
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes October 14, 2002 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, Jerome Ogden Vice-President, Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz (Absent) Raymond Kaminski Timothy Roupp (Absent) Tom Bogaczyk
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward Patrick Barrett Esq., Borough Solicitor Guests: Kevin Lindquist, Fire Chief and Ginny Adams, Wellsboro Gazette. |
Agenda |
Mayor Backman noted during Mayor's
Report, Pursuit Policy was incorrect - Personnel Policy is the one he reported.
Minutes of the September 9, 2002
Minutes accepted as corrected on motion of R. Kaminski
second T. McNamara, All in favor.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
GUESTS: Fire Chief Lindquist presented report of activity of department for previous month.
Proposed building plans for department furnished to members for their information. Discussed location on lot, etc. Nothing sure until the size of property for this purpose is decided.
R. Kaminski asked if anything had been discussed for finances. Chief and committees have been discussing this with the F.C.N.B. and there will be letters sent to residents as well as those persons in the
townships which the department serves. Fund raisers are being planned. Former residents who have expressed interest are also being contacted.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : View report
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing.
- Street Lighting:Mayor Backman explained costs and benefits if not a charge to change. Would save $1.500.00 per year at the rate now in place. Need to find out when the annual maintenance will be scheduled. How much cost involved, etc.
- Ordinances: Police/Streets set date for adoption: Have been advertised. The meeting will be reconvened 28 October 2002, at which time this action could be taken.
- Monument Repairs: Met with Kirby Webster who has agreed to return and do more work which was supposed to be done. Council had agreed to
pay half of bid when the first work completed. Hold balance until rest is done.
- Evaluation: Part of policy not adopted yet. P. Barrett is reviewing.
- Well old hospital: Discussed during Borough Manager Report.
- J. Bogaczyk, B. Laverty: Frames purchased for certificates, M. Signor typed.
- Rail road property maps: Discussed.
- Foot bridge: G. Lloyd working on costs for replacement. J. Bogaczyk brought some papers for him reference grant application.
- Cul-de-sac: Cul-De-Sac Granger Street/Minor Sub-Division B. Jones. A. Lindner - No papers.
- Cul-de-sac: Cul-De-Sac - Davis Lane - Mr. Barrett to work with G. Lloyd on this.
- Houses, Action Needed: Powell (Bank to remove). Russell completed: M. Bogaczyk very grave concern expressed by Ward; Scroback, no reply; Wilson Trailer, East Creek, G. Lloyd said he saw Wilson at the site, but did not have chance to tell Ward.
New Business:
Minor Sub-Division Legion - T. Bogaczyk South Williamson Road. Approved earlier.
Letters RE: County Comprehensive Plan, Northern Tier Sewage Enforcement, Emergency Communications.
Borough Comprehensive Plan: Contacted David Darby request from Council to 1represent Council at the meetings. He agreed.
Mayor contacted Advisory Committee ref: Communications as he is well versed in this as a result of Emergency Management, etc.
Northern Tier Sewage Enforcement letters had been sent to members. So far, no problems within borough. Some areas would have to use
their services if sewer lines not near property.
- TCAB meeting Mayor plans to attend. Please reserve if plan to go.
Mayor report:
Mr. Backman declared Trick or Treat hours for 6:00-8:00 P.M. October 31,2002. The Kiwanis annual parade request for the
permit to be obtained from PADOT was received from R. Kaminski. Permit will be applied for Motion by T. McNamara; Second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
A cycle ride had been sponsored, held in the Wellsboro area, to raise funds for the Wellsboro cheerleaders. They are going to Florida to participate in the national cheer leading contest. He
mentioned this as he knows of no other school in the county which is in this. The reporter had not heard of that. He will mention this at the TCAB meeting for possible recognition from the group for encouragement to the participants. This is a significant event. T. Bogaczyk commented he had seen that on television. A former borough resident had told L. Lazouras about the employment he and his wife enjoy. It is going around the country to judge this. It is a well paid position he told her plus the travel experiences.
This was mentioned by the Mayor as a point of pride for the county. He did not request any funding for the group, just recognition.
Mayor |
Police report:
Report accepted Motion by T. McNamara; Second T. Bogaczyk. All in favor. R. Kaminski had commented the report didn't give him much information. Chief Steffen asked what he wanted. This is the program that had been developed for the report, discussion of what he wants. Chief said he can do instead. T. Bogaczyk remarked some things have been open since the month before, no report following month as to what was done, or if completed. Criminal complaints sometimes take as much as six months or more to be finalized by the system. T. Bogaczyk knew this was something he noted as the reference is not completed over a period of reports. Not closed until the fines are paid, if they have to be. Sometimes, they pay small amounts for months.
A call to 911 required an officer to go on the school roof at 1 A.M., another situation through Family Services to help a young person so even with a child" she could continue going to school. T. Bogaczyk said he had discussed the patrol at school when it lets out, was
pleased to see letter from Mr. Lindner expressing thanks for the help from the Chief.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
Report accepted Motion T. McNamara, Second J. Holleman. All in favor.
R. Kaminski noted most of the time had been spent the prior month for the Municipal Authority project. Very involved
installation of new equipment had to be monitored very closely at all times during work required. Nearly done he was glad to report. It has been very difficult and time consuming. The Council President asked when they could have a tour. G. Lloyd said they could come at any time.
Bottom of well at hospital site was reached at 432'. Pumping set at 250', safe yield 50 gallons a minute. Have to do tests for water quality. Further adjustments to be checked into. Must see if cost would be justified to go to the well.
A copy of a letter from Albert Lindner regarding the cul-de-sac Granger Street. Discussion. As T. McNamara had suggested at a previous meeting, this may be out of the control of the borough when the 911 system is put into the county as to emergency services, etc. P. Barrett added, there is an application which must be completed by A. Lindner and B. Jones on the matter of the minor subdivision and the cul-de-sac. Suggestion reported was if he objected to persons going into the drive, put up sign private driveway. People are curious about the development in the area after no activity in this part of borough for many years except for the new homes in the subdivision. This will be put on hold to await the
911 information. Costs were discussed last month pertaining to process to put in ordinance about this. The North Williamson Road Cul-De-Sac has caused no problems. Discussed use to pick up garbage, plow for snow, etc.
Resolution required each year recorded in the minutes as to Police Pension contributions. Must state if the
officer(s) are required to donate to the fund. Actuary studies indicate this is not required. RESOLUTION "That the B1ossburg Borough Police who are employed full time are not required to pay into Police Pension Fund"
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Everyone had a copy of the section of the map for a minor subdivision/lot addition on South Williamson Road property of American Legion Post 572 to Timothy & Kathy Bogaczyk. located at the rear of the property to square their lot. This had been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, forwarded to the County Planning Commission for review. This is now ready for Council action. Motion "To approve application", R. Kaminski; Second. T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
T. Roupp of Gulick Street, application for residential garage review due to flood elevations. Recommended by
Planning Commission for action of Zoning Hearing Board. Meeting scheduled. advertised, notices to be sent out to neighbors, also.
Ward has once again asked review of side lot line in a Commercial District review. Questions still asked re: corner Main Lynd Streets building. Properly measured Side Lot Lines to insure not in radius of street 1ines as required; but, other places could have the same applications for buildings. Sidewalk discussed. also. The project is
not completed in all aspects. The applicants attended the planning commission meetings any time they have any questions on construction. Very co-operative which is not always the case in other areas with property owners. Appreciation expressed to them by the Commission in these instances. Sidewalks discussed by R. Kaminski, need for defining regulations on this and any other. Mayor was advised that the sidewalks will be in. They had also discussed the curb alignment in that area. There is a Street Committee which could check this out to see if any changes would be better than as written now.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
Lloyd reported the main business of the meeting was mailing out the applications for United Fund. There was help from the groups after T. McNamara had advertised the purpose of the meeting. It seemed to go very well and quickly.
An application was submitted by the Southern Tioga Gridiron Club for permission to place a building next to the existing storage building. R. Kaminski questioned the 10' space between. He had suggested another way to go. The size is 24' x 36'. .Lloyd said he has contacted the surveyor for flood elevation review. Recreation recommends application approval. J. Holleman advised members when the Coal Festival applied for permission to place a shed, it was denied. T. Bogaczyk said this was not a shed. J. Holleman explained it was not just a shed discussed. That was a mistake in his statement. Ward remembered the Committee had been searching for a proper place to put the proposed Coal Museum with storage. That was the request which was denied. The Council had stated they did not want any other buildings because there would be the possible vandalism and increase in insurance to be paid by borough. The Fire Department had at one time tried to get permission to place a building for their purposes, too. That was denied. The Mayor asked if this proposed building is the one they are talking about to put showers in for the visiting teams. It is not he was told. P. Barrett talked about an application he had been involved with for a park. T. Bogaczyk in reference to S. Ward asking if Club could keep building in it's name so they could pay insurance and maintain it, said the insurance would not be that much for storage buildings, would be if showers. etc. included.
T. Bogaczyk stated if the $15.000.00 building is to be given to borough, he
thinks it is a pretty good deal. Motion "To approve request to place building at park" T. Bogaczyk; Second. R. Kaminski. Roll Call Vote: T. Bogaczyk. T.
McNamara. R. Kaminski. J. Ogden in favor. Nay - J. Holleman for reason stated. Motion carried. T. Bogaczyk said that was a whole different issue. should be brought up again.
T. McNamara asked if reporter could comment on lack of pay telephone booth at park. The booth by the KCC had been removed due to the number of times there was much vandalism which required repairs. When they are working at the events at the park in the building, they can not have people coming in to use the phone. The public should be aware that the phone is not there for the reason stated. At one time, the booth was pushed over. Cell phones are in use, but not everyone has one to use. Problems come up if there is something at the pool, or if someone is walking and would need assistance.
Recreation |
Fire Department report:
Television report:
Library report:
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
Budget report:
NPHS Student Representative report:
Zoning report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Meeting will not adjourn as there are some items to be completed. The meeting dismissed 9:05 P.M. to reconvene 28 October 2002 at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA. Sally Ward Borough Secretary