
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes June 11, 2001 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski (Absent) Brian Laverty
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Guests : |
K. Lindquist, J. McCauley, T. Crittenden, Charles and Joyce Andrews, Mark Mundis, Kathy House and Tim Roupp.
Agenda |
Minutes of the May 11, 2001 meeting were read and approved as corrected.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Fire Equipment:
K. Lindquist, J. McCauley and T. Crittenden attended for opening of bids for the sale of fire equipment. Ward commented that the bid ad in the fire magazine cost less than newspapers and was much more attention getting.
This was the second time the equipment for sale had been advertised. The first time, the minimum bid had not been received.
Second ads did not contain a minimum bid. One bid was received. Bid was opened from T. Crittenden, Mansfield , PA in the ammount of $1,500 for the Ford C-750 Ward LaFrance Pumper. No other bids were submitted for the other items.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the bid from T. Crittenden.
K. Lindquist advised Council the membership had voted at the Fire Department meeting the $1,500 would be acceptable for this item. However, a price of $5,000 would be a minimum for the 1975 Ford F-880 Ward LaFrance pumper.
After reviewing bid requirements, the Department will be able to use other sources to find a bidder for the 1975 pumper.
Paving Bids:
The Committee met at 4:30 PM as advertised to open and review paving bid project for 2001 on various borough streets. Also, Southern Tioga School District Business Manager James Rakoski attended to hear bid for school parking areas which would be paid by STSD Board if bid accepted and/or recommended.
Glen O. Hawbaker Inc. $90,010.60
Calvin C. Cole Inc. $91,902.40
A.L. Blades & Sons Inc. $81,441.50
A motion was made and seconded to accept the low bid of A.L. Blades. After the following discussion it was accepted by unanimous roll call vote.
- Discussion:
J. Rakoski was to present the cost information to STSD Board this evening at their regular meeting. He indicated that he would recommend acceptance of A.L. Blades bid as it was within the amount the Board has been to expend on this project.
- Borough Funds Available:
Borough funds available include the Scale Savings in the event it would be needed.
- PADOT Notice:
Papers will be sent to A.L. Blades for Performance Bond and Workers Compensation Affadavits. Upon receipt will notify PADOT for job approval.
Petition - Barney's Hill Dump:
Charles Andrews and Joyce Andrews were attending to present a petition with over 1,800 signatures of persons who are officially indicating opposition to the proposed dump on Barney's Hill. C. Andrews pointed out that some of the people are not from our immediate area. They are persons who have family here or property which they use for visiting. They have seen the news items in various newspapers and heard from relatives and friends. The petition was presented at this time.
Comments J. Bogaczyk Re: Person Supporting Proposal:
J. Bogaczyk thanked the Andrews family for their efforts. He wished to state at this time his opposition to the dump. He told of an unpleasant happening when he was having breakfast at the Brick Tavern. Persons supporting the project were very rude to both Mrs. Bogaczyk as well as to him. There was a sign at the end of North Williamson Road which was not in good taste, but he said probably someone trying to help out. He was assured by C. Andrews any signs the T.C.C.C.C. put up are with the logo and with the approval of the members. That kind of sign is not good for the cause. J. Bogaczyk said he was confident T.C.C.C.C. had not put the sign up.
Action Against Dump:
J. Ogden said he would like Council to act against the dump. He has many concerns with not only the present but in the future. At this time he would make a motion "That the Blossburg Borough Council go on record as being opposed to the proposed dump." Second, Brian Laverty.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Those in favor of motion to oppose dump:
J. Ogden, Brian Laverty, James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Tonya McNamara, J. Bogaczyk. Absent: R. Kaminski.
Motion adopted unanimously.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrews thanked Council for their time and for their action against the dump. They are on their way to the School Board Meeting for this purpose.
GUESTS Kathy House and Mark Mundis:
Kathy House, Mark Mundis attending to complain against S. Ward denial of permit-occupancy, also supposed comments.
K. House asking status of Occupancy Permit. Did not agree with S. Ward handling. This has been sent to the Borough Solicitor as explained by J. Bogaczyk. K. House several comments, did not think proper inspection, this was performed by Officer Crawford. House disagreed.
The business has been operating. Borough Solicitor is waiting for D. Bogaczyk to send letter as he and Borough Solicitor P. Barrett had discussed. To date, nothing more said.
J. Bogaczyk again explained that Council is waiting for attorney. Mundis and House protesting lack of permit. Mundis stated they are not in violation of any ordinance. Also commented about magazines at other business places. House stated she has contacted the ACLU and will pursue this further if she thinks she wants to.
Several questions and comments were made pointing out that this is the first time this has come up in the Borough. The Solicitor has been contacted which is the step to be taken.
K. House and M. Mundis left the meeting 7:35 PM.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : No report
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: No report.
- Regionalization: S. Bray is about finished with preparation work.
- Street lighting: Mayor and Manager met with representative, went around town. Talked about lighting at interchange, Gulick Street, South Williamson Road by Wm B Street and Island Park. If trees were marked, on Island Park, as to which ones are to be removed, determination could be made as to where the new light could be placed.
Another matter brought up about interchange-painting of direction on roadway.
- Evaluation of Employees: G. Lloyd asked if any suggestions were to be made on plan Mayor had recommended. Each Council Member had a copy of the document.
- Road Study: Ward contacted the Hamilton Township Secretary to ask if there would be information as to the cost of the study so the East Creek Road in the township was brought to standard for bonding. Mrs. Martin located the information which cost $450. for the mile. The company that did the study is now Hawk Co. This was looked into for possible contact for East Creek Road in borough as Council directed.
- Codification Study: Not completed. Ward had not returned corrections to Barrett.
- House Numbers Ordinance: Not completed. Ward had not returned corrections to Barrett.
New Business:
- Notification of property owners in violation: Grass cutting, cars, buildings. Nothing more on Williamson/Powell.
- Stop sign on North Williamson Road: People also coming in wrong way.
- Monument Main Street: It was noted during the Memorial Day services that much stone work needs to be done. Research will be done to see how much is in the fund for the work needed. J. Holleman said the American Legion has some funds set aside for this purpose. Donations could be sought, fund raisers planned. J. Ogden will contact some masons and asked the committee to meet with him on this. Volunteers will no doubt come forward. There is also a concern about the tree on the back corner of the area which appears to be dead. A meeting will be held 12 June 2001 to plan repairs and financing.
- TCAB will be held at Liberty on 21 June 2001. Please reserve.
- Letter from Waste Management had been sent to members.
- B. Laverty asked about the 9:45 curfew. Some people have asked if it is being enforced. Some people do think it is annoying, dogs bark, etc. This had been studied before, not used for a time. But, then back to regular time.
- Letters were received regarding concerns about the dump.
- C. Bubacz inquired about the "pond" on T. Bogaczyk's property on South Williamson Road. There are no restrictions in the ordinance on ponds. Also, the County had sent requirements which were given to him. A permit was not required by the borough or the county.
Mayor report:
- Telephone Display Offered: Reported Ed Staron has offered the case with telephone equipment which he had allowed the Coal Festival to display in the museum at the Park during the 9th Annual Festival. He would like to donate this to the Borough. Discussion on where place to put for public. Suggestions - Borough Hall, Old Borough Hall, School, Library. This will be checked. The Coal Festival Committee had done research on a building to be used for museum. Not enough money available.
- Resolutions Trash Mines: Agenda Items under New Business are Resoulutions pertaining to Mine Reclamation and to Trash in Pennsylvania. The Mayor had been working on these projects, so they were moved to this time. Also, J. Bogaczyk and W. Bogart had worked on these with the Mayor.
- Trash Resolution: The Resolution about the trash has been prepared and a request to Don Carment of Elkland Borough that he take this to the Resolutions Committee at the State Association to urge that the Sate Association back this action against accepting out of state trash. The Resolution was read and each condition/suggestion explained by J. Bogaczk.
- Trash Resolution Adopted: Motion to adopt Resolution pertaining to out of state trash not being accepted in Pennsylvania was made by B. Laverty; second, J. Ogden. All in favor.
- Remarks: Mr. & Mrs. Andrews thanked Council again for asking them to remain to bring them up to date with work being done by Council. The Mayor explained the Resolution will be presented to the Tioga County Association of Boroughs, of which he is President, for action by that group. Each borough in the county was sent a copy in order to request their Council to act upon this and to recommend to PSAB.
- Resolution Mine Reclamation: J. Bogaczyk read the proposed PA Coalition for Abandomd Mine Reclamation Resolution. This was adopted on motion of J. Ogden; second, B. Laverty. All in favor.
Mayor |
Police report:
- Violations: Comments from members re: increased violations noticed. More near the school the Chief noted.
- D. Crawford Resigns: David Crawford has submitted his resignation. He would be working until 30 June 2001. Discussion on advertising in order to have applicants prior to July meeting. Will be using part-time. Comment from Chief, the training he and others had gone through at the Academy, much more stressful and physical.
- Video Inspection: Discussed fact he did go to the video store. What he did or did not do as K. House claims, matter of conjecture. Officers have been routinely making inspections for property occupancy.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept Crawford's resignation.
- Advertise Part-time Potential Full-time: Filling of position discussed. First step will be as agreed by members to hire part-time with possibility of full-time employment. Law requires any officer to be hired to have completed the Act 120 (Police) Training prior to hire. Motion to advertise position, J. Ogden; second, B. Laverty. All in favor. Questions on Officer Kriner or Officer Wilson directed to Chief as possible appointees.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
- Temporary Borough Employee: Full time employee discussed. Right now it's not justified until Thanksgiving time. Authority has hired a man. Motion to hire temporary employee for borough, made by C. Bubacz. Second, J. Holleman. All in favor after discussion of benefits, etc. G. Lloyd asked if members would like to go over applications. Those available will.
- Edward Stanley Health: E. Stanley's health discussed. Insurance payment for partial work time explained as was used before. He is not working a couple of days, then being on a couple. This is how Ohio National supported the efforts during his last application when he had experienced the rejection of the pancreas.
- Carpenter Street: T. McNamara asked about the lines to be painted by the Carpenter Street businesses. Signs are down, line to be painted.
- Bar-b-que Pits: Bar-b-que pits rebuilt. Racks are not withstanding the heat from wood and/or self starting fuel. B. Laverty posts rules for KCC in the building. He was asked if he could do something along that line when the racks are signed out.
- Delinquents: Delinquents are being shut off for not keeping agreements up to date. They sound surprised when they are told water will not be turned on until the bill is paid. This is a continuing process.
- Library: Library handicap signs are being worked on. J. Holleman asked about the progress. G. Lloyd had tried to go to see the librarian last week about the other painting requested. He did not have the time to do this.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- No meeting. New member needed. Advertisement needed. All members asked to think of a candidate.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- Park Work: Clean up at Island Park is appreciated. Thank you to Borough Manager for what had been done. Gridiron Club furnished pizza, Coal Festival Committee provided soda, etc. Thank you in "The Banter".
- Problems Red Cross Lessons: C. Bubacz commented on attitude of persons at Red Cross when she has called about the lessons. This person had been demanding with the employees, also at the pool when calling for anything. Nothing was the same now that they want lessons paid. Pool opened the 8th after painting, etc.
- Tennis Court: Grass and weeds around tennis courts need regular cutting. G. Lloyd straightened the flag pole by the Little League field.
- LL Flags: J. Bogaczyk noted no flags have been put up. When Lazouras was on Little League Board, she took care of both, now no one is. Coal Festival flags are no longer available.
- Trees Park: C. Bubacz asked about the trees being removed, replaced. Wondered if foundry might donate some trees. Does anyone know if R. Kaminski did the borings. Rasmussens might donate.
Recreation |
Television report:
- T.V.: A problem with 16 last week again. Now someone has reported it today when in the office. Channel 20 has been off. There are radio frequency problems. It appears as a negative. J. Ogden will check when he gets home. The satellites are something which you can not control. C. Bubacz still has interference as before. The towers cause each other problems.
Television |
Library report:
- Library: Painting to be completed at parking lot.
Library |
K.C.C. report:
- B. Laverty reported on "Camp" held daily for handicapped. Piano removed thanks to G. Lloyd. J. Eckman and B. Laverty did repair work in restroom on Saturday. Work being done on building on continuing basis. Orr carpeting will be doing work in middle room. Ben Jones did work on intake valve in restroom. J. Holleman advised problem with Orr when work done at Legion. Hopes this will not be the same with the carpeting at KCC.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
NPHS Student Representative report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Adjournment at 8:45 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary