2002.
C. Bubacz represented the Borough Council at the dedication of the new bleachers at Island Park. The group asked that thanks for the help from the borough be relayed. This, she did.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Recreation report:
The pool is closed. Very busy with the hot weather crowds. The footbridge had been discussed.
T. Bogaczyk inquired about lighting for the rest rooms as they are pitch black as soon as it gets dark. There is electric to them, the bulbs must be out. G. Lloyd will check.
J. Ogden asked if the light had been fixed yet at the monument. This has been on 24 hours for a long time. D. Jones will fix it when he gets the part from G. Lloyd.
C. Freeberg had cleaned the statue at the monument. He did this as a Kiwanis project he said.
Recreation |
Fire Department report:
Television report:
Still trying to see 5 and 12, about rolling, he doesn't have it. J. Ogden reported explained he tried to find it, it was not rolling. Service Blue Ridge has been doing the. service calls since 1992. They will no longer provide service as of January 2003. Trying to find a company to take over. There will be much work done to get the mandated emergency band on for a cost of at least $20,000.00 and you have no choice but to do it.
Television |
Library report:
The sign was crooked. After digging down to put the one side up where had been, found a problem. Lots of work done. J. Ogden had received several calls on this. T. Bogaczyk was at the meeting when it was reported. There is a Building and Grounds Committee which was to take care of this. The NP Gas Company was contacted about the gas line.
The tree has been inspected after the branches cut, etc. Good so far.
Library |
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
Budget report:
NPHS Student Representative report:
Zoning report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary