GUESTS: Chief K. Lindquist attending to inquire on status of question on railroad property price of land discussed for fire and ambulance site; or, any other information received to date concerning the relocation of the departments.
G. Lloyd has been in contact with R. Wood real estate agent. Also with J. Pinto of the railroad property office. R. Wood met with G. Lloyd today who advised him (G. L.) they would figure out the
cost and get back with him. He had hoped to have figure tonight.
K. Lindquist asked if the department would be responsible for the costs of surveying if this proceeds. Lloyd had been told by Wood
discussion of "Quit Claim" action. G. Lloyd said there should be a survey in order to determine actual property lines. C. Bubacz pointed out it would be necessary to have this done if there is to be any subdivision of the remaining property.
There is a lot on Main bordering Nevins and at the rear Morris Streets along with another small piece which must be determined.
If Council reconvenes or has another meeting in a 'week or so, there should be more definite information to present.
K. Lindquist was asked if any plans have been made. The Fire Department is meeting every Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. Council is welcome to attend. R. Kaminski asked if there was any need to reconvene, is there any hurry before next month? K. Lindquist advised Council the Fire and Ambulance Departments will proceed regardless of what happens with this property. They hope to break ground this coming spring. Mayor Backman K. Lindquist should be advised he talked to the guy who was raising the funds for the Island bleachers. He would be willing to help raise funds. Steve Gee had called Lindquist , to offer his help.
Since there was no more to discuss about the projects, K. Lindquist
left the meeting at 6:55 P.M.
Harold Witushynsky stated he was in attendance to advise Council that he wished to resign from the Police Civil Service Commission if this is still in place. Also, Matthew Manikowski, another member, could not be here as he was required at another meeting. He had asked H. Witushynski to advise Council that he was resigning, also.
He asked several questions about the police duties and the accident with the police car in Hamilton Township.
T. McNamara advised Witushynsky Council will look into these matters. She thanked him for expressing his concerns. He left the meeting at 6:45 PM.
Borough Solicitor advised Council and Mayor he would appreciate having an Executive Session. This convened at 6:46 PM.
Session ended 7:56 PM. Personnel matters discussed. No formal action. T. McNamara directed Ward to advertise a Special Council Meeting to be held 22 July 2002 at 6:00 P.M. in the council Room. Meeting for general purposes.
P. Barrett was asked by Ward if after the Borough was required to form the Civil Service Police Commission when the third full time police officer had been hired (James L. Bradley), would this be disbanded when there were not three full-time officers. He will check into this. Two citizens not on other committees or boards have been appointed with one Borough Councilman to serve. No formal action was recorded for dissolving the Commission.
Beverly and David Jones attending as interested citizens.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : No report
NPHS Student rep : No report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing new. Advert noted-cost of rent reduced.
- Regionalization: Nothing
- Street Lighting: Nothing
- Ordinances: P. Barrett will have information for meeting of 22 July 2002.
- Monument Repairs: Working at site.
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Road Study: Ordinance sent to Council for review and comment. More comments and suggestions made. Further information at the meeting of 22 July 2202 will be submitted.
- Request Tree: Request Class of 1964 - Tree at Island Park. Report from R. Kaminski reference location of memorial grove, suggestions on type to be planted, upkeep and care of trees started.
- Granger Street Cul de sac / Minor Subdivision Lindner to Ben Jones: G. Lloyd has received no further paper work. Until the "pie
shaped" property is settled, the cul-de-sac can not be done properly.
- Houses: Powell/Scrobak/Robinson/Wilson Trailer/M. Bogaczyk: These were discussed at meeting today. Solicitor to again review the ordinance and start proceedings after setting up with S. Ward.
New Business:
Advertisement for Special Meeting on 22 July 2002 to convene at 6:00 PM for General Purposes. This will be advertised in Wellsboro Gazette.
Meeting Advertisements: Solicitor enumerated times when notices must be published, what subjects require such notices, etc.
- TCDC meeting notices had been sent for members to attend 29 July 2002. No one has reserved at this time.
Mayor report:
Further information on requirements by state for building permits, inspections, etc. The information has been received from Mansfield Borough which outlines the suggested plan for co-operation in the implementation of the use of an expanded office in Mansfield. The permit officer, Shawn Forrest has been attending BOCA training for all the areas covered in those codes which are also part of the Blossburg Ordinances! Before making a final decision, Council will also consider the availability of Mike Stoudt for in Blossburg and Hamilton Township as he has also been taking classes. Concerns are expressed about persons from this town having to go to Mansfield for permits, etc.
Before January 2003 the Borough can appoint three persons who would do for the time which will be involved in persons being certified.
Motion of T. Bogaczyk; second, C. Bubacz, "That David Jones, Raymond Kaminski, Mike Stoudt be appointed for the purposes set forth. These
persons will be "grand fathered" in for the three year period." All in favor. This will address some of the problems encountered.
Mayor |
Police report:
Report forwarded to members prior to meeting. Discussion on report. Police Report accepted: Motion of T. Bogaczyk: Second-T. Roupp. All in favor.
Police car discussed. Chief reported light and radio OK. Will take light and radio off here. T. Bogaczyk asked if the radio is all right. Chief said just one broken lens. Price quoted for taking radio out of old car and putting into new at $800.00. Does not have price for installing Vascar. The tapes for ID of car around $300.00. no cost yet for repair of lights. The camera is insured as is the vehicle. Warnick Police Service is where the car is. G. Lloyd had the information listed on the sheet he furnished Council.
Discussion on cost of car and type of vehicle. Funds will be borrowed to cover car and costs. T. Bogaczyk made the motion. "That a Resolution be adopted to borrow funds for vehicle in the amount of $16,500.00 signatures by the Vice-President and Secretary" Second the motion R. Kaminski. Roll call vote taken: Aye: R. Kaminski, J. Holleman. C. Bubacz. T. Toupp. T. Bogaczyk, T. McNamara. Unanimous. G. Lloyd will obtain paperwork from F.C.N.B. and have signatures entered. The sum borrowed should cover other of the car costs.
Discussion on times when roll call vote. Advised by Solicitor of matters when required. Ward noted the form she uses has each members name and the vote as called. Unless a nay is voiced, unanimous lists all as aye, each is separate.
Questions on junk cars discussed with Borough Solicitor when he met with S. Ward prior to the meeting. He will be sending
some letters to various property owners. Question on the Gulf
station on North Williamson Road due to number of vehicles just seeming to be put there, not for repairs; also, grass and weeds. Ward has contacted some of the property owners about these things. Letters from the attorney seem to get better attention. It is possible S. Ward will have to file with the District Justice on the property owners who do not comply. The Police Department had in the past sent letters in reference to the vehicles not in compliance with the ordinance. This was very effective then.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
R.Kaminski inquired about repair in new back-hoe. This was something which was not put in properly, it
is now. Report accepted motion of C. Bubacz: second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Reported on well drilling at N.P.H.C. site Ruah-Granger.
Notice received from landfill increase to $4.00 ton for tipping. This is a result of new state law directed at discouraging out of state garbage coming in.
C. Bubacz asked G. Lloyd about some balances on M/Auth bills. Questions on liens, the report indicates several delinquent accounts being paid after letter sent or the water shut off. Letters sent reference garbage bills. May have to file with District Justice on some accounts. Persons then responsible for payment of fines, costs and
bills. No one is allowed to haul their own garbage. This
is another offense which would cost them fines and payments.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Recreation report:
Minutes not received. DCED Grant Agreement reference to the $5,000.00 grant for bleacher project forms to be completed so funds will be released.
Discussion on use of old bleachers. Sides to be put on and any other repairs. Carving from Coal Festival will be put inside until base put in to insure it can not be tipped over. Recreation to decide where to put it. Access to water needed since it is a fountain. R. Kaminski suggested they get blocks and put around in nice design which would prevent it from tipping, unless vandals knock it over.
Mayor said discussion held on closing park at night. He said he would not be in favor as walkers go over different times. Bubacz said she had thought it was still closed at 10:00 at night. This is not closed since the lights were put in so basketball can be played late at night. T. Bogaczyk asked if it was correct the toll phone booth was being removed as it has been smashed so many times. That is correct, it is gone. T. Bogaczyk said he feels there should be a walking presence at the park at different times.
R. Kaminski asked about the situation with water being turned off. When the Kiwanis went to do the bar-b-que on Saturday, there was no water. When R. Hall was contacted he advised them he has to shut it off as kids will turn it on and leave to run all night. He wondered if there might be a way to have a neighborhood watch so people go at different times since there are so many problems with damage at the park. There was a "Crime Watch" in effect when John Kuster was Mayor. Block captains were appointed, etc.
Kaminski also pointed out the car running on the football field. That had been reported to the police by people from Wellsboro. They could not call from the park as the phone had been wrecked. C. Bubacz said if the park was locked, you could not get your car on the field to do the damage. She asked why It could not be locked from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. to try to cut down on damage. Some people go to walk much earlier than that time in the morning. Could it be opened at 5:00 P.M.? R. Houser is there at that time, Hall had reported he would be willing to open the gate.
R. Steffen said he feels if lights with an electric eye were put up and cameras installed, this would help deter as then the vandals should be identified from the tapes. He discussed these with R. Hall. Cameras inside the buildings would also help. T. Bogaczyk suggested that the patrolman walk at different times in order no one would know when an officer will be somewhere on the park or in one of the buildings. These will be be considered.
Recreation |
Television report:
Library report:
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary