Borough Council Minutes February 11, 2002 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden Tonya McNamara Pro-Tempore James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Brian Laverty
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Agenda |
Minutes of the January 7, 2002 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Guest: Patrick Barrett as Borough Solicitor reported on notice received on appeal regarding proposed landfill, filed a Notice of Intervention on behalf of Blossburg Borough, outlined process involved. J. Ogden expressed concerns on behalf of community about the possible impact
of traffic through the borough should any site be approved for a landfill. Discussion on state roads in borough use by haulers.
Tax Collector: The resignation of Freda Weller from position of Borough Tax has been received due to health reasons. Someone will
have to be appointed to fill the term until the next municipal election. You have thrity (30) days after accepteance of the resignation to fill
the vacancy with a citizen of borough. (Must have resided in borough for one year minimum.) There will be questions on the notices for taxes due to the reassment by the county. This happens each time notices are sent. Suggests position be advertised. Position to be filled by appointment by Council at a meeting of Council. The Council meeting of this date will not be adjourned. Council will reconvene. Date determined by members at this time, 20 February 2002. Applicants will be interviewed. Appointment will be within the time
mandated by state. Notices will be sent to newspaper, posted on door of borough building advising persons to submit letter of interest.
7:10 P.M. J. Eckman attending as interested citizen also to comment as Chairman of Municipal Authority if any matters discussed pertaining to Authority.
P. Barrett left meeting upon completion of report.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : No report
Street Committee : No report
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : No report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : No Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: G. Lloyd contacted them. They have 3 or 4 trailers ready to move in. However, no payments had been made as of today, so unless they plan to move them in for display or whatever, can not be occupied. No building permits submitted yet
- Street lighting: No report.
- Ordinances: Error in newspaper discussed earlier with Solicitor. The Ordinance will be corrected by Solicitor action. At least now in place.
- Monument repair: Supposed to start when weather allows. Thought this might have started due to type weather now having.
- Evaluation: Nothing
- Road study: Scott Bray: Adopted earlier in meeting. Ordinance to be advertised.
- Bleachers Project: Report at next meeting expected.
New Business:
- Blossburg Borough TCAB March: Mr. Ogden recommends contacting Mountain Laurel B & B. If available, the arrangements will be made. J. L Ogden reported on a very informative meeting he and G. Lloyd attended which encourages local community groups to be made aware of the impact which the visitors center at the dams could have for the individual towns to be able to find new revenue from. He suggested a presenation be made at this TCAB meeting. He will make the contacts.
- Coal Festival Parade: Invitation issued to Council to participate in the Tenth Annual Coal Festival Parade.
- Procession Request: Letter Bloss Area Catholic Community asking for permission to hold procession Holy Thursday 3/28/02 starting St. Mary's Church to St. Andrew's, in the evening.
Motion "approve procession request" C. Bubacz
Second T. McNamara All in favor.
- TCDC Legislative Breakfast: U.S. & PA guests Peterson, Madigan, Scarnati, Baker will attend. Anyone from Borough please contact S. Ward prior to 22 March 02.
- Mayor Backman advised members there are some TCAB plates which are free for your vehicles if you wish to take one.
- MEETING WILL RECONVENE AT 6:30 P.M. on 20 February 2002 to interview persons interested in serving as Borough Tax Collector.
Time meeting dismissed 9:30 P.M.
Reconvened meeting from 11 February 2002
Call to order 6:35 P.M. Attending: President J. Bogaczyk; Vice-President Jerome Ogden; Councilmember James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Brian Laverty, Solicitor Barrett, Borough Manager George Lloyd, Diane Greer and Catherine Asalone applicants for Tax Collector. Sally Ward Secretary, Absent Councilmembers Raymond Kaminski, Tonya McNamara. Also attending, Lauren Walls NPHS student.
Old Business:
- House Parkhurst Street: Inquiry to FCNB, now owner after sheriff's sale, from Kathy Hemenway about purchase. Borough has outstanding balances for water, sewer and garbage bills. Solicitor suggests making arrangements. Question from Hemenway was if they did get the house, could they have until end or summer to raze. No problem about this could be seen. Advised putting dumpsters if they do it.
- KCC RENTAL: Charles (Chuck) Freeberg has agreed to handle the KCC scheduling and care. This will be advertised right away.
New Business:
- B. Laverty submitted his letter or resignation from Council.
Council will first act upon Tax Collector appointment.
- Tax Collector Appointment: Following interviews Resolution
presented by Solicitor: For appointment of Tax Collector.
Motion by C. Bubacz - " appoint Catherine Asalone as Tax Collector by Resolution" Second J. Ogden
Roll call - All in favor.
- Resolution prepared by Solicitor for appointment of Council after acceptance or resignation of B. Laverty on motion of C. Bubacz; second, J. Ogden: All in favor.
At 7:04 P.M. Timothy Roupp joined meeting having been called at request of Council.
Resolution appointment Timothy E. Roupp to replace Brian Laverty on Blossburg Borough Council adopted.
Motion C. Bubacz
Second J. Ogden
Roll Call vote: All in favor.
Mr. Roupp now voting member or Council assumed seat. Mr. Laverty expressed his appreciation to Council for enjoyable working experiences. Council expressed welcome at anytime he would like to come to meetings and to borough activities.
Corresondence reviewed: TCAB meeting Tioga Lake and Canyon Country Association meeting held 2/13/02 PA Environmental Network - B. Laverty President.
Reconvened Meeting adjourned at 7:12 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary
Mayor report:
- The letters in newspapers re: Police Department, as discussed
before, questions had been answered at the session with the Mayor, Police Chief, Boro Manager, Borough Council President, Secretary, County Agency representatives, residents of Tabertown Apartments with the exception of the person who had complained but, did not attend the meeting although invited. Concerns had been addressed also contact made with Housing Director on the matters. No explanation as to why this appeared following the meeting.
Mayor |
Police report:
- J. Holleman asked how the new officer is working out. The Chief reported he had him on a good solid training program. He is not out racing around, is not very aggressive, has not made any arrests yet. He thinks more before he speaks out. Hopefully, we can hang on to him.
- The Chief said he has been working in the office in the A.M. but will break the schedule up more often now. He and the Mayor have been looking into the speeding reports, running Vascar, etc. Safety is the most important feature.
- The camera is installed as the $5,000.00 grant paid for it. As soon as the red lights go on, the camera starts. There is a new device which uses light beams for speeding. Highway safety is pushing for more push by local departments to have a very aggressive program to stop the speeders. Lengthy discussion on the equipment which could be used. Vascar is not a viable use for the new section of the U.S. Rt 15. The big problem is the regulation that local departments can not use radar at this time. If Council would like a demonstration of the new equipment, this could be arranged. Another grant would have to be applied for. This will be considered further and a decision made.
- Questions asked about police reports on the web site. There are
none given to the web site although comments regarding number of arrests, etc being made. It is on the site only the notes of Council which are sent to Jones. This will be looked into.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
- The study on establishing weight limits on local streets has been done. An ordinance will have to be adopted setting forth the rules and all the requirements. The police will have to see to the enforcement by keeping up with the trucks. J. Ogden pointed out the use of scales.
J. Bogaczyk advised members of laws as explained to them by G. Hopple of PADOT who met with them to outline all the steps needed. White Street and East Creek Road were included in the study. G. Lloyd has given the information to Mr. Barrett for inclusion in the ordinance.
Motion J. Ogden: "That we accept Scott Bray's Engineering Road Study for the Borough of Blossburg, in conjunction with the PADOT Motor Vehicles Title 75 Motor Vehicle Code Section 49." Second C. Bubacz
All in favor.
- Personnel Policy, Telephone numbers. Suggest 911 be furnished copy by Chief in event emergency comes up, need contact person.
- History of Borough officials will be in the St. Andrew's book along with logo.
- A letter has been received from the county about the re addressing of property to identify all places for 911 calls. The company is the one for Chester Engineering. Each community will have to adopt an Ordinance to let the county assign addresses. Discussion on cul-d-sac North Williamson Road. When this was put in, it was decision of Council to use North Williamson Road for address. Also, the Borough would not pave this according to the agreement when this was put in. The one on Granger Street to allow Lindner and B. Jones to have permit (all houses must face a borough street) is listed as Granger Street. Nothing had been discussed on paving this site.
- There is a schedule for computer classes through So. Tioga School District. He would like to attend and have Mary, Leesa, Daniel and another go. This would cost about $200.00 total.
Motion R. Kaminski "To send 5 people to class"
Second B. Laverty
All in favor.
- The proposed Borough of Blossburg Personnel Policy was reviewed at length. Questions and corrections were noted and the pages will be rechecked.
- J. Eckman asked as Authority Chairman, could it be added as a catch all phrase, "Anyone employed by the Municipal Authority be subject to the same rules and regulations that govern Blossburg Borough employees." He expressed his thought this would reinforce the position of both Borough and Authority. Also, anything being determined would be a joint decision of the two. He would give the comments to George to look at as he is going through to make the other additions and corrections brought up tonight.
- Discussion followed. J. Ogden expressed he thought this was already included. C. Bubacz had several notations to minor and also more important corrections. All these will be taken care of as list reviewed and noted on pages.
- Motion R. Kaminski: "Nosmoking allowed in any borough vehicles" to be added to personnel policy.
Second B. Laverty
All in favor.
- Need to get a new backhoe. Looking into prices under state purchase plan. Would like to purchase this year.
- Question to Borough Manager about delinquent payments. Collections coming in pretty good so far on water and sewer. The letter he sent did not include the garbage as when Leesa figured the tags. People would also pay on that when they got the door hangers and notices. Garbage delinquent payments not filed on. You can not turn off water for non-payment like sewer and water.
Borough Manager's Report accepted. All in favor.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- Application for variance/special exception was received from C & S Brazda of North Williamson Road. If garage (residential) built to flood elevation it would be over seven feet in the air. Approval given, sent to Zoning Hearing Board for further action.
- Request for side lot footage by Habitat for Humanity proposed one famliy dwelling on vacant site 140 Main Street. Approved with stipulation if permit is asked for to build garage, access must be from rear of land. Sent to Zoning Hearing Board.
(Pending from previous meeting - Pequignot A. & S. of So Wmsn Rd dog grooming - will go to ZHB)
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- J. Bogaczyk reported not reaching agreement for use of Island
Park by So. Ti. School District. Figures were clearly defined as to Borough expenditures, etc. Not agreeing to requst of borough. This is being worked on.
Recreation |
Television report:
- Still rolls on #12 at C. Bubacz and J. Bogaczyk. J. Ogden
will ask that these both be checked.
Television |
K.C.C. report:
- If B. Laverty submits resignation to Council, someone will have to take over building. T. McNamara and C. Bubacz can not do scheduling. Advertise = arrangements at Borough now.
K.C.C. |
NPHS Student Representative report:

Meeting dismissed at 9:30 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary