Borough Council Minutes July 9, 2001 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden (Absent) Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Brian Laverty (Absent due to death of his mother)
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Guests : |
K. Lindquist, J. McCauley and Tim Roupp.
Agenda |
Minutes of the June 11, 2001 meeting were read and approved as corrected.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Reports : |
Mayor : No report
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : No report
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing paid/no report.
- Regionalization: S. Bray nearing completion of report.
- Street lighting: Mayor advised study has been made. Move some lights suggested to help light areas needing light. More information will be needed to advise public when this is done. T. McNamara suggested possibly letters could be sent to help people understand the need for the changes.
- Ordinances: To be reviewed for correction.
- Monument repair: Nothing from one of the companies who looked at the site unless J. Ogden received it. The paper submitted by the brothers who looked at the work seems to be much below what would really need to be done. More contacts will be made.
- Evaluation: C. Bubacz advised that the appeals must be submitted to the County by August 18th.
- Road study: G. Lloyd to contact Scott Bray for this being done for East Creek and White Street.
- Telephone display: A motion was made, seconded and passed to table this item.
- Video Store - Solicitor: Letters sent to P. Barrett for his review. Permit for Occupancy topic. Concerns by Ward that letter be approved by Solicitor as this is the first time such a situation has had to be handled.
New Business:
- Housing Forms/Inspections: S. Ward requested permission to obtain services of independent inspector as is required by Ordinance in order to begin the process of condemnation, if found necessary. Vacant house Scorback North Williamson Road, Williamson/Powell (re-inspect)
Parkhurst: J & M Bogaczyk Gulick Street. Ward to proceed.
T. McNamara suggested Ward contact other local governments for copies of their forms used for inspection, if this would help. Ward had explained business inspections are done by L & I if new. After the new law is finally promulgated, only state will do building permits for business and industry.
- TCDC: 8th Annual Meeting Mansfield July 30, 2001. Please reserve ASAP.
Police report:
- Investigation of break-in at Island Park.
- Several "No Dump" signs have been stolen. No leads on who put up "nasty" signs. Now removed.
- Rescheduling bike rodeo.
- The Police Committee will meet with the Chief and Mayor for interviews or review of the applicants for the position that is open. R. Steffen asked if Council might consider the payment for the two test being charged to the person hired. Suggested if, after a year still here, be repaid. Since this is required by the Borough as condition of employment, can not.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
- Cul-d-sac on Davis Lane: G. Lloyd reported having some questions with the property owner adjacent to the cul-d-sac at the end of Davis Lane. Appears not to have entry on his deed when he bought the property. Solicitor has been in contact with R. Van der Heil, Kuzneski's attorney. Deed of dedication discussed with P. Barrett. Problem came up when Borough was doing some work in that area.
- Trees on Ruah Street in the water line project area have roots under the sidewalk and in area where lines are to be placed. Tree specialist contacted about possible damage to trees as concerns were expressed.
- Suggests sale of step van ($500 minimum he thinks), "78 jeep ($150 minimum), as one package 2 Snapper mowers (1-48" cut and 1-28" cut). A motion was made, seconded and passed to advertise for bids for the sale of this equipment.
- There are problems with the retaining wall in the Granger/St. Mary's Street area. Plans are to replace with gabions which have been better than just the rail-road ties.
- Letter from Tioga River Watershed Reclamation Project, Inc. received. They are asking permission to conduct a "stream walk" on property that falls in the watershed of Bear Creek, Coal Creek, Fellows Creek, Morris Run, Johnson's Creek and Fallbrook. Council asked to allow the activities outlined. This was agreed to as well as to join the TRWRP by a motion that was made, seconded and passed. This is a continuing project which the Mayor has been active in procuring funding for work he had accomplished.
- Paving will be starting when company (A.L. Blades) notifies G. Lloyd. He has the crew working on all areas which need preparation prior to the start. There are several areas being taken care of.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- Report of contact for person to replace Timothy Bogaczyk. David Darby has served on planning commissions as well as Tioga County Commission.
- A Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the resignation of T. Bogaczyk.
- A Motion was made, seconded and passed to appoint David Darby to complete the term of T. Bogaczyk.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- Trees once again discussed. R. Kaminski said he will go to check on them before the next meeting.
- C. Bubacz asked about the swimming lessons. Where do you go after the level is reached which is taught here? This will be directed to R. Hall. The drastic drop in enrollment for the lessons has come in only since this problem with the Red Cross person in Wellsboro came up. Solution not reached.
Recreation |
Fire Department report:
- Chief Lindquist reported on the Fire Dept. meeting. A letter had been received from C. Andrews Jr. who had not been properly informed on the position of the Fire Dept. regarding the proposed dump.Many stories had been circulated about the need of the Fire Company for a building resulting from the move to this location by the Borough. Reference had been made in news articles about a new building to be donated by the dump backers. The Fire Co. did not know where that story started. The Dept. voted to remain neutral on the proposal for the dump. However, Lindquist pointed out that you would see the signs against the dump in yards of members who have taken a stand against the dump. They did not know how this was started.
Mayor Backman informed them it had come up at an unofficial meeting that he, Council Vice-President Ogden, Borough Manager Lloyd had with the company representative for the dump. He stated if, this does go in there are to be grants or monies available, this is something needed. Nothing was official. (The Mayor also said that Ed Signor had met with them.)
The Dept. has come to a decision about their need for new quarters resulting from the move by the Borough. The building is too much to keep. The land could be used. A new station is needed as is evident from all discussions and study. A meeting was set up with the Fire Committee of Council and the Fire Dept. for the purpose of deciding what can be done.
The truck which had not been sold information was put on the web site today. The Fire Chief had discussed this at the June Council meeting. G. Lloyd suggested they talk to Jack Turner as he has the sales in Covington.
Fire Department |
Television report:
- J. Ogden absent. J. Holleman will relay any concerns.
Television |
Library report:
- A quarterly meeting is scheduled for the 16th. Holleman, Bubacz and Kaminski are the committee from Council.
Library |
K.C.C. report:
- The KCC Building is being used for the handicap schedule as last year.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
- G. Lloyd will want to meet when information on reassessment settled. There is a lot of change as listed from book 2001. Many people appealing. Discussed the problem with people calling Freda Weller with questions and complaints. She has asked if anything could be put in the news in order for people to be aware the Borough has no control over this, nor does she. Notice will be put in the Penny Saver. Also, when the water bills go out, a notation can be put in to give the number to call.
Budget Committee |
NPHS Student Representative report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:
Adjournment at 8:29 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary