
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes August 9, 2004 6:30 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance recited.
The regular Blossburg Borough Council meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA, by Council President Jerome Ogden.
Attendance: |
(absent, Vice-President Tonya McNamara); Councilmembers Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk; Mayor John Backman; (late, Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett); Chief Ronald Steffen; Borough Manager George D. Lloyd; Borough Secretary Mary Signor; John Eckman, Blossburg Municipal Authority.
Agenda |
Minutes: Correction on the July 12, 2004 minutes: Vice-President Tonya McNamara was absent.
The minutes of the July 12, 2004 meeting with correction were accepted on motion of Thomas Bogazcyk; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Report accepted subject to audit on motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, James Holleman. All in favor.
Bills: Bills to be paid on motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
GUESTS: John Eckman, Chairman of the Blossburg Municipal Authority, attended the meeting to present a letter explaining the need for new well developments to look for underground water sources and again ask for funding and support for the project. The Authority needs $2,000.00 to reopen the project and complete step three (3) from the Casselberry report. The Tioga County Commissioners will contribute $6,400.00 after the project is underway. The money will come from the Clean and Green Fund. The original estimate for the project is $32,000.00. Legal costs, surveying and document preparation may be an additional $7,000.00. The first two steps have been completed. The 2004 costs will probably be $7.000.00. At the last Blossburg Municipal meeting members approved the opening of a separate well development checking account. Mr. Eckman is seeking funding, donations and letters from any source supporting the well project. Everything should be sent to: Blossburg Municipal Authority, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA, 16912. Checks should be made payable to Blossburg Water Company East Creek Water System.
Reports : |
Mayor : Mayor John Backman reported problems with new Route 15, North of the Blossburg STP Southbound lane is sinking because of clay underneath. Riprap is being used to stop problem. The paving is behind schedule.
A black bear is causing problems on Island Park. It is getting in the garbage any time of day. The Game Commission to set trap today and relocate bear elsewhere if caught.
Police : Everyone has received a copy of the Police Report.
Cheryl Bubacz asked for a correction to report as typed month of August should be July.
The Police report was accepted subject to correction on motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Borough Manager : Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
A letter from Central Westmoreland C.O.G. for an associate membership from
September 30th to September 30th. The Blossburg Borough already did an
Agreement with C.O.G. in January 2004. C.O.G. is asking the Borough to renew
the Agreement at a public meeting by resolution.
RESOLUTION NO. 7 - Motion to accept the yearly associate membership with Central Westmoreland C.O.G. for $130.00 per model year, which will allow the Borough to purchase all vehicles and equipment listed in the C.W.C.O.G. brochure under the bid award for that model year was made by Raymond Kaminski; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Budget meeting to be scheduled next month's meeting.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission :
No applications were submitted. No meeting.
Zoning Hearing Board: No meeting.
Borough Manager George Lloyd reviewed list of residents of Blossburg and recommended several names for James Roupp's replacement to Council. Mr. Lloyd to contact residents mentioned to see if they are interested in serving on Zoning Hearing Board.
Recreation : No minutes received.
New swings to be delivered late summer or early fall. Kiwanis is having a BBQ as a fund raiser for the swings.
Foster children have painted the inside of pavilion at Island Park.
Nickerson Construction replaced the roofing materials on pool bathhouse.
Fire Department : No report received.
Tonya McNamara requesting fire siren to be disconnected. At the present time, the firemen have repeaters, there isn't a need for a siren. Borough Manager George Lloyd to contact Kevin Lindquist to have siren disconnected. Maybe siren could be relocated and used only for extreme emergencies.
Police: Nothing further to report.
Television : No Meeting in July for Television Board.
August 10, 2004 is next meeting.
Library : Thomas Bogaczyk reported some state funding was reinstated through the County.
Street Committee : Road tar and chipping done. Borough to sweep up any loose stones in October.
K.C.C. : No report.
NPHS Student: Tonya McNamara to contact N.P.H.S. in fall to see if a student can be recruited for Council.
Committee Business Development: Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business and Entertainment) next meeting August 18, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. in the basement of the Blossburg Memorial Library.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Nothing to report. Borough Manager George Lloyd to do.
- Building Codes: Appeals Board to be setup. Borough Manager and Borough Solicitor to check with Mansfield Borough, Williamsport, Bradford County or C.O.G. to see if they can help.
- UCC - International Municipal Plan: Remove from agenda. Motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
- Sale of Old Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor to review and check.
- Sale of the Old Ambulance Building: Acorn Market is interested in purchasing additional railroad property by the old ambulance building and behind the Acorn Market. Borough Solicitor contacted Acorn Markets. They are willing to give old Borough Hall 10 ft. of property toward Acorn as long as they get easement on property.
- Decorating Community Christmas Tree: Tonya McNamara to contact North Penn High School for an interested school organization willing to take over the decorating.
- Farmers Market: 1st Farmer's Market held on August 7, 2004. Two (2) vendors showed. Farmer's Market to be held every Saturday - 8:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Remove from agenda. Motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
- Electric System Assessment: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett has paperwork ready to file. The total cost to date is $3,379.14.
- Dollar General Survey: Borough Solicitor to prepare necessary documents and advertise the necessary ordinances. No survey received yet.
- Home Occupation: Borough Solicitor is working on a new description of home occupation.
- Advertise 1991 ¾ Ton Pickup Truck for Sale: Truck advertised - no bids received. Motion to re-advertise 1991 ¾ Ton Pickup Truck one more time was made by Raymond Kaminski; second, Cheryl Bubacz. All in favor.
- House Condemnation: Scroback home located at 128 North Williamson Road inspected on July 16, 2004. Inspection report reviewed. Before a decision is made, it was suggested one more meeting be set up with Mr. Scroback this month.
- Berguson Home: Located at 155 North Williamson Road - reviewing for a possible business in home.
Remove from agenda. Motion of Thomas Bogazcyk; second, Timothy Roupp.
All in favor.
- Tax Collector: Dorothy Rakoski asked if she can charge for certifications and bad check charges. Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett is forwarding questions to County Solicitor.
- Hazard Mitigation Plan: Requested information sent to Blossburg Borough from County was completed.
Remove from agenda. Motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, James Holleman.
All in favor.
- Williamson Commercial Park Access Street: Williamson Land Company, Inc. is requesting that the Borough accept the access street to be constructed at their commercial development located off Old Rt. 15.
Street Committee to meet on August 10, 2004 at 12:30 P.M. to review plans.
New Business:
Blossburg Municipal Authority - Well Developments: Reported earlier.
- Help support the Blossburg Memorial Library - You are invited to a "Garden Party" at the Hamilton Club, Morris Run, PA on August 22, 2004 from 1 PM to 5 PM. $25.00/couple, $15.00/single. Contact the Blossburg Memorial Library at (570) 638-2197 or Carol Tama at (570) 638-2894.

ADJOURNMENT: President Jerome Ogden closed the meeting at 8:35 P.M.
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2004 at 6:30 P.M.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary