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Borough Council Minutes
October 28, 2002
reconvened from October 14, 2002 meeting
6:31 PM
Attendance: Mayor John Backman

Council Members :
Council President, Jerome Ogden        
Vice-President, Tonya McNamara
James Holleman
Cheryl Bubacz
Raymond Kaminski
Timothy Roupp
Tom Bogaczyk

Borough Manager, George Lloyd
Borough Secretary, Sally Ward
Guests: Ginny Adams, Wellsboro Gazette.

Old Business continued:
  1. Ordinances: Advertised as required.

  2. Police Residency: Motion to adopt R. Kaminski; Second, T. McNamara. All in favor.

  3. Road Weight Restrictions: Motion to adopt C. Bubacz; Second, T. Roupp. All in favor.

  4. Executive Session called. Reconvened at 6:49 P.M.
    Discussion property. No action taken as a result of session.

  5. Monument: Morning of meeting for budget, contractor wanted to meet at site for inspection of the second round of work. After looked over by J. Ogden, Mayor, T. Bogaczyk, G. Lloyd recommend paying balance.

    Motion to pay balance on monument work T. Bogaczyk; Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.

  6. Dead Trees: Dead tree at monument site discussed. M. Ditchburn wanted to pay for the old tree to be removed, new put in, year guarantee. Changed her mind over night. Tree had been ordered and work done. Tree bill received.

    R. Kaminski complained about putting trees in with spruce dying. He recommends that if you plan to put one in go through committee. Noted cedar seems to be all right. Concerned that even after having just the year guarantee, it could happen the year after Will check in future even if tree is prominent place, and would be donated. He is worried about them.

  7. Monument Light: G. Lloyd reported D. Jones replaced part at site which kept the light on round the clock. There will be more work done in the spring, this will take care of that problem for now in front of the monument.

  8. Bleachers: Grant money $5,000.00 received from state, deposited to Borough as has to show for audit trail where, grants used. Question from Gridiron Club about having the money paid to them as they sent same amount to one of the contractors. P. Barrett pointed out some of the problems doing that. He needs to do some research on the matter due to the wage scale, etc. There had been a delay on advice of Solicitor because of a company not returning some necessary documents. This will be looked into by Barrett.

  9. Request from Manager for use of Council Room, 5 PM Nov. 19 meeting RE: Surface water supply DEP. No problem for use.

  10. Dr. Darby has agreed to serve as representative on the County Comprehensive Plan study. A notice of a meeting was received. Ward advised Council she would forward to him to see if he can attend.

  11. Unsafe Houses and Vehicles: Powell roof removed checking asbestos, then with permit will have controlled burn exercise by Fire Company to take rest down.

    M. Bogaczyk on Gulick Street property is a safety concern to all.

    Russell house North Williamson, redone. Up for sale.

    Trailer on East Creek R. Wilson moving back in. Will have to do inspection due to the shape it was in before he was back before borough notified.

    Robinson on Schuylkill Street must have hearing, was up for sale Tax Claim.

    Scrobak vacant on North Williamson Road, no reply, will have to notify again.

    If at all possible, letters to be sent to owners of cars not in compliance. Problem, must be able to go to inspections, etc. then have set time to go to District Justice to file. Not easy when the number of other applications for planning and zoning must be taken care of. Discussion on inspections.

  12. Zoning Hearing Board to convene Wednesday this week on Timothy Roupp request for variance for residential garage.

  13. Budget Inspection: Notice to advertise Budget inspection and intent to adopt 2003 Tax Ordinance after this reading:

    Motion to advertise R. Kaminski; Second, T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.

  14. Tax Ordinance 2003: Tax increase has been determined due to the cost of the replacement, after removal of existing footbridge, loss of wage taxes due to cutbacks at Wards, increase in insurances, etc.

  15. Insurances: T. Bogaczyk explained the changes which were recommended to the Council in order to insure pension eligibility to those employees over long period of time who would not, according to present language be eligible to designate beneficiaries. Ward noted that at one time, a provision had been made under the former contracts when her spouse passed away. T. Bogaczyk had examined the policies, and did not find any thing on this. Ward expressed her appreciation as the new language would also cover Mary, Leesa and George.

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No further business to discuss, meeting adjourned 7:12 P.M. to meet again in Regular Session 11 November 2002.
Sally Ward
Borough Secretary