
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes May 13, 2002 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, Jerome Ogden Vice-President, Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Timothy Roupp Tom Bogaczyk
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward Patrick Barrett Esq., Borough Solicitor Guests: Charles Freeberg, KCC Building; David Jones and Beverly Jones, Main Street; Jennifer Perry, Wellsboro Gazette Reporter; and joining later Kevin Lindquist, Fire Chief. |
Agenda |
Minutes of the April 8, 2002
Minutes accepted on motion of R. Kaminski
second T. Bogaczyk, All in favor.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
GUESTS: Introduction of Jennifer Perry, new Wellsboro Gazette reporter. Patrick Barrett Esquire, Borough Solicitor. Charles Freeberg, Kevin Lindquist
Executive Session convened 7:23 PM Council Reconvened 8:07 PM No Council action required - Discussion on personnel matters, litigation.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : No report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing. Authority would like to be paid for all its work for sewer and water to the site. TV not paid either Mr. Ogden reported.
- Water Study Hospital: G. Lloyd reported suggested looking at other site due to proximity of building. Jones concerned about pump.
- Street lighting: No report.
- Monument repair: $778.00 in savings since 1970s No work started yet expects first of June start.
- Evaluation: Nothing
Bleacher Project: Discussed earlier.
New Business:
- TCAB Liberty Please reserve tomorrow.
- Parade - Contact Mr. Faughnan.
Mayor report:
Request for Council to hire as full time officer Chad Buttorff who has been employed as part-time officer (7 January 2002). Chief has recommended to Mayor that Buttorff be placed on full-time status as he has been working out very well. Question to Mayor regarding residency. Buttorff lives in Jersey Shore. Will have to check the ordinance in regard to requirement for period of time officer required to move to Borough. If it is in the ordinance - a discussion on allowing him extra time to be in a more favorable financial position. This due to the present rate of part-time. Other officers have moved here to be available if an emergency situation occurs.
C. Bubacz asked the Solicitor if an exception could be granted by Council if needed. P. Barrett said he will check the ordinance. If it is policy and not by ordinance (six months moving to borough) this can be decided by Council. He will also prepare an ordinance to cover this for in the future. Concern expressed if not required at this time, persons could indefinitely postpone moving to borough. Decision will be made when P. Barrett completes research.
A letter had been submitted by the Mayor to Council regarding the matter of a location for the Fire Department to be relocated. T. Bogaczyk asked for some clarification of the first part as compared to the last part of his letter.
The Mayor had stated the Department must have time to training and maintenance. The time spent looking for a building lot and getting plans, etc. detracts from their schedules. He stated it is in his opinion up to the borough to do this as the department is volunteers,
equipment is borough's which should supply the housing for this.
Chief Lindquist reported the Department had been looking at the K of C land on North Williamson Road. This is in the flood plain which would increase the cost of building to flood proof the building.
T. Bogaczyk asked why the Mayor had said the Fire Department was being held back from its functions, he wondered how it did. The Chief explained the process of obtaining the variances required by the Borough Ordinances for flood plain development would be the paper work in addition to their other efforts of trying to find a property which would be located in an area not in the flood plain. T. Bogaczyk said last time they discussed this, they were asked to write down what they wanted Council to do, come up with a plan. R. Kaminski said if some actions were taken, it would be like the cart before the horse. T. Bogaczyk again pointed out Council needs to know what the Department wants "us" (sic-Council) to do.
R.Kaminski asked if the department had decided to take the K of C land. Chief said it was not anything in writing, they have talked about it. The land with the present building would be about $30,000.00. Then the building would have to be removed.
J. Ogden asked if there was not a different location they had looked at. It appears to the Chief, there is not really, he said. The Mayor had asked Ward to contact the Solicitor to inquire about eminent domain. Apiece on the south end of South Williamson Road could be put on sewer and water service. The Solicitor had not sent any information back. This inquiry was made due to the fact the property owner had not been interested in selling the land. It would be near the access to the new US 15 which would be helpful to the firemen coming from out of the borough. The Mayor asked if the building must be in town.
More discussion on where another lot might be in order to be able to eliminate flood plain costs. Chief Lindquist reported on a meeting with a contractor from Athens. The preliminary costs for the proposed building would be $480,000.00 for a steel building. Ward asked if this included flood proofing. R. Kaminski said he would give them the name of another contractor who would be able to discuss costs of a building. The company has done three fire buildings. When you apply for grants, then prevailing wage scale, etc. must be figured in.
Mr. Barrett explained when you are involved with this much money, bonds sales might come into this. Yes, it would have to be bid. There are ways to handle this size project. The Fire and Ambulance Company are planning to combine their headquarters. He would suggest a meeting with both groups. He has had experience with the Canton Fire Company.
The building as looked at now is 80' x 180', eight bays, kitchen, social room. The social room would be needed for space to hold fund raising activities.
Barrett suggested both groups meet with the Council's Fire Committee to draw up a plan to see what could be done and what must be done. K. Lindquist thanked Council and left to go to another meeting. J. Ogden asked the Fire Committee members to gather information and see what has to be done. R. Kaminski, C. Bubacz, T. McNamara are the committee members.
Mayor |
Police report: |
Borough Manager's report:
The Budget costs to be discussed reference to annual garbage free pickup. Costs have increased, concerns about amount trash put out, why some houses so much - where was it before, health and sanitation concerns, people put out for days ahead which causes concerns, etc. Crew complimented for way handled.
An agreement pertaining to the required CDL for drug and alcohol testing with PSAB was presented (is the same.) Motion to adopt R. Kaminski Second T. Bogaczyk All in favor.
Municipal Authority concerns expressed on past due accounts. Action taken to collect in a more timely manner. Since cutting down time notices given, good return realized. Action will be taken on the past due garbage bills. Persons deceased or with other problems reviewed. Some names agreed to be placed on unable to collect listing. Attorneys to be notified of need for more timely requests for final billings and also for insuring payment of past due balances.
Vandalism at water tank on old 15 reported. Photos taken. Words to be cleaned off if possible, or painted over. Very expensive project to do whole tank.
Lyle Nichols called regarding log trucks to be going on to White Street from Tama property. Ordinance not in place requiring bonding at this time. A bridge to be put across creek to access street.
Tar and chipping discussed prior meeting. Committee should look at Morris, Schuylkill and Nevins Streets. Any other areas please give to Lloyd.
Pension meeting - T. Bogaczyk reviewing present contract. Will present findings.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
30 April 02 - sent applications for Home Occupation S. Pequignot at 214 South Williamson Road, application for flood variance bleacher project Island Park. Meeting to be set up as soon as information received from applicants. G. Lloyd said he had paperwork in front of him, needs surveyor flood elevation. Approximately to be 30" above reading (on cement pad, fill) Visitor and Home side with press box. No building(30 x 50) as hoped for at this time. Will be handicapped accessible.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
Pool preparation being implemented. Class of 1964 letter reference tree not brought up at meeting. R. Kaminski to take care of the planning for tree planting, etc along with kinds of trees. Discussion again on the trees and the layout of all facilities at this time and also need to plan for future as agreed after R. Kaminski recommended. Chips replaced play area, slide removed, playground cleaned up.
Recreation |
Television report:
Library report:
T. Bogaczyk reported they are doing excellent work. Asked George to check three bent posts behind building in fence. Discussing problems with the furnace whether to be replaced or if it can be fixed. Landscaper hired, will allow copies for fee, has reports available on all the programs they are involved in such as pre-school, Head Start, Teen Club, Computers.
Library |
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
Charles (Chuck) Freeberg attended to give report on building. Also had a copy of bank statement for each member. Hired company to do thorough job of cleaning floor, will schedule routinely about 3
months intervals. Kiwanis paid for initial job. No new costs to date, just utilities, etc. Fixed the door - not need to be replaced as he and Don Trowbridge found out that it needed a 39¢ piece. Partners in Progress using building again. After this group done, plans to do the kitchen floor as it is really in bad shape. The fire place stones will be cleaned, the light is not fixed yet. G. Lloyd has discussed this problem. They want to put another light to help keep area lighted. He contacted Harrisburg through information he received from Edgar Carlson to see about some grant money. He would like to work on paneling for the bottom part. Bidding through
borough when he gets more information. Complemented for the good job.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
Discuss garbage pickup when meeting. Mayor inquired about the utility bills for this building as compared to budget figure. The figures include both buildings. Water, sewer, gas, electric - not phone. Figures show expenses especially heat much higher at old building.
Budget Committee |
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary