Mayor : Mayor John Backman reported the police clothing allowance is to be used only for full and part-time police officers. This rule is to be added to the Personal Policy.
Police : Chief Steffen was absent due to a spider bite.
Everyone has received a copy of the Police Report.
Raymond Kaminski questioned the 16.0 total hours worked for May 2004 by Chief. A correction for report to read as 160.0 total hours worked by Chief.
The Police report was accepted subject to correction on motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Borough Manager : Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
54 tons, not including metal, was picked up for Spring Cleanup. The cost for borough was approximately $2,225.00, not including labor.
The 1989 garbage truck is running again. Council discussed the cost of a new chassis to be $40,000.00 to $50,000.00.
RESOLUTION NO. 4 - A RESOLUTION TO MAKE AND CHANGE ROAD / STREET NAMES TO IMPLEMENT TIOGA COUNTY ENHANCED 911 PUBLIC SAFETY SYSTEM - pass, contingent of corrected spelling on street names and change spelling on maps. Motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
A list of borough streets for tar and chipping was provided before the meeting. 1.875 miles to be done. All roads are marked and leveled. Dust oiling of roads to be done July 6. "Fresh Oil" signs will be set up a few days prior to the road oiling. Also, dust oil letters were sent to property owners notifying them of the oiling. The tar and chipping to be done week of July 12.
Love & Scribbles Day Care, owner Joyce Lloyd, is required to set up an emergency plan for evacuating the Day Care children when there is an emergency. Mrs. Lloyd would like permission to evacuate the children to the Borough Building Council Room until parents can pickup the children up. Council agreed to Mrs. Lloyd's request. Richard Williams is to be notified of the emergency plan.
Borough Manager George Lloyd asked about the attorney fees billed to the borough for the consultations, drafting Resolution No. 3 approving transfer of restaurant liquor license into the Borough of Blossburg from Hamilton Township. No discussion needed by Council, the statement to be re-submitted to Han-Roe Associates, Inc. for reimbursement.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission :
Meeting of May 25, 2004. Reviewed Scott and Barb Miller, 381 South Williamson Road request for a building permit to add on to the back of
their property. Additional property is needed for this addition. Mr. & Mrs. Miller are negotiating the purchase of the additional property from Shane Nickerson. The property to be purchased is on the line with Hamilton Township. If the Miller's get a letter from Nickerson that he intends to sell the land to them a variance will not be required, just a building permit.
Zoning Hearing Board: Borough Manager asked about the increasing of Zoning Fees from $250.00 to $400.00 to cover expenses. Borough Solicitor absent from meeting, Zoning Fees increase to be added to the agenda of the reconvened meeting on June 28.
Donations to be made in memory of Zoning Hearing Board member Diane Greer and Councilman Stanley Bombaski due to their passing.
Loretta Frost-Steffen to be contacted for the replacement of Zoning Hearing Board member Diane Greer.
Borough Solicitor sent a letter on June 14, 2004 to Mr. & Mrs. John Berguson questioning the use of the property located at 155 North Williamson Road. Borough Solicitor absent from meeting, Berguson home to be added to the agenda of the reconvened meeting on June 28.
Recreation : No minutes received.
Three (3) trees were cut down at Island Park costing $700.00. A discussion on whom should pay for the cutting of the trees on Island Park. If more trees need to be cut down a decision will be made at that time. Thomas Bogaczyk to check if there are grants available to help cut trees.
Carol Tama, Pool Association is raising money to pay for new Island Park swings, swing seats, and hardware. The cost will be approximately $2,200.00. After next meeting, check to see how much more money is needed.
Fire Department : No report received.
Kevin Lindquist and Terry Kreger reported new building is averaging a social rental once a month. A Father's Day Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, June 20, 2004 from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Fire Department Secretary to be contacted about getting minutes to Council.
Police: Nothing further to report.
Television : Channels 3 is bad. New tower to be worked on shortly. Old tower to be donated to Fire Company.
No Meeting in July for Television Board.
Library :
No Meeting.
Street Committee :
Riverside Plaza parking lot to be reworked and new lines to be painted.
K.C.C. :
Charles Freeberg reported on the KCC finances. The organization balance is $2,377.75. Partners in Progress to rent KCC building for the next nine weeks.
TCCCC has installed a Community Bulletin Board on the wall between the Bloss Holiday and Lemon's Pharmacy for the advertising of any civic organization projects. Ads to be put on bulletin board may be left at the Blossburg Borough Office. Mr. Freeberg has key. He will pickup ads and post.
NPHS Student:
Tonya McNamara to contact N.P.H.S. is fall to see if a student can be recruited for Council.
Committee Business Development: Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business and Entertainment) next meeting June 16, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. in the basement of the Blossburg Memorial Library.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Pedestrian Bridge: There was a good turn out for the dedication on May 27, 2004.
Remove Pedestrian Bridge from agenda. Motion of Raymond Kaminski; second Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Nothing to report. Borough Manager George Lloyd to do.
- Building Codes: Ordinance for adoption of the International Residential Code for One-and Two-Family Dwellings being advertised. To be adopted at the reconvened meeting on June 28, 2004. Ordinance to go into effect on July 1, 2004.
- Old Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor and Borough Manager reviewed and marked map. Borough Solicitor absent from meeting, Old Railroad Property to be added to the agenda of the reconvened meeting on June 28.
- Opening of Bids for Old Ambulance Building:
Two bids were received:
Douglas Matthews, Covington, PA 16917 in the amount of $28,050.00.
Acorn Markets, Wellsboro, PA 16901 in the amount of $40,000.00.
Kevin Lindquist and Terry Kreger Blossburg Fire Department and Blossburg Ambulance Association Members were present for the bid openings. They both stated that the fire and ambulance members wanted $50,000.00.
Mr. Lindquist and Mr. Kreger to check with the other members to see if they are willing to take the $40,000.00 bid from the Acorn Markets. Fire and Ambulance meeting tonight at 7:30 P.M. Blossburg Fire and Ambulance members to get back to Council.
All documents were in order as required. Motion to accept Acorn Market bid, contingent on acceptance By Blossburg Fire Department and Blossburg Ambulance Association by Thomas Bogaczyk; second Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
- Decorating Community Christmas Tree: Tonya McNamara to contact North Penn High School for an interested school organization willing to take over the decorating. Cheryl Bubacz suggested contacting Rita Bower - Art Club or Epicurus Club at N.P.H.S.
- Farmers Market: The rules need to be reviewed. Farmers Market to be added to the agenda of the reconvened meeting on June 28.
- Electric System Assessment: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett reviewing a preliminary report from Quad 3 Group. Mr. Barrett is seeking additional information from other sources. Borough Solicitor absent from meeting, Electric System Assessment to be added to the agenda of the reconvened meeting on June 28.
- Dollar General Survey: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett, Borough Manager George Lloyd and Surveyor for the Dollar General met over at the Dollar General to review the site. The surveyor is going to make up more documents / maps - easements from the Dollar General to the Borough and change the width of the road out back.
- Home Occupation: The description of home occupation according to the Ordinance is vague. Brett Russell requests for Paint Ball sales and service w/sign out front in question. June 16, 2004 Zoning Hearing Board meeting to review request.
- Advertise 1991 ¾ Ton Pickup Truck for Sale: Borough Manager to do.
- House Condemnation: Borough Solicitor sent a letter on June 14, 2004 to Mr. Peter Scroback stating the horrible condition of his home located at 128 North Williamson Road. Mr. Scroback has 10 days to contact Borough Manager George Lloyd.
New Business:
No new business.:

ADJOURNMENT: Meeting will not adjourn as there are some items to be completed. The meeting dismissed at 7:50 P.M., by Council President Jerome Ogden, to reconvene June 28, 2004 at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary