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Borough Council Minutes
March 10, 2003
        6:30 PM
Attendance: Mayor John Backman

Council Members :
Council President, Jerome Ogden (absent)        
Vice-President, Tonya McNamara
James Holleman
Cheryl Bubacz
Raymond Kaminski
Timothy Roupp
Tom Bogaczyk

Borough Manager, George Lloyd
Police Chief, Ronald Steffen (absent)
Borough Secretary, Sally Ward
Patrick Barrett Esq., Borough Solicitor
Guests: Fire Chief Kevin Lindquist, Fire and Ambulance Terry Kreger, Coal Festival Chairman David Thompson, Tyler Lisowski, NPHS Student Council, and Charles Freeberg for Kiwanis Community Center.

Meeting minutes 10 March 2003 Accepted Motion of R. Kaminski Second J. Holleman, All in favor.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.

The bills will be paid on motion of C. Bubacz, Second T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.

GUESTS:David Thompson, Chairman Annual Coal Festival, attended to request Council consideration of an offer from the Festival Committee to put new roofing on the KCC Building. The costs would be covered by the Festival Committee. Members would work on the project. (Had a sample of the roofing which has a 25 year guarantee). He has discussed removal and disposal of the existing roofing with Borough Manager. Also, painting inside the building planned to be done by Committee members if allowed.

The KCC building has been used for the Coal Festival each year. The "Sleezy Group" and two professional carpenters would also participate in the project. R. Kaminski asked if they had considered a tin roof. D. Thompson said they had discussed this. Their concern would be with kids throwing rocks on the roof, panels would have to be replaced. It would be easier if needed to replace roofing. The Coal Festival has paid several times to repair damages to the pavilion to the electric system which the group paid for to begin with. Lights broken, switch plates, the large light on the roof, etc. all by acts of vandals.

Motion T. Bogaczyk, "We accept the generosity of the Coal Festival to install the new roofing, with thanks." Second, C. Bubacz, All in favor. D. Thompson thanked the members and left at 6:39 PM after bringing members up to date on new carnival, parade, all other items.

Since the KCC building was discussed. T. McNamara asked C. Freeberg to give his report. Not any activities in the KCC last month. A balance of $4,645.26 reported.

Partners In Progress sent a letter to request renting the building from June 13 to August 22, 2003. They did an excellent job of cleaning it up last year, so he does not see a need to increase the $100.00 rent per week at this time. T. McNamara added the lunch program was very good, too.

Plans to start work on kitchen made to begin when weather warms up to save on heat bill. T. McNamara asked that he spread the word when they plan to do this. Groups may come to help if they are made aware of it.

C. Bubacz asked if Laurel Health or S & S Hospital contacted him any further. They have not.

Mr. Freeberg left the meeting at 6:45 P.M.

K. Lindquist and T. Kreger attended to report on proposed Fire and Ambulance building project.

They are working with the local banks to establish a line of credit. They are required to furnish to the bank either a deed to the property or long term lease.

P. Barrett said they would not need the deed until they sign the the loan. K. Lindquist said they (bank) want to know the building they are financing is sitting on land with a deed, or with an agreement.

P. Barrett asked what the time frame is. Lindquist advised they hope to start construction by the middle of May 2003. T. Kreger stated they need a written agreement on something on this to present to the bank. They need something now as this is a hold-up.

T. McNamara asked if they are working with just one bank. T. Kreger said they have proposals at three banks - they all want written information.

Lindquist reported an appraiser was in to look at and value the ambulance building. This was established on borough property with a 99 year lease agreement with the Borough. The question posed - how much land with the building? He said they were told it would be no problem, it could be deeded over to them. We need to know where to draw the line. The original land purchase made by the borough was from the Meyer Estate where the building is located. The land is 60 x 60 G. LLoyd showed on a map. The piece does not include the strip which was formerly the railroad land which the borough purchased from Hanibal to Lynd Streets on the east side of the ambulance building, behind the Acorn Market, the Borough Building and HanRoe Associates (bar building). So there would not be any need for sub-division if that is the only piece (where ambulances are now) wanted to go with the building. A right-of-way with Han-Roe was set up, also.

P. Barrett pointed out the lease was written with the understanding it would be for ambulance business. Once it ceases to be that use, it would revert to the Borough. Sale process was discussed. T. Bogaczyk asked if there had been any interest from outside in the building. T. Kreger said there have been a couple.

Another problem, there is no access from Ruah Street to the property purchased from the railroad company. There is the land the Borough owns at the end of Main Street, also land adjacent to the So. Tioga School District at the south. All that is needed from the school is a small corner.

Target (hoped for) would be November 2003 to be in the new quarters. Plans were shown of the proposed building. Several other comments were discussed.

They thanked Council for their time and left at 6:55 PM.

Executive Session requested by Borough Solicitor 6:56 until 8:05 PM.

Since guests were being given time, T. McNamara suggested Tyler give his report from the North Penn School. He has been very busy attending conferences, will be going to Harrisburg in the morning to meet with public officials to tour the capital. He qualified as a Junior and also because one of the requirements to meet is that a public meeting, as this one, be attended by the person.

The Boys Basketball season ended last Friday. The team was successful this year. Due to their wins, they will be in District Play-offs. One of most successful since 1996.

There will be a stage play April 11 and 12 at the school. The title is "Curtain Going Up". Last year the musical was really a great success. Tickets will soon be on sale.

T. McNamara invited Tyler to attend the TCAB with Council at the end of March. If he is able to be there, she would like to have him give a report on the trip to Harrisburg or other items he could tell about. He left at 8:20 PM as he will be leaving early in the morning for the trip.

Reports : Mayor :  View report.

Police :  View report.

Borough Manager :   View report.
Borough Manager's:   Activity Log.

Planning Commission :  View report

Recreation :  View report.

Fire Department :  View report.

Television :    View report.

Library :     View report.

Street Committee :     View report.

K.C.C. :    View report.

Budget Committee :    View report

NPHS Student rep :    View report

Zoning Hearing Board :    View report

Ordinance Update Committee :    View Report.

Old Business:
  1. Ordinances: No report.

  2. Evaluation: Borough Solicitor to review.

  3. Well old hospital: G. Lloyd reported Water Company is pursuing another avenue with the well. Possible other location towards East Creek studied.

  4. Pedestrian Bridge: A check was received tonight for the bridge from the Gridiron Club. They sponsored and worked on a chicken barbecue for the bridge.

  5. Cul-De-Sac Granger St.: Minor Sub-division B. Jones - A. Lindner: Ward spoke to B. Jones following the last meeting. He said he would contact the surveyor and get things going.

  6. Houses: P. Barrett to meet with S. Ward to set up hearings.

  7. Cul-de-sac: Cul-De-Sac Davis Lane: P. Barrett preparing papers.

  8. Survey: County Comprehensive Plan: There were 770 mailed. A total of 220 returned. Mayor commented on returns. The County was billed as had been determined when this began at the meetings. Now, a call from County Planner advising G. Lloyd only postage paid. R. Kaminski was at the meeting when told all would be paid. The bill was sent in the amount of $1,700+ the amount reimbursed was $418.00 only the postage. No envelopes, copies, or labor.

  9. Annual Procession Request: Fr. Fox BACC asks permission to have the procession on 17 April 2003 from St. Mary's to St. Andrew's Churches. Approved on Motion of R. Kaminski, Second C. Bubacz. All in favor.

New Business:
  • Commissioners Letter RE: Occupation/Per Capita Discussed earlier.

  • Not necessary for Special Meeting.

  • Coal Festival Parade: Request for permit for 24 May 2003 parade. Permit will be sent to PADOT on Motion of R. Kaminski; Second, T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.

  • Parade Participation 24 May-Invitation to Council to take part. No response.

  • T.C.A.B. March 20,2003 at KCC Building Blossburg Hosts.

  • The Water Company will be increasing the water rates, July. Mayor said he went to the Authority and asked them to take some action to get the trailer sites open. Mrs. Bubacz advised that Mr. Barrett has been in contact with the people involved. The Mayor expressed his opinion there should be something done by the Authority since they aren't owed any money. Mayor asked Ward to contact Solicitor about this. She deferred to Authority as Council members also agreed, not Borough business.

  • Thank you received from the Bogaczyk family for donation to the Memorial Library in memory of Brother Ambrose "Om", also expressed by T. Bogaczyk.

Mayor report:

  • A list of contributions to E.M.T.A. had been sent out. Also, the Emergency Operations Plan. Suggest everyone review and if any other information needed, take care of it next month.

  • C. Pierce is the present co-ordinator. Due to his health, a replacement is needed. After recommendation by Council, this has to be sent to the Governor for approval. Please consider a nomination. Also, there are papers to go along with the plan which need to be reviewed. There is an Ordinance or Resolution to study. He has asked the Fire Chief for suggestions on a replacement for Mr. Pierce.

  • This plan is more condensed and will be more easily studied. A suggestion for inter-governmental agreements is included. He wondered if Morris Run may be interested. Agreement from Solicitor needed.

  • Mayor

Police report:

  • Report accepted Motion T. Bogaczyk; Second, J. Holleman. All in favor.

    Chief ,was unable to attend as daughter ill. T. Bogaczyk inquired about the 14 year old accused of stealing a Jeep, went through signs, etc. Report from reliable source, the policeman on duty not speeding after him. He was instructed to follow, the vehicle outside the borough. The Chief did go to the scene.

    A Police Committee meeting is requested by Chief. He wants to discuss new hiring, scheduling, etc. March 14 2003 at 9:00 AM.

  • Police

Borough Manager's report:

  • Report accepted Motion C. Bubacz: Second T. Bogaczyk and J. Holleman. All in favor.

  • Discussed amount of salt/cinders used this year, and costs of same.

  • A proposed Fire Company agreement will be reviewed by the Borough Solicitor prior to any signing.

  • The FCNB has been contacted about a loan for the pedestrian bridge. Ten years = lst 5 at 4.25 %; after six years the rate can be negotiated. We are looking at a monthly payment of $1,284.00 per month. The price may be $125,000 or not. He did not want to have to go back again on the loan. R. Kaminski asked if the bids have been let. They have not. More work has been in progress for the removal of the old bridge, site work. Plans are being drawn up.

  • The picture in the lobby 3 tenth grade boys and one 8th grade girl did the drawing in the lobby - spaces indicate the amount of fundings received. Every effort will be made to get this in the papers with pictures, etc.

    In the matter of the loan, a Resolution must be adopted if the Council intends to borrow the money as necessary. A motion was made by C. Bubacz, "That the Borough Manger is to proceed with the loan for the bridge from F.C.N.B. for the amount of $125,000.00 at the rate quoted (lst 5 years @ 4.25%, after six years the loan can be negotiated, as quoted to him). Second the Motion; T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.

  • Discussion on the Uniform Building Codes. R. Kaminski attended a meeting pertaining to accessibility. Costs for and need for inspections and inspectors a problem.

  • Borough Manager

Planning Commission report:

  • Brief meeting held. Dr. Darby the Chairman is to write a letter to Recreation Board about some structures on the park regarding flood plain non-compliance. No information presented to the Planning Commission.

  • Planning Commission

Recreation report:

  • G. Lloyd, R. Kaminski could not attend. Minutes are supposed to be furnished to Council, they are not.

  • G. Lloyd reported the tree trimming on the park is being done. Those by the entrance, a little higher than planned but, will be good for trucks especially.

  • Coal Festival dates 21 through 24 May. C. Bubacz asked as the park clean-up is set before the dates. Two Saturdays are usually advertised in case there is inclement weather. It would be nice if a group would sponsor the refreshments as they had in the beginning, date will be set next month.

  • Recreation

Fire Department report:

Television report:

  • J. Holleman reported the meeting will be 11 March. Same problem with #5 rolling, loud on 30 covering voices during movie. S. Ward had put a note in with her payment about this. They came to the house and, of course, they said it is the set. Other comments made. Religious stations to be put on the system at no charge.

  • Television

Library report:

  • Thomas Bogaczyk reported on the reading to the children. He had such He had such an enjoyable time with responses from the 3 and 4 year old children. Other people read to the children, too.

  • The Community Room is being revamped. Two new computers received. Funding cuts by the state can cause cuts for this library, also.

  • Library

Street Committee report:

  • Road conditions are really a problem. Will have to set up meeting to go around to see what all has to be done.

  • Street Committee

K.C.C. report:

  • Reported under quest section.

  • K.C.C.

Budget report:

  • J. Ogden had asked Ward to put the letter reference Occupation/Per Capita on the Agenda. It will be listed in order study when budget time.

  • Budget Committee

NPHS Student Representative report:

Zoning report:

Ordinance Update Committee report:

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Meeting adjourned 9:20 PM
Sally Ward
Borough Secretary