Borough Council Minutes October 8, 2001 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden Tonya McNamara Pro-Tempore James Holleman Absent Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Brian Laverty Absent
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Guests : |
Jeremy, Greg, Kathy Brooks / Dean Hall
Senior Project
The Senior Project proposed by Jeremy Brooks was detailed by him. There would be a sign welcoming persons to the Island Park. He had drawings, descriptions, requests that the Blossburg Borough would maintain the landscaping around it, and of the sign in the future. He would need a written approval of Council.
G.Lloyd explained to him that he would first need to present this to the Recreation Board as Island Park is managed by the Board. Council approval after.
Discussion on cost, type of sign, location at entry by Water Street,on the park proper, where sign being made, etc.,sign 4' x 8', 6-8' off ground.
Motion of Jerome Ogden; second, C. Bubacz "That the Borough approve the request of Jeremy Brooks to place a sign on Island Park. Also, that Borough-eventual1y take over sign and care of area." All in favor.
The guests thanked Council and left the meeting.
Borough Solicitor
Borough Solicitor Barrett was on his way to another meeting. However, be had information to relay concerning the property on Parkhurst status due to the bankruptcy-with the notices not being responded to. Title search and status of the filing to be gone into further. Item two is the cul-d-sac on Davis
Street. He will again speak with Kuzneski' attorney. Kuzneski had claimed the neighbors stated something different. To the Borough's knowledge, none of the neighbors has said they want it changed. Item three concerns the
proposed landfill adjacent to the borough on East Creek Road. He appeared for the Borough of Blossburg at the hearing at the NP High School. Status is not changed. The Waste Resources Management attorneys have filed against the part of the ordinance-or all of it-for zoning of Hamilton Township.
Following some questions and answers on the three items, he left the meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Agenda |
Minutes of the September 10, 2001 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Reports : |
Mayor : No report
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : No report
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing.
- Regionalization: The Feasibility Study prepared by Scott Bray had been looked at by J. Bogaczyk. He said he has questions, he is confused by several comments, findings, conclusions. R. Kaminski pointed out that many problems they have in Hamilton Township's water system would have to be all resolved before the borough could ever consider taking their system on. He pointed out several inaccuracies as did Mayor Backman. Arnot was discussed in the report in some places. Ageement not required at this time.
- Street lighting: No report.
- Ordinances: Nothing further at this time.
- Monument repair: More companies to be contacted. Legion will help.
- Evaluation: Nothing
- Road study: Bray outline of requirements to perform services read by G. Lloyd. J. Ogden made the motion, "That G. Lloyd contact S. Bray to obtain price for study and work", second, by T. McNamara. In favor J. Ogden. T. McNamara. J. bogaczyk; Opposed-R. Kaminski. Motion carried 3-1. (Absent Laverty, Holleman, left meeting C. Bubacz)
- Telephone Display: Tabled 9 July 2001.
- Water Study Hospital: Quality of water needs to be tested. G. Lloyd will check on the prices for this.
- Zoning Hearing Board Vacancy: Names suggested (1) James Roupp;
(2) Paula Wieczorek; (3) Gary Ruberto (4) Judy Roupp; (5) Beverly Jones;
(6) Kathy Brooks; (7) Bruce Toothaker .
James Roupp will be contacted first. If he does not express interest continue list. Advertisement had been made. No one called in answer. Ward commented that some people think these jobs are big jokes. They are not.
New Business:
- Parade Permit: Permission to hold Pet Parade during Fall Festival granted on motion of J. Ogden; second, T. McNamara. All in favor.
- Thank you from John G. Kuster for rememberance during hospital stay.
- Book being prepared for the l50th Anniversary of St. Andrew's Church. A motion to put full page by Council made by R. Kaminski; second, J. Ogden. All in favor. Discussed if logo would be available for this. J. Bogaczyk will make outline for what to be put on the page.
- "People of Honor" announcement. A film presented at NPHS will
be 10 October 2001. This film is very powerful concerning many people of the area and their contribution to our country.
- Question from people about the billboard being put up so high near the new US 15 at the south end of town. The property is out of the borough so no permit was applied for here. Many negative comments about the way it blocks the view.
Police report:
- Chief reported the Head Start students have been fingerprinted. The children were given books from the F.O.P. on safety.
- The Chief put a coat rack to hold the uniforms which are not being. If new people are hired, the uniforms will be readily available to check to see if they can be used.
- Walmart store called to request officer to be at the store for a one day program. The program also had Game Commission persons to take part in a gun safety presentation.
- J. Bogaczyk advised the members a letter of commendation from the H.U.D. office was received for the file. Thanks were extended for the manner in which a situation was taken care of at the Taber Street project. Officer Bradley Wilson was on duty at the time.
- Also, they had received complaints from some of the residents at that project who are not getting along with the other residents. All claim they are not being treated the way they would like.
These people have been asked to come to the office to file a written complaint for the records. The complaint could be evaluated for proper response. This they have not done.
- Some of the complaints have been dealing with things their kids get into at school. They claim Mr. Lindner does not handle things. The Chief said this is not so. They have Probation called in when it is necessary. Students must be with Mr. Lindner to answer the complaints. Thad Thompson is the officer at the school who has worked closely wi the school and the department.
(C. Bubacz had to leave at 7:15)
- Traffic at school, activities reported at the laundromat were touched on. With criminal complaints being worked on, the Chief has not been able to patrol at the school each day.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
- Flag pole for borough discussed. Will meet with with committee in AM to discuss placement, sources. American Legion Post 572 offers to help defray cost.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- Action taken to approve Kaminski 3 applications. Presented for Council action at this meeting as Tioga County review is complete, recommends approval.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- United Fund work continues. T. McNamara continues to do fine job. Good response to meeting to stuff envelopes.
- R. Kaminski asked if it would be possible for information to be given to the Council in advance of meetings. He stated it seems
time is not given for Council to review such large plans as the bleachers. Members are entitled to know what they are to deal with. He would also like to see a projected plan for the projects which may be in the making-the sign, etc. It seems everything is just put all over the place and no order.
A plan of the park with drawings has been made in the past. He would like to see exact sizes of buildings on the map and any other information which would help with future plans.
Island Park - R. Kaminski - Items he has noticed: Bob & Marian Jones Memorial not completed, wood not finished right it is turning black; H. Franke clock, John Davies Memorial garden looks like it has not been weeded in two years, no pins showing where we own.
The Jones Memorial had some corrections on it which needed to be completed before this is all done. Belawski (landscape) works on the Davies site twice a year. Probation has had people on the park to do tasks and they have worked there the Chief said. Maps have been done for applications for grants. The Mayor Emeritus did one hand designed map which located the structures on the park. When discussing applying for the walking trail grant, either Scott Bray of another person was hired to do that. The
Kaminski pavillion and new playground equipment have not been put on the map.
Bleachers at site now were discussed. Use of present ones if new ones put in, could be for softball, Little League, basketball or if outside entertainment put on. It is hoped some use is made.
Recreation |
Fire Department report:
- No notes have been received of meetings. G Lloyd reported work is being done at the building. No new location has been found. Discussion of use of borough property without the building has been brought up.
Fire Department |
Television report:
- Questions have been asked about the "flashing" on and off
on several lines. Steve Gee works for Blue Ridge. He said the standard answer is atmospheric conditions cause these.
Television |
K.C.C. report:
- R. Kaminski asked if B. Laverty would be giving anyone a report
on the building. He submitted a written report at the end of
the first year the KCC Committee was appointed. J. Bogaczyk asked if any other activities had been heard about like the one (bands) Uses that was held. A dance was held and admission charged by a group trying to become established. R. Kaminski noted non-profit groups use the building for fund raisers. The dance which cost $5.00 each was not a non-profit group. R. Kaminsk asked if this was appropriate. The two different groups discussed paid their rental fees to be able to use the KCC. Question as what Recreation says about building use raised by R. Kaminski. J. Bogaczyk reminded him that the Recreation Board turned the management of the KCC back to the Borough. Council then appointed KCC Committee which B. Laverty was willing to take over. He has turned operating costs and repairs around. The money from any rentals is used strictly for the building.
The Chief had made personal contact with both groups who did the music. They were co-operative and went over conduct rules which the Chief explained to him must be followed. He had no problems with the people in charge, no problems at the Island Park as a result of the concert, dance. J. Bogaczyk suggested contacting Brian and discussing these questions with him. R. Kaminski said we should have a policy. The Chief added they must be advised that Police Department must be contacted, patrol advised, etc.
J. Ogden pointed out that the expenses and building problems have been turned around by Brian's efforts. He would like to be sure that these questions do not cause anyone to feel that all the work has not been unnoticed. J. Bogaczyk added he would agree as would everyone else who knows what has been done is well aware of these facts. He does think that the question about other than non-profit groups should be talked about. R. Kaminski asked if the borough, as owner, would be liable insurance wise if a commerical user had problems.
R. Steffen suggested a form such as when anyone wants to canvass in town, could be used. J. Bogaczyk said he was sure Brian knows these things. Comparison made by Steffen of when J. Kelly wanted to bring the company in with furniture at his property. S. Ward said this would be better than on the street. The Chief said it had been parents asking the questions about these activities with the music groups mainly. The Mayor was at the park many times during the first evening as he had been asked questions about the activity. He reported that no problems were encountered when he was there.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
- The new assessments not being settled are the reason two sets of figures are being worked on. More work will have to be done. If the figures given by the county are near right, with the change required by law, the 19 mills General Fund purposes would drop to 5.22; Fire purposes from 1.45 to .045; Library from .55 mills to .0037. First reading will have to be held
at the regular meeting on 12, November. Some places are observing Veterans Day that Monday. The Borough is not closed that day. The Tax Ordinance must be adopted prior to 31 December 2001. Next meeting 23 October at 9:00 A.M. here. Ward will see if any new figures are available on properties such as the foundry.
Budget Committee |
NPHS Student Representative report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:
- The Company will be forwarding information for review. (C. Bubacz would be interested in doing disks for Boro)
Ordinance Update Committee

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary