
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes March 8, 2004 6:30 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance recited.
The regular Blossburg Borough Council meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA, by Council President Jerome Ogden.
Attendance: |
Vice-President Tonya McNamara; Councilmembers Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk; Mayor John Backman; Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett; Chief Ronald Steffen; Borough Manager George D. Lloyd; Borough Secretary Mary Signor; Charles Freeberg KCC Committee.
Agenda |
Minutes: The minutes of the February 9, 2004, meeting were approved on motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Report accepted subject to audit on motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Bills: Bills to be paid on motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
GUESTS: None Present.
Reports : |
Mayor : Nothing to report at this time.
Police : Everyone had received a copy of the report.
The Police report was accepted on motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Timothy Roupp. All in favor.
The Police Department attended the mandatory Police Update School. All officers passed and were certified for another year. Corporal McCurdy and Officer Buttorff attended a drug testing school and both passed.
The Police Department to participate in the Partners for Commonwealth Health in the sale of tobacco products. This program is to make sure all tobacco sales are sold to legal age customers.
Chief Steffen reported the television camera in the police car is not working right. Chief Steffen to get a new camera with old camera trade in, at no cost.
A discussion on 4-wheeler abuse. Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett suggested first time to confiscate vehicle. Second time, have public person witnessing abuse sign an affidavit. An ordinance is needed to impound a vehicle.
Borough Manager : Report accepted. Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Borough Manager George Lloyd reported all utilities are shut off at the old
Borough Hall located at 206 Main Street. A few people have approached Mr. Lloyd asking if they could rent the old fire truck bays. The insurance coverage is a big issue. Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett recommended the Borough not rent bays out.
Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett to do advertising of sale of old ambulance
building located on the corners of Hanibal Street and Morris Street.
The new fire and ambulance building located at North Main Street may need to
be rezoned for the purpose of holding dinners and parties because it is located in a R-1 district at the present time. Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett to check rezoning.
Blossburg Authority is looking at raising rates for the water this year to meet expenses. The rate increases are possible for summer.
Cheryl Bubacz asked George Lloyd about Island Park cleanup for the Coal
Festival which is scheduled May 26 - May 29. Rob Davis at Tioga County Probation Department to be contacted for probation people to help with the cleanup by doing their community service.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : No quorum for meeting of February 24,2004.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 30, 2004 at 7:00 P.M.
Ronald Steffen applied for a side yard variance for an addition to his home located at 140 Main Street.
The rezoning of property located at 103 - 109 Gulick Street for the purpose of Ward Manufacturing expanding.
Recreation : Meeting held on February 23, 2004. Advertising for summer lifeguards. Tioga County Red Cross has been taken over by Lycoming County Red Cross.
Fire Department : Minutes received from January 26, 2004 meeting.
Police: Nothing further to report.
Television : The lower channels are messed up. These channels are receiving by the use of antennas. These antennas are bad. The old tower and antennas will be replaced this Spring. The question of whether Internet cable availability would be offered through Williamson Road Television. Jerome Ogden reported this Internet service is very expensive. Mr. Ogden doesn't see it happening in the near future.
Library : Thomas Bogaczyk reported some funding for the library was reinstated. Maintenance bids (grass cutting, etc.) are in.
The Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority is sponsoring an ink jet cartridge recycling program through libraries. For each recycled cartridge the library collects they will receive monies.
Street Committee : Borough Manager George Lloyd received a letter from Chester Engineers for the
Enhanced 911 Readdressing Project asking the Blossburg Borough and Covington Township to rename Route 15 from Blossburg Borough to Covington Township. After a brief discussion the Councilmembers decided to name this roadway Business 15. G. Lloyd to contact Covington Township supervisors to ask what name they have decided on.
Borough Manager George Lloyd presented a proposal of a new layout for parking spaces in the Riverside Plaza parking lot. 1. At the present time, not all handicap spaces needed. Paint wider spaces in the present handicap parking spaces, but not use all of these spaces until later, if needed. 2. Switch from diagonal to 90º parking by expanding blacktop toward Hanibal Street and the Memorial. 3. Proposed sidewalk along Hanibal Street. To be used by Senior housing residents using motorized chairs and pedestrians out of the road and parking lot. G. Lloyd to work up a cost estimate for the work and paving.
K.C.C. : Charles Freeberg reported on the KCC building. The total 2003 utility expenses were $3,700.00. The total 2003 income was $2,800.00. Mr. Freeberg stated that in the fall months the electric bills double. One reason is because the Booster Club is using the building during football season. May need to ask Booster Club for more money.
The KCC Building needs a new heating system. Cheryl Bubacz suggested KCC apply to Packer Foundation for funding on the new heating system. Charles Freeberg to get quotes on new heating system. Mrs. Bubacz will get Parker Foundation Application and help Mr. Freeberg fill out.
NPHS Student: No student yet.
Committee Business Development: Meeting to be held on March 31, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. in the Riverside Housing Community Building, Blossburg, PA.
Tonya McNamara reports the agenda will be on local business Main Street program improvements. Funding is available for front facade repair, refurbish, and renovation buildings under a five (5) year program. A Street Manager may be needed to oversee projects. Letters were sent out to all businesses.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Pedestrian Bridge: On hold until spring. Schedule ceremony after blacktopping completed.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Jones/Lindner - Borough Manager George Lloyd working on..
- Cul-D-Sac Davis Lane: Deed done. President Jerome Ogden requested this to be deleted.
- Building Codes: Mike Stoudt, Raymond Kaminski and George Lloyd received their Grandfathering Uniform Construction Code from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Labor and Industry. The Borough is allowed to do own inspections for three (3) years under the Grandfather Uniform Construction Code. A rate schedule hasn't been set up yet. Once the rates are set an ordinance needs to be adopted.
- Old Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett reported about ¾ of the old railroad property is purchased. The properties that are by themselves do not need to be sub-divided. If properties are evaluated less than $1,500.00 these properties can be sold under a contract basis to surrounding landowners. If the property is under a subdivision restriction the court can be petitioned and property can be let go to adjoining landowners. George Lloyd to research remaining properties and check for water, sewer or storm drains rights through these properties.
- Pension: Nothing to report.
- Ordinance for 911 Readdressing: Adopt Ordinance for 911 Readdressing as advertised by Tioga County Emergency Services. Motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
- Tioga County Historical Society: 200th Bicentennial Year - Raymond (Keith) Lindie agreed to be Blossburg Borough's contact person.
- TCAB Dinner Meeting: Blossburg Borough to be TCAB host on Thursday, March 25, 2004 at the new Fire and Ambulance Building, 324 Main Street, Blossburg, PA . Social Hour 6:00 P.M. - Dinner Meeting 7:00 P.M. Raymond (Keith) Lindie to guest speaker. He will be speaking and showing pictures of the construction on the new Blossburg Fire & Ambulance Building. A tour of the facility is also planned.
- Sale of Old Ambulance Building: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett to advertise. Accept bids on April 19, 2004.
- Decorating Community Christmas Tree: Tonya McNamara to contact North Penn High School for an interested school organization willing to take over the decorating.
New Business:
Public Hearing - April 19, 2004 A resolution is needed for the Borough Council to hold a Public Hearing on April 19, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. at the Borough Hall, Council Room, Blossburg, PA. The purpose of the public hearing is to comply with the requirements of the Municipal Planning Code to give the public an opportunity for comment regarding an ordinance that will change the zoning map of the Borough of Blossburg. Entitled territory making addition to 1 - 2 heavy industrial use district and creating an additional S - 1 public use district. Public Hearing to be followed by the regular scheduled Council Meeting at 6:30 P.M. Motion of
Cheryl Bubacz; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
- 200th Birthday Celebration of Tioga County on March 26, 2004 at the Tioga County Fairgrounds, Whitneyville, PA. Program to start at 2:00 P.M.

ADJOURNMENT: President Jerome Ogden closed the meeting at 8:35 P.M.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary