GUESTS: Patrick Barrett, Borough Solicitor reported process on lien filing format as related to contractors with the concrete and bleacher installation at Island Park. He corrected some language. He had discussed this with Borough Manager, as to these points clarifying that Borough contributes only by work done at site preparation.etc. One is a "Waiver of Mechanics", more or less the language it concerns liens against the borough. This was done because he was asked to. Language includes Borough not responsible for loss of equipment or supplies during work. He put the language in to notify them the Southern Tioga Gridiron Club is project sponsor. A copy was given to G. Lloyd for his review.
Barrett reported on a series of seminars on watershed planning. He attended one due to the problem the borough has with the project on the hill (dump). He did not attend any more of the seminars. He did not feel the expense to the borough was worth it. He thinks because of the type of flood work the borough has been involved in, this would not be worthwhile for the borough.
He had a request from an attorney for copies of borough minutes. He furnished the minutes copy. This was in reference to a firm for the dump. He is of the opinion they are preparing for the second round.
He will review the weight limit ordinance again as he noted there were penalties he needed to clarify. He apologized for having to leave the meeting. He had an emergency arise. Also, he will be on vacation. He has made arrangements if there is an emergency which required legal assistance while he is away.
Questions re: buildings to be condemned, any other ordinances to do. He left the meeting at 6:42 P.M. He will meet with Ward prior to July meeting.
K. Lindquist discussed property for placement of fire and ambulance building. C. Bubacz has made a contact. Asked that Borough Manager be called. Nothing to date for sure. Borough Fire Committee working with departments.
J. Perry - Gazette arrived 6:50 PM
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : No report
NPHS Student rep : No report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : No report
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: G. Lloyd contacted owner who advised him they will be moving trailers in this summer.
- Regionalization: Nothing
- Street Lighting: Nothing
- Ordinances: Ordinances to be put on CD
- Monument Repairs: Contractor said he was going to start when weather clear. G. Lloyd will contact him again.
- Evaluation: Solicitor has all the information.
- Road Study: Also have proposed in for members sent. No action until correct.
- Request Tree: 1974 Class: R. Kaminski had made his recommendation during Recreation Board Report. R. Kaminski said we need to map it out. How many in certain area, etc.
- Granger Street Cul de sac / Minor Subdivision Lindner to Ben Jones: Nothing
- Houses: Powell/Scrobak/Robinson/Wilson Trailer/M. Bogaczyk: Attorney to set up.
New Business:
- NTRDPC: Rt 6 Focus Group to meet not connected with borough.
- Borough received check from WALMART for bleachers, transferred to Gridiron Club.
- Chart for common level ration factor real estate.
- TCAB Lawrenceville Contact S. Ward
Mayor report:
Discussion reference police report format. Saves paper and time as presented to members.
Approved this on Motion T. Bogaczyk, Second T. Roupp.
All in favor.
Note: K. Lindquist discussed property as he arrived following the Mayor's report. Committee to meet on sites being looked at. Left meeting 7:00 PM
Mayor |
Police report: |
Borough Manager's report:
State Codes construction. Small communities facing problems. M. Stoudt has talked about taking the classes to become certified. Hamilton Township going in with Blossburg on hiring someone possibility. R. Kaminski said he had been thinking about the training. No decision can be made at this time.
PSAB has sent information on insurance for elected officials. This was a new program, spouses and children could be insured, also. T. Bogaczyk will check into this. The Resolution to accept the enrollment of members must be sent by July 1, 2002 with a $25.00 fee. Any member who wishes to take advantage, contact Ward.
Motion to adopt Resolution by R. Kaminski, second T. Bogaczyk All in favor.
Resolution presented for enrollment under plan for Manager and Secretary reviewed. Also, required to be in by 1 July 2002 Borough enrollment fee $20.00 if accepted. Same method of payment - this by individual and in either program to be payment by person, not borough.
Motion to adopt the enrollment
for Manager and Secretary R. Kaminski Second by T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Historical and Museum Commission letter offering program to preserve historical records of borough reviewed.
T. Bogacaczyk "Motion to have old records put on microfilm by PAHMC", second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Letter from PennsValley Publishers re entering Borough Ordinances on C.D. at a cost of $450.00 presented.
"Ordinances to be put on C.D." T. Bogaczyk, second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
There will be filings at the end of June with the District Justice for delinquent garbage bills. Borough will have to pay approximately $1,000 in fees. This will be recouped from persons filed against as they are required to pay all costs according to Borough Ordinance. Letters sent to those with balance, if not paid as a result of letter, filing charges.
The Street Committee involved with Manager on the pedestrian bridge end of McIntyre Street.
A letter from the state stating Affidavit to accept purchase on the "Piggyback" Program (as used for backhoe) is needed by Resolution.
Motion R. Kaminski, Second T. Bogaczyk. "The filing Affidavit to accept purchase to be part of the "Piggyback" Program be adopted". All in favor.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Discussed bleacher project which had not proceeded as required permit could not be issued until Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board acted on the flood information as needed. Survey showed variance needed for elevation due to flood data. P.C. met with members of So. Ti. Gridiron Club. Recommendation for approval of request was forwarded to Zoning Hearing Board. Hearing was held. Standards set forth, requirements understood, variance for elevation of bleachers approved at formal hearing as required.
Zoning Hearing Board had set of plans. R. Kaminski asked for details. Both sides on 6" concrete bases. Visitor side will be built up brought in line with track.
Kaminski did not understand who Joan Sattler was. He was advised this person was on list for attendance at the previous Zoning Hearing Board. George will check with Ward.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
C. Bubacz advised G. Lloyd to contact Probation when field used for football games. Will be able to get help to clean up. This will be part of community service.
Mayor asked if they could do other than after games or at other site. They can do other work. He commented the Coal Festival people were cleaning up themselves.
R. Kaminski made a recommendation that in order to avoid a hodgepodge of trees that a grove be planned. Types of trees suggested by borough can be stated. Trees being removed discussed. J. Ogden would like to see trees replaced in area where removed for shade purposes. Pines should be put back where pines are removed as they grow best there. T. Bogaczyk inquired about a grant for tree, there is money for programs. J. Ogden suggested T. Schill be contacted to co-ordinate plans with T. Bogaczyk.
Recreation |
Television report:
Library report:
Street Committee report:
Must meet to discuss roads to be in project with Liberty TWP. Ogden, McNamara, Holleman on committee. Will also look at
bridge, pieces of metal plate put on. Engineer to check. Request information from NTRPD about grants for bridges.
Letter on curb in front of Llewellyn's on North Williamson Road received. PADOT says it is a borough problem. Mayor explained about accident with tractor trailer on that curb. Should have been taken care of by insurance company, but was not. No claim made to his knowledge. Contact Barrett.
Street Committee |
K.C.C. report:

Meeting adjourned at 7:53 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary
(Ward left 7:20 PM) C. Bubacz continued recording of actions.