Borough Council Minutes December 10, 2001 and continued on December 20, 2001 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman (Absent)
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden Tonya McNamara Pro-Tempore James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz (Absent) Raymond Kaminski Brian Laverty
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Agenda |
Minutes of the November 12, 2001 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Due to the fact there was a breakin at the KCC just reported prior to the opening of the meeting, the Agenda was moved out of order to enable Chief Steffen to go to the scene.(New officer on at this time, would like to check out.)
Comment to Chief: Like new format. Chief left at 6:35 P.M.
Landfill : |
Patrick Barrett Esquire.
Mr. Barrett reported on next scheduled meeting pertaining to landfill 24 January 2001. Bill stalled in Harrisburg ref: no new landfills. The Borough Officials should be prepared to attend the meetings. Discussion on possible actions both parties involved.
Unsafe houses : |
Report on houses to be condemned. Borough must be prepared when going on record, that the properties present danger, to go forward with removal if ordered to be razed. Cost may have to be borne by Borough until such time as can be collected from owners. lien filed, hearing held. The owners of record notified and much research done to meet all the requirements. If owners do not proceed, borough must be prepared to go forward. Hearings will have to be held according to Ordinance. FCNB proceeding on Williamson.
Davis Lane : |
Another item: Davis Lane Cul-d-sac. The right of way filing is the problem at this time. Kuzneski was advised that condemnation proceedings could be implemented and this could settle the whole matter but not to his satisfaction. Mr. Barrett will be in touch with Mr. Van der Heil, Kuzneski's attorney.
Reports : |
Mayor : No report
Police : See above report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : No report
Street Committee : No report
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Same problem, tapping fees not paid. No further information from developer. J. Ogden recommends contacting developer. Determine what plans are to move ahead or not. Council agreed to this plan.
- Regionalization: Report had been discussed as presented by Scott Bray. It would not be feasible to have borough get involved with the Hamilton Township water/sewer systems until such time as they solve their problems and get repairs and improvements completed. A motion "To remove Regionalization from Agenda" by R. Kaminski Second B. Laverty. All in favor
- Street lighting: No report.
- Ordinances: Permit Fee/No parking Carpenter Street discussed after receipt of corrections this evening. Motion "To advertise intent to adopt corrected ordinances at the Council Februar 2002 meeting" B. Laverty, second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
- Monument repair: More bid could be received. Discuss plans 20th.
- Evaluation: Nothing
- Road study: East Creek Road and White Street will have to have soil samples analyzed and other steps according to PADOT requirements. Scott Bray working on this project.
- Telephone Display: Tabled 9 July 2001. If G. Lloyd can not find a place, the item will be removed from the Agenda on Motion of T. McNamara
Second B. Laverty All in favor.
- Water Study Hospital: Reported during Borough Manager's presentation.
- Bleachers Project: Nothing futher.
- Decal: Nothing new.
- Island Sign-Brooks: Needs letter saying Borough will take over sign when placed. Letter to be sent Motion R. Kaminski Second B. Laverty All in favor.
- Condemnation Houses: Work proceeding. Williamson-FCNB action pending.
- Tax Ordinance : To be adopted prior to 31 December 2001 as advertised. Meeting 20 December 2001.
New Business:
- Vehicle Fuel Bids: Tioga Energy
Unleaded Medium Grade .747 gal. Diesel Summer Mix .716 gal. Diesel Winter Mix .716 gal.
Montour Oil Co. Unleaded Medium Grade .6900 gal. Diesel Summer Mix .6950 gal. Diesel Winter Mix .7000 gal.
Low bid of Montour Oil accepted Motion of J. Ogden
Second R. Kaminski All in favor.
- New Business Continued from 10 December 2001: Tax Ordinance 2002-(copies furnished) Motion to adopt, B. Laverty, Second T. McNamara All in favor.
Parking Hanibal Street: School area where the curb cut is blocked so handicapped persons are unable to access walkway from road to walkway. This was reported following incident when activities held at the auditorium and in gymnasium.
Street is Borough responsibility. Discussion on this spot and also other curb cuts at school. G. Lloyd will ask Borough Solicitor to come to review as he did at the trouble spots on Carpenter Street.
Part-time Police: Mayor asks if Council would consider raising rate for the part-time police officers. It seems we are not able to attract candidates due to low rate. This is in camparison to others.
Motion "Set part-time police officer starting hourly rate at $8.00 per hour" By C. Bubacz Second B. Laverty All in favor.
Letter PADOT Re Digital Maps: Cost not outlined, not too much advantage to borough. Maps coming out from 911 soon according to Emergency Management at County. G. Lloyd will contact Scott Bray to see how this could be used, if could be, by Borough.
Borough Manager's report:
- Wells : Report sent to members. Reports on well at former hospital, good flow, testing being done on the one located near the Stempien/boiler room area. There is also one located above Granger Street which is not being worked on at this point. Another is also supposed to be located north of the old hospital. S. Bray ha?s contacted a hydrologists. This will be studied to see if it is worth doing anymore work on it. His own test shows ninety (90) gallons per minute. This sounds very encouraging. More chemical analysis is to be done.
- Annual requirement for record: Resolution for Police Pension Fund stating if it is necessary for officers to pay into the Pension or not.
No payment required at this time. Motion to adopt Resolution, J. Ogden,
Second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
- Towers and Bill Boards : Discussion at Planning Commission meeting reference cell towers, bill boards. S. Ward furnished information re: radio tower on land of R. Williams, South Williamson Road. This is for "ham radio" in the home. Questions being raised about bill boards resulting from placement of those off old US Rt 15 which are not in borough, but causing concerns expressed by residents. T. McNamara had asked about the bill board regulations. The ordinance dealing with signs was supposed to be reviewed by the Planning Commission at Ward's request. The Mayor had brought people to see Borough Manager and talked to Council President about sewer plant area as possible location of bill board.
Borough Manager's Report accepted on Motion by R. Kaminski Second T. McNamara All in favor.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- Planning Commission: Covered during Borough Manager Report. Information and/or update of towers, bill boards will be put P.C. Agenda by Ward in order review and comments be given attention by P.C. for relaying to Council.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- J. Bogaczyk explained payments to organizations from United Way. Once more thanked Mrs. McNamara for her efforts. Winter Program is planned.
- Bills Paid : Certificate of Deposit matured. Remainder of bills due to Borough paid off.
- Sign at park entrance G. Brooks senior project was discussed
at the meeting. J. Bogaczyk furnished information to members.
- Wednesday AM at 8:30 will meet with J. Rakoski at STSD office to discuss "Use" agreement for Island Park with Borough. This in conjunction with bleacher project, also. Discussed football lights, also. Asking $15,000 per year for agreement for those facilities of borough to be used by school. Discussion on the football lights, raised questions with district. B. Laverty was asked about comments from Gridiron member, who is also a
school board member "nothing had been discussed with board about the football lights". B. Laverty reviewed action taken with the members of both organizations. He has a copy of the letter which had been sent on this matter. They also met with Dr. Boyanowski about the lights. The Gridiron Club gave $100.000.00 for the lights, agreed to pay light bills for three years after lights in operation. Then when Club asked for breakdown for when bills covered football games as opposed to other use, there was a problem supposedly. The Coal Festival does not use the lights which was pointed out. B. Laverty reported letters were directed to Dr. Boyanowski and J. Rakoski who would, Laverty stated, pass them on to the board. J. Bogaczyk advised
Laverty that if anything is going to be done, he suggests it be done now. The School Board has decided to give $20,000 towards the bleacher project. Their hesitation to pay the "use" figure, needs to be resolved before anymore use by the district is made. This matter could affect the bleacher project, also.
Recreation |
Television report:
- R. Kaminski asked what is wrong with the TV? He said reception terrible especially the last three days. J. Ogden asked if he means the "spark". That is one thing. Kaminski was advised it iS atmospheric conditions. It is sometimes on one station, other times on more.
- J. Bogaczyk asked J. Ogden (Chmn TV) if we had been notified there would be a raise in monthly cost this year. J. Ogden said Council representative could have reported it. The Council. had always been notified prior to this increase. The Ordinance had been amended to allow rate changes by the ,
TV Board, generally after Council comments received. This is for regular programming. Discussion on more stations being added. A request has been made by the Bloss Area Catholic Community Pastor and a group to add the Catholic Broadcasting station.
Television |
K.C.C. report:
- B. Laverty reported expenses for the increased vandalism repairs: Discussed ways to try to get this stopped. Some payment for major damages by one group has been received.
G. Lloyd looking into costs of surveilance equipment. B. Laverty has left spotlight on at rear of building. He reported the new Equipment door David Jones and he put in had to have been broken with some type of pipe at the handle. Council members expressed appreciation to Brian for his work with the building and finances being turned around.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
- 2nd reading J. Bogaczyk reported $99.00 to be put in J. Kuster Memorial Fund. Figure determined at one-third from Borough, one-third Water Company, one-third Sewer Company, if approved. Motion to donate $33.00 to J. Kuster Memorial Fund, R. Kaminski, second B. Laverty. All in favor. J. Ogden
asked if any more bids were received for the Monument repair, Lloyd said no. Final assessment figures may make difference in some of taxes. Some figures were already re-calculated for the presentation.
Budget Committee |
NPHS Student Representative report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:
- Updates as reported by codifier should be here sometime in December. Other ordinances being corrected. Copies passed out at this meeting were brought by Mr. Barrett this evening. J. Bogaczyk asked everyone to check them out so they can be discussed the 20th.
Ordinance Update Committee

Meeting dismissed 7:54 P.M. to be reconvened at 6:30 P.M. on 20 December 2001. Reconvened Meeting 20 December 2001 6:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary