Celeste Levindoski and Mary Chilson attended the meeting to express concerns about the road condition ie. visibility, pot holes, width, speeding, recreation vehicles, lighting, (Both noted that more people are living there 7 houses) on Granger Street towards Laurel Youth Services area. Commented people are on the road now with families in area, visitors to homes, etc.
C. Levindoski said the roads in the Kaminski Sub-Division off South Williamson Road are paved. She wondered why Granger was not. The ladies were advised that Raymond Kaminski paid for all the paving and improvements in the South Mountain Subdivision to which they refer.
J. Ogden advised them the Street Committee would go to the site and check this out. He will ask the Police Department to check on the safety concerns such as speeding, etc. The Borough Manager will also accompany them.
The dip by the Frederick property towards the next street (Taylor before the intersection by St. Andrew's Church) is pretty noticeable especially when you are dodging potholes and clipping right along, it would not take much for a tire to go over the side and cause an accident. The ATV traffic has been increasing. M. Chilson said she feels sort of responsible for that as people were used to going up to the woods by going right through the property they brought where the road would be used if the other lots above it are developed. Their lots go from one side of the road to the, other in one area. It seems that they are going to other places now they have their home built. They don't want to see anyone get hurt. Questions on gas line and sluice pipes to Council.
It was pointed out the police car can not catch these ATVs. Also, they are still not to be on the roads. The Chief explained the dangers. Both ladies commented about dirt bikes and motorcycles passing cars. It is worse on holidays and weekends. The Mayor said ATVs are supposed to have licenses now. They were not looking for the plates, they said. T. Bogaczyk said he had looked into this, also. The Mayor is right.
Mayor asked Chief to contact Forestry Department. There has been more work being done as concerning things happening on State Game Lands. The problem with the ATVs could be discussed with that department, perhaps they can help.
As to the gas line, G. Lloyd said he thinks the one talked about is an old one. Ben Jones had been approached by the residents about the sluice, nothing has been done they said.
The sluice pipe is the responsibility of the property owner G. Lloyd commented.
Levindoski asked when the road might be paved. She was advised it would have to be when funds are available.
The ladies thanked them for their attention. They left at 7:47 P.M. They were advised the Street Committee would meet on 12 November 2002 at 12:30 P.M. to look at the site. Levindoski asked about the sub-division ordinance. She was advised - as was M. Chilson - the ordinance could be copied if they wish to do it. The road through Chilsons is the access to the higher lots. B. Jones could not develop any of those lots until the lower 7 were completed. That was the agreement in order that B. Jones be allowed to develop the lots at all. (Utilities concerns)
Fire Chief K. Lindquist reported the activities of the department for the past month. Nothing new on the building. They meet with another contractor next week. Until property settled and they have a survey done, they can not mark where building will be on the lot. The Mayor had suggested they put sticks up to show the location, this was the reason they can not.
Executive Session called 7:23 PM at the request of Borough Solicitor. Meeting reconvened 8:04 PM. Property, personnel discussed. No decisions reached.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : View report
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing.
- Street Lighting: Need to do review to see where new lights needed cul-de-sac etc.
- Ordinances: Work needs to be done on several to bring up to date and correct.
- Monument Repairs: Work completed. Motion to remove from Agenda. R. Kaminski; Second. J. Holleman. All in favor.
- Evaluation: Solicitor to review with Lloyd.
- Well old hospital: G. Lloyd reported numbers are being looked at by M/Auth.
- J. Bogaczyk, B. Laverty: Contact when ready for presentation. Possibly have some social time and have both attend. If possible, December. G. Lloyd checking. Certificates ready.
- Rail road property maps: Waiting for deed information, price.
- Footbridge: Discussed earlier.
- Cul-de-sac: Cul-De-Sac Davis Lane - Solicitor
- Houses, Action Needed: Powell - waiting for asbestos permit; Robinson, M. Bogaczyk - Solicitor to get together with Ward.
- A. Lindner - RE: Granger Street. Letter had been received, forwarded for Council review. Discussion held. Nothing to be done until information received from 911 numbering plan.
- County Comprehensive Plan: Dr. Darby will represent Council at their request.
- Emergency Communications: Mayor attended meeting. Report on change needed for digital system, however, not everyone can afford this Will be meeting again. He will be attending as he was appointed to group, will report himself. Motion to remove from Agenda R. Kaminski; Second T. Bogaczyk All in favor.
- Gridiron Club Building Island Park: Determined not in flood plain. G. Lloyd working on it. Will need regular permit. Motion to remove from Agenda. T. McNamara; Second C. Bubacz. All in favor.
- Tax Ordinance 2003: Advertised for adoption at December meeting when time frame met as required.
- Items Cul-De-Sac - Minor Sub-Division B. Jones - A. Lindner. G. Lloyd said he would contact them on this to get it finished off.
New Business:
Letter EMTA - Request for donation if possible. Discussed the services offered. Noted request also received after Budget preparation. C. Bubacz pointed out they do not ask for an amount, nor did they last year. J. Backman is the Chairman so he was able to enlighten the members on the items listed in the letter.
Motion to send $200.00 T. Bogaczyk; Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor. In the letter of transmittal a request for information to be sent by September 2003 so consideration can be given and included in budget projections.
Mayor report:
Mayor Backman contacted PADOT with his concerns about the on-off ramp on the new highway. Accidents including a fatality have happened already. He realizes if people would obey the laws, this could be avoided. Unfortunately, many people do not. It appears there are two lanes coming out of town. Comment from R. Kaminski, people pullover to avoid rumble strips heading out of town and people try to pass, etc. Will discuss this, also.
Howitzer at park in bad shape. Senior project request from Andrew Johnston of Arnot to be allowed to do repairs as his project. Discussion on what needs to be done. Safety concerns expressed if it were to fall on someone. Needs to be supervised while doing it. Not a problem with Council if he does this and takes precautions. T. McNamara explained the project is not supervised by the school. The senior project is their own responsibility.
Mayor |
Police report: |
Borough Manager's report:
Report accepted Motion T. McNamara, Second T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Discussed project at sewer treatment plant now with things going well so far. Winding down now with things going well so far.
T. Bogaczyk asked about people off ill and class - not all same people G. Lloyd explained.
Time to advertise for vehicle fuel bids. Motion to seek bids R. Kaminski; Second, C. Bubacz. All in favor. Advertisement will be made for opening at December 2002 meeting.
When blacktop applied, a roller has been rented at $750.00 per week. Used two to three weeks each time it is rented.
S. Lisowski has one in good condition with a trailer to haul it. He would sell it for $2,500.00 for the two items. Motion to purchase items from Lisowksi by C. Bubacz; Second, T. Bogaczyk All in favor. Lloyd will have an opportunity to try it out, if it is what is needed, he will go ahead with the purchase. C. Bubacz noted the Manager does not need permission if it is under $10,000.00 for what he wants. Lloyd said he just likes to check with Council.
Footbridge: Working on grant application for the bridge. C. Bubacz contacted Senator Scarnati's office. Paper work should be here this week. She has also submitted to the Tabor Foundation for funds.
R. Kaminski asked about the type of bridges being looked at. He has suggested contacting Strange about the type of bridge worked with. Discussion on feasibility of putting a roof on to protect deck eliminate costs for shoveling. etc.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Meeting held. One application for minor sub-division, the property is located on Granger Street, Kuzneski (Betty)
where tree farm is located next to old hospital. The lot is where the house is located which her grandson and family live. The application was forwarded to the county for review with approval recommended by the Commission.
Chairman Darby asked why the map was on the wall in the Council Room. It is not up to date, should be redone. The changes in zoning have been included in the ordinance amendments. A large map would be helpful with changes. When Comprehensive Plan was adopted which included the maps, changes were made. Since then there are more. Need to send to consultant for updates. Ward has done quite a lot of research on the project.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
Fire Department report:
Television report:
Meeting will be 12 November 2002. Still rolling on 5 and 12. Not the sets opinion of subscribers although that is the reason given by repair company. Hope to have news on new company to do repairs. Submitted letters requesting waiver from the requirement for notice on screen due to small size of company. If granted, will save approximately $20,000.00 for everyone involved.
Television |
Library report:
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
Budget report:
NPHS Student Representative report:
Zoning report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:
Meeting adjourned 8:19 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary