
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes July 22, 2002 6:00 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, Jerome Ogden Vice-President, Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Timothy Roupp Tom Bogaczyk
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward Patrick Barrett Esq., Borough Solicitor Guests: David and Beverly Jones |
Agenda |
Weight Limits Various Streets of Borough: P. Barrett reviewed the
proposed Ordinance explaining some clarification needed on street sections to be included in the proposal. Also, to note there are some additional items to be considered such as, if a cement truck was needed to be brought in if a house was being built, provisions made.
Motion "That the proposed Ordinance for Weight Limits on certain streets of the Borough be advertised for adoption at the 9 September 2002 Borough Council Meeting," Motion R. Kaminski Second T. Bogaczyk All in favor.
P. Barrett advised Council he would prepare and advertise the notices.
The proposed Ordinance on Police residency was discussed. Motion R.
Kaminski, second, T. Bogaczyk, "Police residency Ordinance be advertised for adoption 9 September 2002." All in favor.
Grant Application: G. Lloyd had furnished P. Barrett with the information "
on a grant application for Island Park. He had some concerns which he reviewed. There will not be an audit on all of the borough funds which had been one of the questions. The paper work can be completed and sent back in order to have the funds released. (Original application had been submitted November 2001.) Motion "To accept Grant" C. Bubacz; second, J. Holleman. All, "Aye".
Rail-Road Property: C. Bubacz inquired about the status of the rail-road property contact ref: costs. R. Wood had not called
G. Lloyd back today as expected. G. Lloyd will check Price with R. Wood again.
Solicitor Barrett requested an Executive Session. The Council President called an Executive Session at 6:22 P.M. Meeting resumed 7:45 P.M.
Contract Bleachers: Concrete company, signed papers. Contractor bleachers sent away, not back yet. S. Gee expected it this week. P. Barrett advised G. Lloyd to see if he can get the papers back.
- Tree at Library: Limbs trimmed. It is relatively healthy R. Kaminski said. They removed some branches which could have caused problems in the parking area. He suggested that steps be taken to keep the tree. If a small tree put in, would take fifty years to have the same kind of shade as now.
- Investment: T. Bogaczyk had made a study on types of investments that the available funds could be put into. There is one plan which allows you quarterly access to the investment which would not take all interest back, this is different from Certificates.
Motion to invest the funds which are now in a Money Market
Checking in the "Easy Access" in the amount of $100,000.00 (FCNB)
which would allow you to invade this once in a quarter without penalties". Motion, C. Bubacz: Second T. McNamara. Roll Call
vote - All aye following discussion.
A motion was made by R. Kaminski; second, C. Bubacz, "That Car Pay funds be used to pay car loan balance from Money Market checking as well." T. Bogaczyk explained how much could be saved over a period of time rather than paying all the interest which would be due, if money borrowed. Roll Call vote for the police car transaction: All in favor. The borough will pay itself back which is what has been found to be the way to recoup on expenditures or in future when equipment needed.
If expenses warrant, Council could borrow against the Easy Access which would cause no loss in interest.
- Garbage Bills: G. Lloyd discussed garbage bills. P. Barrett will check
if registered notice required before filing with District Justice. Letters had been sent from the Manager with some good responses.
- Bridge at McIntyre Street: If unsafe, must be closed. G. Lloyd has started checking into this already.
St. Mary's-White St. Bridge at White Street to St. Mary's Street to be checked.
- Police: T. Bogaczyk made a motion "That a letter of reprimand be placed in the file of the young man's (Chad Buttorff). We will review in three (3) months. We recommend that the Chief write a letter of reprimand to place in his (Buttorff) official file." Second, R. Kaminski. Roll Call vote. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary