
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes March 11, 2002 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, Jerome Ogden (Absent) Pro-Tempore Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Timothy Roupp
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward Guests: Steve Gee, Mansfield PA; Patrick Barrett, Esquire Borough Solicitor, Lauren Walls NPHS Council Representative. |
Agenda |
Minutes of the February 11, 2002: R. Kaminski asked about reference to "water can not be shut off for non payment of garbage bills" Expressed opinion not clear as stated in minutes.
Minutes accepted as corrected motion of C. Bubacz
second R. Kaminski All in favor.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
GUESTS: Steve Gee, Mansfield-reporting on bleacher project for Island Park. Funding activities ongoing, near goal. He stated the bids had been put out. Two received, one accepted. (Council had prepared grant
application-no information furnished to Council on this prior to this report. G. Lloyd asked him what effect this would have on the grant application since Borough not involved. Perhaps, there will be no grant forthcoming since this action had been taken.) R. Kaminski asked
if Council was going to be furnished with any information which could be studied in order any questions need to be addressed.
The company which they (Gridiron) gave bid to had quoted $181,000.00 for home and visitor bleachers, press box, storage. Bid came in at $154,000.00"
They (Gridiron) want to begin day arter Coal Festival over-May 2002. Will need help from borough for equipment, etc. Ted Kelchner
has been their contact for engineering. Next week would have to sign contract, put 10% down on project. Their goal is to finish through June, July, August 2002 for first game. They have funds in the checking in the amount of $122,250.00 which shows they have done very well so far in their fund drive. A check from the Southern Tioga School District in the amount of $20,000.00 is to be forthcoming tonight. Raising amount to $142,250.00. This gives idea how close to total without any grant money. He is a little scared about the $7,000.00 in pledges, if any not received will put them below goal.
He has spoken to George (Lloyd) about some help from Borough. He would like manpower and equipment to move old bleachers in a timely fashion, get ready for field work. Time frame - after Coal Festival day he would like some help. They had not planned to hire someone
else for $20,000.00 to move old bleachers, etc. Not in their plan.
Would like him to pencil this in as soon as Coal Festival out of the way.
Talked about using press box there being used for temporary storage for track equipment, etc. They would have to get permission from borough so would be close enough for track and football. The equipment is underneath their current bleachers in storage space.
It is important to get them moved as concrete must set for twenty days. This must be done before they put that stressful load on it. The company has advised them they could have them in by seven to fourteen days. They (Gridiron) want to get this done by first of September so there will be a place for the football game.
He is real proud of how they have done. Wants everyone to know how they are doing. Ron and Margie Wesneski went to Binghampton to see bleacher type to be used. They were very impressed. They will be excellent not only for football and track, but for anything else on the field.
Question-how much applied for by grant? Originally for a matching grant, asked $100,000 but since September 11, 2001, things have changed in Harrisburg. They decided to raise all they could raise. They hope to have enough to complete the entire project. Once again he was asked if the company could furnish a brochure or anything so Council can see it. He said they did and would get to them. Ward suggested he bring one, will be copied and sent to members.
R: Kaminski reminded him that Council is supposed to see these things before final steps planned as it is borough property being used. Gee said they had originally been here asking if they could proceed with the project. Gee said if they would like a packet of information he would be glad to furnish it. He did not bring it because he did not think Council would want to see it. R. Kaminski said it is Council's responsibility to know what is going on at the park. A diagram or picture should be furnished for Council. He reminded Gee they were to go ahead with grant application and fund drive. Council would go along with that. But, it is Council's responsibility to know what is going on and will be falling back on borough after it is all done. Gee said they would basically sit on about the same spot. It was pointed out to him that since nothing has been furnished Council, there is no way to know. No information of what is in the bid as far as the borough being held responsible or what to be expected since nothing has been given to Council.
T. McNamara asked if he could furnish this information so Council will know what is involved. She would appreciate having the information ahead of time. G. Lloyd asked if they had considered how this would affect the grant. Gee sald they actually have two "out there". He does not know how it would be. Senator Madigan was one he had contacted through Arnie Kriner. Now, Scarnati will be the one involved. He did not talk to him. He doesn't think that there would be any problem about that $10.000.00 grant. The whole timing thing is what the problem was. So they went ahead.
Because of time involved in grant process, they wanted to go ahead so the project would not be stretched out over two summers. This could happen if it is not started when they want to get underway in June.
C. Bubacz reminded that A. Lindner has said there would not be graduation on Island Park, it would be a good idea to be sure the bleachers are not ripped out if there would be a change in graduation location. Other classes have asked for this to take place at the park. Gee thanked Council and left. (Guests: Gee left 6:49 PM.)
GUEST: Borough Solicitor P. Barrett attending re: Legal Matter. T. McNamara announced an Executive Session. Regular meeting reconvened 7:09 P.M. No action on discussion in Executive Session. Mr. Barrett left the meeting at 7:10 P.M.
Reports : |
Mayor : No report
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : No report.
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : No report
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : No report
Budget Committee : No report
NPHS Student rep : No report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing.
- Street lighting: No report.
- Ordinances: books ordered for other members.
- Monument repair: Work not started.
- Evaluation: Nothing
- Road study: Approved for preparation by Solicitor.
*Resolution - Occupation Privilege Tax Collector. Since F. Weller has resigned, someone must be appointed. C. Asalone had been asked by
G. Lloyd if she would accept. Asalone discussed this with F. Weller as to what it involves. Asalone would accept if appointed.
Motion "to appoint C. Asalone as Occupation Privilege Tax Collector" C. Bubacz; second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
- Water Study Hospital: Authority hired hydro geologists.
New Business:
Resignation of James J. Bogaczyk: Letter received from J. Bogaczyk due to appointment to Tioga County Commissioner office. "Accepted with regret " motion of R. Kaminski Second J. Holleman. All in favor.
Discussion on appointment of new President of Council. Motion made by C. Bubacz, Second, R. Kaminski "That Jerome Ogden be appointed Council President." All in favor.
Vice President "Nomination of Tonya McNamara as Vice-President" R. Kaminski; second C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Pro-Tempore needed. Motion "To appoint Cheryl Bubacz Pro-Tempore" R. Kaminski C. Bubacz declined before second made. This will be discussed at a further meeting it was decided.
In order to appoint a member to replace James Bogaczyk, the meeting will be reconvened on 27 March 2002 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Room.
Advertisement for the position will be made to the public. Applicants must be borough resident for at least one year according to law.
- Parade permit requested for l0th Annual Coal Festival Parade. The permit will be applied for to PENNDOT on motion of R. Kaminski; second-C. Bubacz. All in favor. The members are reminded they are invited to be participants.
- Discussion: Letter with question to Council received addressed to Council, same one to Borough Secretary - no signature affixed.
POLICY: Unless a written document, or complaint received - No action will be taken. Do not forward to Council if unsigned.
- TCAB meeting-Blossburg Council to host. 20 March 2002. Please reserve ASAP.
- Tioga County Development Corportation meeting to be held 28 March 2002. If planning to attend must reserve by 22 March 2002.
- Meeting dismissed at 8:13 P.M. to reconvene at 6:00 P.M. on 27 March 2002.
CALL TO ORDER AT 6:10 P.M. Council Vice-President Tonya McNamara presiding.
ATTENDANCE: Councilmembers James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Raymond Kaminski, Timothy Roupp; Mayor John Backman; Borough Manager George Lloyd; Sally Ward Borough Secretary.
Guests: Kathryn Brooks, Thomas Bogaczyk.
Letters of interest in Councilmember appointment had been received from K. Brooks and T. Bogaczyk.
Questions were directed to both as to why they would be interested in serving. After consideration period, a motion "To appoint Thomas Bogaczyk as member of Council" made by R. Kaminski; second, C. Bubacz. All in favor.
T. McNamara on behalf of Council thanked K. Brooks for her interest. She was encouraged to consider becoming a candidate when the next election is held if she would like to run for the office of Council. T. Bogaczyk expressed his congratulations to her for her interest especially as she is a young woman interested in serving her fellow citizens. She left the meeting at this time.
The Mayor administered the Oath of Office to Thomas Bogaczyk. He assumed his seat at this time.
Business discussed; G. Lloyd has been looking into a program which would allow the borough to take part in a road project for tar and chipping with Liberty Township. This is one of the "piggyback" allowed under state laws. It also, saves money for those involved. Motion "To enter into agreement with Liberty Township for tar and chipping project in 2002" made by R. Kaminski; second, J. Holleman, All in favor.
Discussion on scale. Weight team does not see value in taking trucks off U.S. 15 to bring to scale.
Auction to be held soon at Lewisburg. G. Lloyd would like to take vehicle
as it did not come through locally for auction. Motion "Lloyd to put vehicle in auction" by C. Bubacz; second, T. Roupp. All in favor.
Island Park User Agreement. The football field lighting is not mentioned in the agreement as the school district will assume this payment. It is not part of the Borough's responsibilty. The figure presented to the school by Council had been for $15.000. the board counters with $10,000 even though the figures had been justified.
A Resolution to borrow the funds needed to purchase the backhoe was submitted. Motion "To borrow necessary funds for purchase of backhoe from First Citizens National Bank of Blossburg" made by R. Kaminski; second. C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Announcement: Ground breaking for US 15 from Mansfield 11 April at 3:00 PM. Advise Ward if attending by 5 April 2002.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Sally A. Ward
Borough Secretary
Police report:
- (No more letters in paper re Department.)
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
Report discussed new US flag here. State to be put up.
Backhoe discussed. Pros and cons of two types looked at discussed. By going through state process will save costs of publication, etc. The "Cat" brand $66,415.00 John Deere $71,323.00. Purchase would
be a three way split. R. Kaminski advised members with "Cat" he had better performance. Also, repairs directly from firm in Mansfield so no delay.
Motion "to purchase "Cat" -C. Bubacz
Second R. Kaminski All in favor.
Proposed purchase of equipment had been put in budget
Used equipment: Borough will have to advertise for sale: Motion "To advertise hoe for sale" R. Kamlnski
Second C. Bubacz
All in favor
Proposed cul-de-sac on Granger Street will be presented for review to Planning Commission. This would involve Jones property with a tract of approximately 11 acres more to be sold after sub-division of piece on south side of the cul-de-sac. A home is planned if the lot is sold. Hopefully he will have plans after the borough review and also Tioga County Planning Commission. This will require Council approval, also. Home will have to face Granger Street, or if cul-de-sac completed as borough street to meet ordinance requirements.
Scale proposal by Ward Manufacturing for starting in April at a cost of $120,000.00. Discussion on water and sewer for this held. Use of scale for borough weighing of trucks-would cause several problems. R. Steffen advised Council trucks would have to be escorted from highway and returned with escort to insure safety. This of course, only if foundry would agree to borough using scale. G. Lloyd said they had talked to PADOT about the use by that agency. No cost sharing discussed for use, would be between those two. G. Lloyd said perhaps they would consider borough use if utilities there.
Borough Manager |
Recreation report:
Old playground equipment must be removed as trees fell on it during last wind storm. Must make added effort to
get the trees tested to see which must come down for safety purposes. Trying to work into budget as it is costly.
Pro-Am Pro-Am funds amount of $250.00 for Recreation.
R. Kaminski asked if Recreation had any plans submitted to them for bleacher project. Planning Commission did not get any information either.
Terms of Recreation Board being reviewed. Members being contacted to see if they wish to be reappointed. Some not attending regularly.
Grant paper information sent to them by Ward. Also applies to Library, sent to them, also.
Since James Bogaczyk has been appointed Tioga County Commissioner this leaves an appointment vacant to the Recreation Board. R. Kaminski said he is willing to serve. Motion "R. Kaminski to replace J. Boagaczyk on Recreation Board" by C. Bubacz
Second J. Holleman All in favor.
Ward asked if anyone had advised the secretary the Council is to have a copy of the monthly minutes. This will be relayed to the Board as no reports have been supplied to Council. T. McNamara has had comments from families of kids who were involved in the youth basketball program sponsored by Recreation. Approximately 70 were in the program during the season. They each received a "T" shirt and were very happy with that. It gave them something to do during the winter months.
T. McNamara recognized R. Kaminski who wished to go back to the Planning Commission and the bleacher project. He said he realized permission was given to the group to apply for the grant. He did not think that they had been given the go ahead to go ahead and bid and make all the decisions. Nothing had been presented to the Planning Commission as far as he could determine from reports. Ward advised him that nothing had been to her knowledge and she is the one who handles the applications if submitted and the Agendas for the Commission. He expressed concerns about what they as not as borough representatives could get the borough into.
T. McNamara said this was a good point. She had not thought of this. As R. Kaminski said, these things should be followed. Kaminski said that anything that goes on Island Park is as important as anything that goes on anybody's property. This is the same as the "HABITAT" people who had not put in for permits, etc. C. Bubacz asked who was getting the grant? She thought it was to be the borough. It is applied for by the borough already. She asked what would happen now they have gone ahead without Borough action? Would the Borough be able to do what it wanted to with the money? Or, would it have to be paid back. C. Bubacz said it is wonderful they would do this. But, "we" will be responsible if something happens. For instance, if someone falls the Borough would be the one action taken against. Too many questions are unanswered for the borough part. Ward had told Gee the meeting of Planning is the last Tuesday. They will not consider anything unless presented the week before the meeting they are sent the papers. Recreation meets the last Monday. They should also have the plans. The Borough pays the insurance on the bleachers. Ward said even though they are not an inhabited space, if this is flood plain, the rules must be met, too. They did also bring up a building. There again, Kaminski said now all of a sudden this is brought up. C. Bubacz noted this was to be under the bleachers as before. Temporary storage is what they talked about. If the plans had been presented, these questions would not arise.
Council does not want them to think they oppose the project. It is just that there must be better presentations made to safeguard the borough. Plans must be presented and rules followed.
T. McNamara asked to return to Recreation at this time if there is more to do. Nothing more to discuss.
Recreation |
Television report:
Number 12-still rolling. J. Holleman will report. #5 also rolls. The flashing on 34 and others is very annoying. J. Holleman reported it would cost $600.00 to correct. Everyone agrees it would be worth it to have it taken care of. It spoils the programs.
The car racing is not going to be put on. Not that much activity, nor Interest of enough people expressed.
Television |
Street Committee report:
Due to funding, tar and chipping will be projects rather than asphalt due to large expenditures from last year. Discussed use of material which can be used to support under driveways, etc.
Storm water run-off Wilson and Wm B Street discussed. Storm Water St. Mary's cemetery location problems with storm water
experienced. Sluice can not be put in one area any deeper due to location of telephone lines.
Clean-up for community brought up at this time. This is usually done before the Coal Festival. Plans Schedule should be made and announced at the April meeting. This is usually time for park clean-up also. SADD program with probation kids might possibly be able to be help with this.
Street Committee |
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Meeting adjourned at 8:13 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary