Mayor : Mayor John Backman contacted John Carlson of DEP, Air Quality Management Specialist.
He informed the Mayor that Pennsylvania has no regulations on outdoor burners. Mr. Carlson stated the main problem with the outdoor burners is the small particles coming out of the chimneys and then these particles getting into the lungs, especially when wood is being burned. Mr. Carlson agreed that putting the chimneys up higher would help solve some of the problems, but this wouldn't make the problem go away. If Blossburg Borough makes an ordinance on these outdoor burners and someone put theirs in a building/small shed, like some property owners have done in the area, this needs to be addressed in the ordinance. Also, before an ordinance is passed, the outdoor burners that have been in existence should have a grandfather clause. Another comment from John Carlson, Pennsylvania has a Constitution Right for Clean Air Act and if a person wanted to pursue these matters he/she could take this person to court under a civil action. After a discussion, the outdoor burner ordinance is under advisement.
Mayor Backman concerned about speeders on North and South Williamson Road. He suggested maybe having the PSP help with traffic control by using radar in these areas. Chief Ronald Steffen to contact the State Police about giving Blossburg Borough some help.
Police : Everyone had received a copy of the report.
The Police report was accepted on motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Mr. Kaminski referred to the parking of a tractor-trailer on Lynd Street. The parking of this vehicle on Lynd Street is causing a dangerous situation when it comes to blocking emergency vehicles getting through to this area. The existing Blossburg Borough Ordinances to be reviewed covering weight limits, etc. Chief Steffen to contact owner of tractor-trailer and ask him to make other arrangements for parking his vehicle.
Chief Steffen reported the gun-safety locks have been going well. There are only 2,000 locks left. Chief hopes to give many more of the gun-safety locks out at the Blossburg Coal Festival.
Borough Manager : Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Tonya McNamara. All in favor.
Cheryl Bubacz asked about the garbage truck being broke down. Mr. Lloyd
reported the truck has problems, but seems to being running alright now.
A discussion held about the Spring Cleanup and how it was going, as well as the cost of the cleanup. There is a concern of other outside residents bringing in their trash as well. The Blossburg residents seem to be appreciative of this yearly event.
On East Creek Road there are some shady spots next to the road that need to be opened up to sunlight. There are a few trees on State Forest Lands that need to be removed. Borough Manager contacted Forestry. The Department of Forestry will come here with a permit to cut the trees. The Borough will pay Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the logs. The Borough will bid out trees to a logger. The Borough should get their money back with the purchase of the logs. Motion for allowing the Borough Manager to have the cutting and disposing of trees on East Creek Road was made by Raymond Kaminski; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Borough Manager George Lloyd reported logging to be done on East Hill by Harold House next year sometime. The property to be logged is owned by The Owls Nest. The Owls Nest also has purchased two lots up on Parkhurst Street for the purpose of using the lots for access to the land being logged. Mr. House will be coming off hill by way of Parkhurst Street, North to Seymour Street, turn by St. Andrews Church onto Granger Street and then down by the school. Councilmembers are concerned with safety issues, especially with the logging trucks going by the school. President Jerome Ogden suggested Council setup a meeting with Mr. House to discuss concerns of the proposed logging trail for East Hill.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission :
Meeting of April 27, 2004. Reviewed and approved Brett Russell, 146
North Williamson Road request for a Paint Ball Sales and Service w/sign out front.
Council questioned if Mr. Russell's request is a home occupation. Borough Solicitor to check Borough Ordinance to see if the Paint Ball Sales and Service falls under the description of home occupation. Mr. Russell's request to be discussed at the next Council Meeting scheduled on June 14, 2004.
Discussion held on the property located at 155 North Williamson Road owned by John Berguson. This home has a Web-Site and is being used for business purposes. This business was never approved. Borough Solicitor to check on the Berguson business.
The Planning Commission approved a Resolution opposing the proposed dump in Hamilton Township.
Borough Solicitor to do a new Resolution for the new proposed dump in Hamilton Township for the Borough of Blossburg.
Zoning Hearing Board: Scheduling for Russell home occupation.
Tentative date is June 16, 2004.
Recreation : No minutes received.
A walk around was done on April 26, 2004.
Bike rodeo was approved. To be held on the blacktop between the pool and the new pavilion.
The cost to survey the existing Little League field will be spilt with Recreation and Little League. This survey is to see if there is enough area to make field regulation size.
The soccer field will be set up on the softball field, where it is fenced in.
New wood chips will be placed on playground areas.
Island Park cleanup went well. Tioga County Probation Department did an excellent job in their cleanup efforts. Thank you to all that helped with the Island Park cleanup. All was greatly appreciated.
Tonya McNamara suggested to put all tree name plaques on one plaque behind visitor bleachers.
Fire Department : No report received. Kevin Lindquist to be contacted about reports.
Police: Nothing further to report.
Television : Meeting to be held tomorrow night, May 11, 2004. Channels 3 and 6 are bad. Tower, antennas and emergency channel are top priorities.
Library : Thomas Bogaczyk reported the School District was contacted in writing to see if they could be included in their budget because of the big cuts to Library funding.
The library got the Taber Grant they applied for.
Street Committee : Borough streets need to be checked for tar and chipping. Approximately two (2) miles to be done. Mr. Lloyd to evaluate streets first and then forward information to the Street Committee. Work to be done July - August.
Blacktopping to be done around Pedestrian Bridge before dedication. Also, Plaza parking lot to be done. With the digging out of ground and the new blacktopping 15-20 more parking spaces should be available for use in the plaza parking lot.
K.C.C. : Raymond Kaminski reported the KCC are still working on a new heating system for the
building. Heating system to be cast iron baseboard instead of copper. This type of heating system holds more water and heats more efficiently.
Raymond Kaminski to donate wainscoting.
NPHS Student: No student yet. Tonya McNamara to contact STSD for a student next year.
Committee Business Development: Meeting of April 21, 2004 in the basement of the Blossburg Memorial Library. There is another meeting scheduled this Wednesday, May 12, 2004 to set goals for business area.
Tonya McNamara asked about the costs of getting the project going. The organization is trying to keep track of where they use what (paper, envelopes, making copies, etc.) The Blossburg Improvement Association will help with costs. Borough Council agreed to help with costs, also. The Borough will benefit from any improvements this organization may bring about.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Pedestrian Bridge: Dedication is May 27, 2004 at 5:30 P.M. Invitations will be sent to donors.
Jerome Ogden would like to work on a history of the bridge. Anyone with information or pictures would greatly be appreciated.
Tonya McNamara is working on a Health Fair by the new Pedestrian Bridge.
There are several interested organizations to participate. She will know more in the next two weeks.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Nothing to report.
- Building Codes: Ordinance for adoption of the International Residential Code for One-and Two-Family Dwellings needs to be advertised in May w/the Public Hearing & Adoption in June. Motion to advertise Ordinance for adoption of the International Residential Code for One-and Two-Family Dwellings in May w/the Public Hearing & Adoption in June was made by Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
- Old Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor and Borough Manager to review and check into selling of property.
- Sale of Old Ambulance Building: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett to re-advertise. Accept bids and review at the regular scheduled Council Meeting on June 14, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. in the Blossburg Borough Council Room. Bids should be in by 4:00 P.M. on June 14, 2004.
- Decorating Community Christmas Tree: Tonya McNamara to contact North Penn High School for an interested school organization willing to take over the decorating.
- Farmers Market: A few people are interested in being vendors for the proposed Farmer's Market. Insurance needed by borough. A set of rules should be made up. All products are to be homemade or home grown. No fees will be charged. A permit will be required, which can be picked up at the Borough office. Jerome Ogden suggested a Resolution be made up covering the Farmer's Market and to go into effect as soon as possible.
Borough Solicitor to do Resolution.
- Electric System Assessment: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett reviewing a preliminary report from Quad 3 Group. Mr. Barrett is seeking additional information from other sources.
- Dollar General Survey: Borough Solicitor to prepare necessary documents and advertise the necessary Ordinances. Bastian's to do survey work.
- House Condemnation: The home located at 128 North Williamson Road roof has collapsed. Neighbors' reporting feral cats living in home. Property owner to be contacted.
New Business:
911 Street Review: Review streets for mistakes. Dyer Street spelled incorrectly. Borough Manager to send corrections. web-site: Councilmembers concerned about the use of the web-site comment/question section being used for comments other then what it was set up for. Suggested taking comment section off. Tonya McNamara will discuss the Councilmembers concerns on Wednesday, while she is meeting with Webmaster for another meeting.
- Coal Festival - May 26 to 29, 2004.

ADJOURNMENT: President Jerome Ogden closed the meeting at 8:30 P.M.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary