
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes September 10, 2001 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Brian Laverty Absent
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Guests : |
Steve Gee and Tom McNamara from the Gridiron Club.
Agenda |
Minutes of the August 13, 2001 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Bleacher Proposal
S. Gee made presentation from Gridiron Club requesting Blossburg Borough act as agent, adopt a Resolution to apply for funding for new bleachers at Island Park. Also considering new press box and cement storage building (size not indicated).
Arrangements with Southern Tioga School District Board of Education would have to be made as facility is reserved for uses of District. Gee explained other activities besides football would benefit from increased seating in their (Gridiron Club) estimation.
If the cost of a new press box and/or storage would exceed what could be raised, these two items could be held for future development if necessary. The bleacher project is estimated at $176,000.00. The press box estimate of $30,000.00 is included in the presentation. This could be taken off if need be.
New bleachers would include handicap access as well as including any new safety requirements, increases seating for home and also visitor side. The grant requires a 50% match. Contacts are being made with various alumni working in fields where information and costs can be estimated through the activities such as this which they (alumni) deal with or have been dealing with in the past. These contacts would continue during the actual implementation if successful in getting the funding.
The grant application must be submitted by 14 October 2001 to be considered. The "Use Agreement" with S.T.S.D. must be renewed. Gee and McNamara plan to attend their meeting following the meeting with Council. If Council does wish to adopt the Resolution, this would be made part of their discussion with the S.T.S.D. Board this evening.
Gee said he is confident they can "come up with" $100,000.00. Work will be done by members of the club. Anyone wishing to help, if this is approved, will be welcomed.
The term "lease" as pertains to the facilities the school uses, is not allowed. "Use Agreement" must be on the papers agreed upon between the Blossburg Borough and Southern Tioga School District.
J. Ogden stated he would like to know "If we (Council-Borough) commit to applying for the grant; and, if you get the grant $80,000, and are not able to fulfill your obligation for the other $80,000 - where does that leave the Borough?"
Gee replied that it was a good question. He thought the Gridiron Club would have to float a loan or do something.
J. Ogden expressed his concern for the Borough being committed and end up having to be responsible for the funding, $80,000 which can not be fulfilled.
Written Agreement Required by Council
J. Bogaczyk advised Gee it would be the responsibility of the group to have their attorney draw up an agreement for the two parties. The agreement would say the Borough would not be responsible for the funding.
Gee said he would have to take this back to the committee as he does not feel that he can say yes. He said he did not anticipate this being a problem at this time.
J. Ogden said he is one hundred percent behind the project. But, the people elect you to take care of their money. This is a responsibility and when or if something comes up like this, you have to have a priority stating the borough is not going to get stuck with $80, or $40, or $20,000 if the project doesn't fly.
J. Bogaczyk pointed out there must be an agreement with the Club stating it will be responsible, not the Borough. Gee said he understood. Time does not allow for delays in this application submission. Thomas McNamara stated they could agree to this. Gee continued by adding, if the application does not get approved, the money raised would be put aside to do the project. Possibly the home side when the funding is available. They would want to have approval of Council to go ahead and do what can be done.
Motion Resolution
R. Kaminski made a motion, "That, we go along with these people to apply for the grant by adopting the Resolution applying for the grant; providing the safeguards are in place." Motion seconded by C. Bubacz. In favor: J. Bogazyk, J. Ogden, T. (Mrs.) McNamara, J. Holleman, R. Kaminski, C. Bubacz. Absent Laverty. Motion adopted.
WHEREAS, Blossburg Borough (applicant) desires to undertake the following project
Install bleachers at Blossburg Island Park and
WHEREAS, the applicant desires to apply to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ("Department") for a grant for the purpose of carrying out this project; and
WHEREAS, the application package includes a document entitled "Terms and Conditions of Grant," and a document entitled "Signature Page for Grant application and Grant Agreement"; and
WHEREAS, the applicant understands that the contents of the document entitled "Terms and Conditions of Grant including appendices referred to therein, will become the terms and conditions of a Grant Agreement between the applicant the the Department if the applicant is awarded a grant; and
WHEREAS, the applicant understands that by signing the "Signature Page for Grant Application and Grant Agreement" and submitting it to the Department as part of the grant application, the applicant agrees to the terms and conditions of the grant and will be bound by the Grant Agreement if the Department awards a grant.
NOW THEREFORE, it is resoulved that:
1. The official with the title of Council President is authorized to sign the "Signature Page for Grant Application and Grant Agreement" on behalf of the applicant.
2. If this official signed the "Signature Page for Grant application and Grant Agreement" prior to the passage of this Resolution, this grant of authority applies retroactively to the date of signing.
3. If the applicant is awarded a grant, the "Signature Page for Grant Application and Grant Agreement," signed by the above official, will become the applicant/grantee's executed signature page for the Grant Agreement, and the applicant/grantee will be bound by the Grant Agreement.
The gentlemen thanked the members for their actions and left to attend the STSD Board meeting to present their proposal.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing.
- Regionalization: Nothing.
- Street lighting: Mayor asked G. Lloyd if letter re moving lights. Not sent.
- Ordinances: Nothing further at this time.
- Monument repair: Letter from Mayor Emeritus John Kuster expressing concerns.
- Evaluation: Nothing
- Road study: Nothing yet from S. Bray.
- Telephone Display: Tabled 9 July 2001.
- Video Store - Motion was made seconded and passed to remove this item from the agenda.
- Trees at Island Park: The trees have been marked by R. Kaminski. Would like to have them looked at to see about the ones needing to be removed. Talked about ones on curve opposite pool being cut part of the way down.
New Business:
- EMTA letter: Request for donation to help with operations of buses. Mayor Backman as Chairman of Authority explained how the program worked. Motion by R. Kaminski; second, T. McNamara "To donate $100.00 to ETMA in response to request". All in favor.
- Coal Festival Request: Permission to use portion of plaza parking as in the past for Annual Fall Festival 20 October 2001 from 11 AM to 6 PM. Also, pet parade if planned in time to form behind 245 Main Street on parking area, proceed to plaza is requested by Coal Festival Committee. Motion by R. Kaminski; second, T. McNamara "To approve request". All in favor.
- Carman Fund Request: Notices sent requesting support D. Carman (Elkland) wife.
- TCAB Meeting: anyone attending please reserve. Knoxville to host.
- One more item announced by J. Bogaczyk with regret. A letter of resignation from Maurice L. Harman Chairman of the Municipal Authority. He and his wife are moving out of town. He has served for twenty-one years on the Authority.
If accepted, replacement must be found before end of thirty days. Several names have been put forward.
Motion by C. Bubacz; second, R. Kaminski "To accept resignation with deep regret". All in favor.
Contact has been made with David A. Jones. He has expressed a willingness to accept appointment. This means he can no longer serve on the Zoning Hearing Board if appointed to Authority.
Motion by C. Bubacz; second, R. Kaminski "To appoint David Jones to Municipal Authority". All in favor.
- Advertisement will be placed for person to replace D. Jones on Zoning.
- St. Andrew's Church of Blossburg will celebrate its 150th Anniversary on October 28, 2001.
Mayor report:
- Advised Council of discussions on water supply to the former Blossburg State Hospital location. This pertains to fact if supply of water is needed other than Borough uses at this time, this could be a backup source. Testing would be required and more facts in evidence presented. If this would be the case, the proposed landfill (dump) could not be put in as it would in all probability pollute the source and deny the borough clean water. Laurel Health System was contacted. No objection to the borough making further study. Discussed costs of developing well at this site. Concerns expressed over possible problems with the Rod and Gun Club well site.
- J. Bogaczyk reviewed the status of the dump site application which is now on hold for approximately six months due to procedure needed to be done by the applicants attorney.
- Costs regarding pumping to other areas of town brought up by R. Kaminski. Fracture zones, etc. explained. State had put the original well in. G. Lloyd had idea of when work done at old hospital. This must be researched as soon as possible.
- Motion "To look into the possible water source at former Blossburg State Hospital site (well) by checking with General Services Administration, any other sources for development of water supply for Borough", J. Ogden: second, C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Mayor |
Police report:
Complaints, Concerns:
- Discussed problems with people at Tabertown Apartment, children in streets. Also, people in former McNamara House on Main Street small child not supervised by curve, South Williamson Road, parking Liberty Street, tinted car windows.
- Police Department complimented for traffic handling for T.C.C.C. and volleyball at same time at school by J. Bogaczyk.
- HUD Letter:
Complaints at Tabertown discussed. HUD office sent letter to residents reference problems.
- B. Wilson Commended:
Letter from Women's Coalition commending Officer B. Wilson for assistance during difficult domestic situation has been received. Will be placed in his file.
- Rock Concert:
C. Bubacz asked about rock concert at KCC. Chief and Mayor were checking as well as officer on duty. No problems encountered. It went well.
- KCC Rentals:
Mayor reported Chief discussed rentals of KCC. The KCC is managed by B. Laverty as he was appointed by Council to be the Chairman of this.
- Sheet:
The sheet sign hung on the former Kaminski house advertising the concert was discussed. S. Ward to advise Faughnan this is not allowed.
- KCC:
B. Laverty will be contacted about future such activities in order that Council can be aware so questions directed to them may be answered.
- Yard Sales:
Yard sales, especially on Lynd Street. State Tax Authority contacted. Information has been received and will be able to check at any other time advertisement made. Information was directed to their office.
- Traffic:
C. Bubacz commented on traffic violations on South Williamson Road - stop sign not observed by driver, speed and passing of another. Chief will check.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
- The Borough Manager reported on the paint striping machine. The cost was shared with Mansfield Borough. The machine has been put to use and has proved to be very good as to saving time and doing the right job..
- Pension allocations $3,412.00 Police Non-Uniform Municipal Obligation $23,012.00 must be acted upon before September 30 each year. The PSAB Retirement handles the reports. Motion by C. Bubacz; second, R. Kaminski "To accept allocation". All in favor. (December required to State by Resolution Police Pension Contribution by pension fund members required or not required from individuals.) (Not required for Non-Uniform Fund)
- Discussion on samples of decal for vehicles presented for review. Municipal Authority has looked at these. Photos to be taken again in fall, Coalie Pickman not going to be used as possible suggestion before. . Motion by C. Bubacz; second, R. Kaminski "Accept Picture 1-A, 3A lettering". All in favor. Decal could be used for other items, also.
- J. Ogden reported many compliments on paving job this year, particularly Post Street. The people are very happy it is done.
- Requst received from NPHS (STSD) for permission to paint cross-walk on Carpenter Street for student parking lot from school. R. Kaminski commented, "providing they use it, not like football players walking in roads". This is just like the foundry problem on Taber Street. J. Ogden said he had to stop the vehicle. Coach should be advised about the football players. There is no problem for borough if cross-walk is painted at Carpenter Street.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- Discussed antique or classic cars need for inspections, etc. This came up because of problem with cars on Schuylkill Street.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- Advertise applications for United Fund. If applicants do not attend "envelope stuffing" will not receive any funding. The Board has worked on this before. T. McNamara is in charge 10/1/01.
- Meeting scheduled 24 September 01 after Sayre football game.
- Swimming pool closed for year.
- Thanks to Dave Jones for helping get the new play equipment put together. This equipment can be added on to.
Recreation |
Fire Department report:
- No minutes. C. Bubacz reported on meeting with them to look over building. Funds will be needed to help winterize, especially the doors. Plans to re-direct the heat, also supposed to advise what they will close off and not use. G. Lloyd said they plan to use the two offices with the outside access. Borough paying bills at this time. Looking charges to the townships for fees. Grants being looked into from sources to help to determine if building will be torn down and a new one put up; or what they will be doing. J. Bogaczyk said they would like the land but not the building.
Letter expected from Ambulance Company ref: deed of land to Ambulance Company and between Acorn which belongs to Borough. Nothing has been received on this. There is an agreement with the borough for a 99 year lease.
American Legion Post 572, Blossburg has pledged $1,000.00 this year to help with winterizing or heating building.
Fire Department |
Television report:
Library report:
- C. Bubacz reported Taber Grant received. New computer program for public to be advertised.
Library |
Street Committee report:
- Paving completed. G. Lloyd will have street sweeper to sweep up loose stuff by October 19. Will contact NTSWA about the upper part of White Street. License will be checked with NTSWA on this.
Street Committee |
K.C.C. report:
Budget report:
NPHS Student Representative report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Due to business to be continued with Solicitor meeting, meeting will not be adjourned.
Dismissed until 9:04 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary