
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes December 9, 2002
6:00 PM Prior to the regular meeting James J. Bogaczyk and Brian Laverty former members were recognized for their contributions to the Borough for the time they served. Remarks from B. Laverty and J. Bogaczyk (accompanied by wife Glenda) were well received. President Ogden commended them for their Borough Council devotion.
6:45 PM Call to order.
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, Jerome Ogden Vice-President, Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Timothy Roupp Tom Bogaczyk
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward Patrick Barrett Esq., Borough Solicitor Guests: Kevin Lindquist, Fire Chief, Tyler Lisowski, NPHS Student Council, and Ginny Adams, Wellsboro Gazette. |
Agenda |
Minutes of the November 11, 2002 regular council meeting.
Minutes accepted on motion of R. Kaminski, second C. Bubacz, All in favor.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
Question R. Kaminski re: Scale Savings. Report - all in favor. Scale savings still active as some of scale fines paid on installment with District Justice.
Motion: "Close Scale Savings Account" T. McNamara; 2nd R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Bills to be paid on motion T. BogaczyK, Second C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Borough Solicitor requested permission to submit reports at this time as he had to leave the meeting.
A. Police Pension Review. Motion to adopt modifications for clarification, etc. Police Pension:(A) Modifications to meet requirements presented.
Recommended by Committee. Motion to adopt C. Bubacz Second T. Bogaczyk. "Ordinance as presented by Solicitor" All in favor
B. Non-Uniform Pension - PSAB Master Plan Trust - Resolution to adopt. Non-Uniform Plan (B)
Recommended by Committee: Motion "To amend Ordinance as presented by Solicitor" T. Bogaczyk; Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Question to Ward by Barrett, time frame for adoption advertising, etc. of Ordinance as there is a difference in Boroughs and Townships, he said.
Any proposed Ordinance must be advertised thirty days prior to adoption with the "Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance". Adoption or rejection must be at meeting advertised. Attorney will prepare for advertisement, etc.
If it is published 11 December 2002, this would be sufficient time for action at the January 2003 meeting.
C. Railroad property: A resolution must be adopted to be in the records for the purchase of the railroad property within the
Borough of Blossburg limits. Motion To adopt the Resolution for the purchase of balance of railroad property within the Blossburg Borough limits," by R. Kaminski; second, T. McNamara. All in favor. Deed must be obtained. The Resolution stated $15,000.00 for property and not to exceed more than $5O0. for costs. He expressed concern with item sub-division, discussed how to proceed on that item.
D. Changes "Right to Know" effective on December 20, 2002. Explained basics, request to Borough Secretary for public documents. What you need to do is act upon cost of copying (health, etc. reports on employees not included - several other personnel items) each page. Difference in new act as vs. old act is the old one, they would have to take you to court to force you to supply them if we ignore the request. New - If request for certain records such as personnel dismissal. Zoning Hearing Board, documents on interview etc, not required to furnish. He put together a form as this has to have a meeting for agency the same as if you have a dismissal hearing. Will further review the form with Ward. But, must as required for the record adopt policy before 20 December 2002. Motion "To Adopt Policy in Favor for Public Records request as presented by Solicitor" C. Bubacz; Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor. He will meet with Ward on the form. The charge for a copy is twenty-five cents (25¢) as already set by Borough.
E. Fence Ordinance: Fence considered structure (past practice has been it is) ?
If must follow ordinance would be six feet between a neighbor's fence. Discussed due to fact property owner came to office to complain contractor on his land putting up fence. No permit had been applied for. Work stopped. Question discussed if adjoining property owner puts in writing no objection if on line. After contacts with both Solicitors (Borough-Zoning)
suggested ordinance be reviewed and recommendations made for change or not.
Person putting up fence is willing to apply for variance through Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board. Due to the fact there is now a paragraph signed by adjacent owner saying he did not object to being on line (after he had complained in the beginning) Council is willing for applicant to put the fence on the line. Ward will advise parties of approval. Ward expressed concerns if everyone decides to ignore rules. This is another section of the ordinance which needs to be reviewed and if any changes needed, made.
Mr. Barrett had to attend another meeting. Mayor Backman directed question to him about the bicycle ordinance. This will have to be reviewed. Mayor suggests some changes especially in areas where Commercial property located. Mr. Barrett left at 6:55 P.M.
GUESTS: Fire Chief K. Lindquist: Gave report of activities for month. Copy Activities to each member for file.
Committee meetings re: property adjoining land former railroad and school property facing Carpenter Street. Letter to district asking permission
to access the backside of the r.r. land from their lot. No reply in writing. Access from Carpenter Street would probably be easier than from Ruah Street in their opinion. District had been approached some time ago about selling a piece of the lot they had from r.r. but they declined.
C. Bubacz asked if the papers had been completed she needs from them to
finish the application. K. Lindquist will ask for them so this can be taken care of.
Utig House: T. Bogaczyk asked about the house on the hill. T. Asalone has had a request in for some time so it could be a controlled fire exercise. The Department cannot do this without permission. Discussion on delay.
Discussion on need for survey of r.r. lands. Possibly done when it is actually recorded in Borough of Blossburg name. Lindquist said they need to be certain the right of way is the borough property to access from Ruah.
K. Lindquist asked if Council had anything for further action at this time by the Fire Department. There were no more questions or comments. Departed meeting at 7:08 PM.
Tyler Lisowski of NPHS Student Council reported on activities at the school. The students were to be commended especially for their efforts on behalf of the persons who are on active military duty. Complete report continued later.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : View report
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: The Attorney to contact to advise action must be taken on payment or legal steps will be necessary. R. Kaminski asked if taxed as one piece or by lot. If by lot, then perhaps could make them pay attention to this as they are improved lots as water and sewer there for each site. T.V. also has put money out on this and not paid.
- Street Lighting: Motion "To remove from Agenda" T. Bogaczyk, Second, C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Discussion on power outage which PENELEC says not their problem. From all reports, damage to individual homes as well as business, not just in appliances, but to other parts of homes. This must be reviewed in order to assist residents in the future. PENELEC claimed it was due to snow laden branches on lines. There had been no heavy snow when this happened.
C. Bubacz pointed out the problems with area coming down from
entrance to borough off new road. This can be addressed with PENELEC. Mayor commented on other spots light needed.
- Ordinances: (Fences & Adult Entertainment) Addressed earlier.
- Monument Repairs: Work completed. Motion to remove from Agenda. R. Kaminski; Second. J. Holleman. All in favor.
- Evaluation: Solicitor
- Well old hospital: Nothing at this time.
- Rail road property: As action taken earlier for sale at this meeting, Motion "To Remove from Agenda," T. McNamara. Second, C. Bubacz. All in favor.
- Footbridge: Nothing more besides reports earlier in meeting.
- Cul-de-sac: Cul-De-Sac Davis Lane - Solicitor has this to work on.
- Houses: Powell, Robinson, M. Bogaczyk: All waiting for Attorney to be available for condemnation proceedings except Powell (Utig) as FCNB owns and is to tear down without hearing. Still asking if occupied, who responsible for relocation. In the past, only one house was occupied when condemned, persons bought other home and moved.
- Cul-De-Sac Granger St. B. Jones/A. Lindner: G. Lloyd said he would ask that this be taken care of.
- A. Lindner Request: Street Name Cul-de-sac. Discussed previous meeting re: holding for 911 information as to streets if changes will be required.
Since no action can be taken at this time, C. Bubacz made a motion, "To table item until more information is available." second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
- County Comprehensive Plan: Question sheet was provided to persons attending meeting which Dr. Darby attended. R. Kaminski also at that meeting as an interested party.
Dr. Darby gave the Planning Commission a copy of survey. The list will be mailed by county as a grant was received. As soon as the list is available, it will be furnished to Council for comment.
- Tax Ordinance 2003: The Ordinance has been advertised as required. Action can now be taken if there are no amendments or changes. No one from the public has submitted any comments to the office.
Motion "That the proposed 2003 Tax Ordinance be adopted as advertised: 5.507 mills General Purposes; 0.568 mills Fire Purposes; 0.149 mills Llbrary Purposes. Total on Real Estate 6.224 mills on each dollar of
assesed valuation or 62.240 cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.
Roll call voted: All in favor.
New Business:
Fuel Bids: Received as advertised:
Montour Oil 0.9570 per gal (Winter) Diesel - Summer grade 0.9520
Medium Grand Unl gas 0.8500
Williams Oil: Mid grade gas 0.9275 Winter Diesel 0.9620 Summer 0.9445
Tioga Energy: Unl Med Grade 1.054 Diesel Winter 0.966 Diesel Summer 0.956
Motion by R. Kaminski, To accept Montour Oil Bid". Second, T. Roupp. All in favor.
- TCAB Annual Meeting at Wellsboro: ' Reservations required, gift from Borough required. Please advise Ward if attending. Gift is purchased from in town.
- Mr. Kaminski had copies of the codes which he purchased pertaining to the new uniform code. The training and testing is expensive and time consuming. If anyone is interested, please talk to Mr. Kaminski. He is considering taking the courses and test. This would be an advantage for the Borough, if he would do this. The Uniform Building Code is very stringent.
Mayor report:
As Chairman of the EMTA the Mayor thanked the Council for the donation to the Authority. He advised them at their meeting it would be better asking for assistance prior to budget time. Ward sent a letter with the donation requesting this, also. A report on number of riders was supplied for Council members to read.
Mayor |
Police report:
Report sent out, accepted motion of C. Bubacz. Second, J. Holleman. All in favor.
R. Steffen called attention to report on co-operation between PSP and other local departments. Will try to keep dialogue going with all other departments as many have same concerns to deal with .
T. Bogaczyk asked for clarification on hours as reported. C. Bubacz asked how McCurdy doing. Chief said he was doing well and seeing things he never saw before.
Letter of resignation from Lisa M. Shutt received. Accepted with regret. She had more hours to put in her primary police job in her township. She stated she had an obligation to them. She will finish her reports and cases. Will help if needed for her cases, etc. Will keep in touch with her.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
Report accepted motion of C. Bubacz, Second, T. Bogaczyk All in favor.
Foot bridge: C. Bubacz submitted the application after she completed it to the Packer Foundation for a grant for the footbridge. This has been approved in the amount of $5,000.00. She
stated she would like to get the design in and the work underway for bids, and actual work to be done. This also means getting the old bridge removed. The bids should be ready for advertising in January or it will not be done in time for the Coal Festival she added.
G. Lloyd reported on information obtained by D. Krause on bridges. The American Legion Post had asked him to obtain this and offer his assistance from Post 572. C. Bubacz had asked Commander J. Holleman to present request for donation from the post towards the bridge. As a result of the meeting discussion, the donation was not made yet. When information is in place, action to be taken.
G. Lloyd has contacted someone who will have the specs drawn up according to what he told him. Discussed needs for safety features.
Municipal Authority would split costs of turkeys for employees for Christmas if Council agrees. Motion "To purchase turkeys to be given to employees for Christmas" C. Bubacz; Second,
T. Bogaczyk. All in favor. This was done last year.(Borough and Municipal Authority and Police)
C. Bubacz inquired about mirrors for roadways which were purchased. Street Committee met at the site, one side narrow
but nothing can be done about that is the way property is, no different for roadway than behind Bogart leading to Maple Hill. Will have to raise manholes up, fill potholes. The speeding has, been reported with some residents the ones turned in to police.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Fence already discussed. Once again, need for study and action to correct this type of problem.
Kuzneski to Smith house on Granger Street the squaring off of land by home and barn. All the proper documents had been presented to the Planning Commission and sent to Tioga County Planning for
review an recommendation. The property is not near the sewer lines so the No. Central Sewage Agency had to do the review and have forms completed.
Recommended approval by both agencies was made. Motion "That the Kuzneski (B) to C. Smith be approved as presented by R. Kaminski, Second, C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Suggested by Planning again that the Ordinance Update Commission review the problems with the fence ordinance.
At one time the members took turns as a rotating committee to review all ordinances and make recommendations for update and/or changes/repealers. (C. Bubacz, T. McNamara, R. Kaminski are on the committee.)
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
Fire Department report:
Television report:
Library report:
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
Budget report:
G. Lloyd would like to set up a meeting. J. Ogden, J. Holleman, T. Bogaczyk, R. Kaminski to meet with him. The 16th at 9:00 AM.
Budget Committee |
NPHS Student Representative report:
Tyler Lisowski: Cards to servicemen overseas and families, Organized Homecoming Parade, sent officers to State Conference. Sent care packages to Heffner family and cards. Made cookies for bus drivers. Are in process of making wreaths for sale. Ward commented it was very generous of the group to donate the wreath at the Veterans Monument. Other items were sold too.
NPHS Student Representative |
Zoning report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:
Ward had contacted codifier. Thought they had sent CD. Informed him, had not. Will have to submit additional ordinances for update, so will wait till then. This does not include the ones being worked on now.
Ordinance Update Committee

Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary