GUESTS: Kevin Lindquist, Fire Chief: Requesting information as to what property costs, fees, etc. would have to be paid by Fire Department/Ambulance Company for property if it is purchased, any sub-division, zoning Costs survey fees, etc. involved from rail-road company.
If Fire Department as an applicant for building and not Borough would it be required that wages and costs would be subject to other than Borough fees. Reference to requirement to pay Davis-Bacon Scale when project is over a certain amount, wages then union generally.
The companies are getting things in order so the construction can be planned, hopefully to begin in the spring of 2003 if any land is acquired and funding being worked upon. They are planning more fund raising activities at this time to secure money needed. Without
knowing how much the land will cost and fees, they can not finalize
their plans.
G. Lloyd had received a call from Bob Wood who is working with the rail-road owners. One thing needed to be determined is the price
for all the land owned by them, is there a set price? This would be the land left from sales to other property owners (no survey of all remaining land that he is aware of). The price he mentioned to George was "start at" which may mean it may be more or less. R. Kaminski asked if we have any maps. Before we do anything else we need maps to see what we are talking about. G. Lloyd said the two that are certain lots are the land behind W. Watkins next to the land bought by the school. Also, the lot on Main Street next to J. McCauley and bordered by Nevins & Morris Streets. R. Kaminski suggests meeting with the Fire Committee and their committees to see what land they need and how much this would cost. Problem with some of this land sales-quit claim deeds, no survey.
The Departments are meeting every Tuesday at 7:00 PM. because of the planning needed for the project. If any of the Council would attend, they would be welcome. A question was directed to Mr. Barrett in regard to the prevailing wages. He will discuss this with Kevin. Lindquist left the meeting.
C. Freeberg attended for the report on the KCC.
An executive session was called 6:40 - Personnel discussed, no action taken.
L. Brion joined the meeting at 6:45 PM. to request any information as to what direction he needed to follow when there is a problem which would require police assistance. For example, he was called at his residence by the bread delivery man at about 4:40 AM as he discovered the glass entrance to the store had been broken in the door. He notified the State Police as he had been advised prior to this time to call 911 with any problems as there would be no Blossburg police on duty during the night and early morning hours. The State Police advised him they had a call at the Canyon and would be tied up for some time. L. Brion then went to the store. He was contacted about 6:30 AM. as they were delayed. The shift was changing shortly so someone would be coming.
L. Brion in the meantime called Whitneyville Glass. They came, measured, left, had to prepare the glass to fix the door. L. Brion had secured the store, cleaned the glass up. Called PSP to tell them he had to open the store. They arrived 9:05 AM. approximately as there had been an accident which delayed the officer. Right after that, the Glass Company arrived and replaced the door glass.
His question he guessed is, "What do I do?" About two months before that he had a woman steal an item which costs $33.00. He called the Borough Office, the officer was not here. He asked that the police call him. It was about two days later before he was contacted. Then he was told to call 911 as they would know where he would be and could contact him.
The time before that, the first police at the scene were the Mansfield Borough cops. Second was the State Police. He stated he was here to ask for directions as a business owner.
J. Ogden said the biggest problem is, we have two guys. To cover seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day is impossible. That is the main problem. He stated he did not have all the answers to his problem. He asked if he would sit down with the Mayor, Police Committee and any other interested persons and talk over problems, see if there are any suggestions. One answer, is to put on another officer perhaps two so coverage can be added. Of course, this would get in the newspaper so everyone knows there are only two men and not twenty-four hours coverage which is not a good thing.
L. Brion added the concerns about the damage he and "Chuck" have experienced through Kiwanis with the damage and vandalism at the KCC. He asked again, what should he do?
Chief Steffen advised that if the call goes to 911 and the officer is on duty, there will be a response. The Chief told L. Brion if he had a problem like that at night, just call him at home. He gets a lot of calls and can deal with things after hours. If you are a businessman, just call him at his house. He will come down himself. During the day if he is not in the building, the call must go through 911 as the people in the office do not use the police radio.
Mr. Brion said when you need somebody, you need somebody. The Chief said he would get somebody there. C. Bubacz said there will be a Police Committee meeting. He can be told when the meeting will be so he could attend.
In order to receive in-put on the security concerns and other matters the meeting was set up for 14 August at 6:00 PM.. (Question to Solicitor re: advertising for committee meetings if more than three to attend. Yes, advertise to meet Sunshine Act requirements.)
Mr. Brion left the meeting at 7:35 PM. advising he would attend the meeting.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : View report.
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : View report.
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : View report
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing paid for sewer or T.V. No other news.
- Street Lighting: Nothing
- Ordinances: Not advertised.
- Monument Repairs: Attorney to advise contractor reasons problems.
- Evaluation: Nothing to report.
- Bogaczyk, B. Laverty: Plaques to be ordered, contacts made when done. Foundry should still have molds. R. Kaminski will do wood part of plaques.
New Business:
Minor Sub-Division Williamson Land old 15: Sent to County.
Home Coming weekend - permission for use of Plaza for Fall Festival. Motion - R. Kaminski, Second T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
PA DOT Letter RE: North entrance from 15 to borough.
Mayor report:
As of three o'clock yesterday afternoon, six pound - eleven ounce little girl Angelina Mikeala arrived which makes him a great-grand father. Mother and daughter doing well. Congratulations expressed by those attending.
The rest of the report the Chief will handle.
Mayor |
Police report:
He contacted the Dalton Agency with figures on items in car which he listed. Approximately $9,010.00 to cover all of the necessary equipment. Mark will work up some figures on. costs of coverage.
Advertisement placed for officers. An applicant from in town is a graduate of the police class. Willing to work for the. amount offered. Anxious to come out and help us out. Would be someone from in the town for a change. Training will be done by Chief which was noted in the policy handed out to Council. Mayor reported policy ..has been worked on. Not approved by Council as yet. Compares with the old policy. Mayor would suggest anyone to be interviewed prior to having required physical and other test. Would save expense if not hired.
The radio was knocked out when the lightning struck the building. County is going to high band. This base was put in after Agnes flood. The FAX machine and computer burned up, also. Insurance does cover some equipment. G. Lloyd contacted Josh Jones for a price to repair computer. It would be approximately $170.00 for parts another $120.00 for labor. Cost for new box $579.00-just the box. Quote sent to insurance company to ask how they want it handled. Can't see spending that much for repairing older one. Discussion with information from D. Jones on hard-drive, etc. indicates a new one better way to go. Comment made that damage came through the telephone lines. However, none of the phones went out for any time at all. Protectors were in place, can't be determined real source of problem. T. Bogaczyk suggested purchasing new as needed.
Discussion on questions to Chief and others about the pedestrian bridge end of McIntyre Street. Barricades put up, notice posted on community sign that it is closed temporarily. He was advised to check on it from time to time. This has caused problems for people who use the bridge to go to work at the foundry or to access their homes beyond the park. The report will be forthcoming as to steps needed to repair. The recreation area is also used by many people who are doing walking at the direction of their doctors. The park is not just the only reason the bridge was replaced after the Agnes flood.
The Borough Manager received a letter from a law firm concerning a suit against Ford Motor Company about making the Crown-Victoria more safe. There is a problem with the gas tank according to the information submitted. Did the Borough of Blossburg want to be a party to the suit? This is the vehicle just purchased for the Police Department. The Chief explained about the problem. This is supposed to be easily corrected according to the Ford Company. This will be discussed at the meeting of the committee.
The report was accepted on Motion of T. McNamara, Second C. Bubacz. All in favor.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
Report accepted Motion T. McNamara, Second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Discussion on state building code requirements. Letter received from Mansfield. Borough applying for grant to operate office, do inspections, etc. Support for application would not mean the Borough of Blossburg would have to use that office. This would just help them get the application submitted. Motion, "Support submission of grant by Mansfield Borough" Motion. R. Kaminski, Second T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Borough will continue to work with Hamilton Township on an agreement which could provide for local people so they would not have to go to Mansfield for a building permit. M. Stoudt is taking courses, has passed some at this time. This would allow the Borough of Blossburg to decide which way to go. Mr. Barrett will review the presented one and comment. C. Bubacz noted many errors in the preparation of the one from Mansfield. They will be so notified.
Plans are for the cul-de-sac to be built. It is a borough property at this time according to what was settled when Hamel wanted to close the end of the street off. C. Bubacz advised there is a survey being done. Then, would be able to put the cul-de-sac when borders correct. R. Kaminski will have to meet with Lloyd on this when able to do it. A map was prepared for Kaminski, he will bring it in. This is noted in the minutes when this all went on before.
Engineers will be here on Wednesday to examine the foot-bridge. A temporary fix which he figured would cost around $9,000.00 and not complete the project. The structural integrity is the main concern. The bridge was built as specified by Federal regulations in order to get it built after the flood.
The well by the NP Center had a camera put in which went down 325' until they ran out of cable. They hydro man will check it out. Must get a pump and figure out flow, etc.
Emergency information for county plan must be reviewed yearly. The Mayor went over the changes. Mayor had secretary run ad to have office notified so evacuation can be assisted for hearing impaired, non-English speaking or handicapped persons when needed.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
Meeting held to review and recommend actions on signs requested by Williamson Land Development on US. Rt. 15 proposed business site. Sign for store and prices for fuel met ordinance. (Located north corner).
Variance requested for 80' high bill-boards was discussed and studied. The Planning Commission has forwarded this to the Zoning Hearing Board for a Public Hearing on the request for a variance. The Council at this time was polled by J. Ogden on both signs.
Two signs being considered-north end of lot and south end, the bill-boards:
No objection to sign at north corner-store and vehicle fuels advertisement:
Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk, Tonya McNamara, Jerome Ogden. Cheryl Bubacz abstained due to law firm association.
Bill-boards and height of same at south corner of lot:
Objecting to the bill-boards, height of same:
Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk, Tonya McNamara, Jerome Ogden. Abstaining due to law firm association: Cheryl Bubacz.
The Borough Solicitor is to prepare comments for presentation at the Zoning Hearing Board 8/29/02 and to attend representing the Borough. Solicitor will review the ordinance to insure all issues are addressed.
T. Bogaczyk expressed a concern, if bill-boards not allowed, will this have a bearing as to whether the project will proceed. Other members did have same concerns; however, the application does appear not to be favorable for the area. Mayor Backman had received comments that applications would be made to try to get bill-boards in before the corridor is a Federal road. From the information he has, none would be allowed after that time. This may he why the company is attempting to get the signs in place. Citizens have made negative comments about the signs at the south end past the borough line. Expressions not in favor of any in the borough. Tioga County Planner had contacted Ward on signs.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
C. Bubacz noted on the report from the Board a discussion had been held about locking the Island Park due to all the problems with vandalism during the night. She asked what decision had
been reached, if any. R. Kaminski had attended the meeting in question. All members of the Recreation Board had been polled.It was unanimous that the gates be locked at night when there is no activity being held. Council is asked to make a ruling on this as it is property belonging to the Borough.
Motion "That the Island Park gate be locked by the Police Department at 10:00 PM. each night" C. Bubacz, Second R. Kaminski. All in favor.
The gate will be unlocked in the morning when there is an early bar-b-que someone from the committee doing the cooking will have unlock it. R. Hall has stated that R. Houser goes over each morning early and would be able to open it for those people or if there are people going to walk on the track or in the park.
Chief Steffen asked if the light could be shut off on the basketball court since the park will be locked. G. Lloyd will change
the timer on the light.
Recreation |
Fire Department report:
Television report:
Library report:
Street Committee report:
K.C.C. report:
C. Freeberg had a report for the members on the finances. He said there had not been a lot of activity except for the people breaking in. Plans had been made to start on the kitchen, but had to be delayed to do doors. Would like to do the doors before kitchen started. Partners in Progress did a really good job of cleaning up when they use the building. Floor cleaned every night. This is their last week.
Another job is to clean the fireplace stones. In relation to this, he could use the cleaning material on the statue at the monument which has become so discolored. He will use this as clorox would turn it yellow if Council would not object to his doing this. He was commended place for offering to do the job.
B. Jones at this point told members she had been asked by area Ministerium to put notice on website about a service at the monument area to commemorate September 11th attacks. If the statue could be done before that time, it would be a good time.
The floors will be done again after the programs are completed for the summer in the building. Had planned to see about price of doors Monday, had to fix doors with D. Jones help.
T. McNamara asked if the lights around had been fixed outside. Not since June, he said. D. Jones unless another light is what she was talking about, they had done them in June. Chuck said he would like to find some way to light the area to deter the vandals.
Ward had talked to him regarding the handi-cap stall in the ladies, and the baseboard. Commented on disregard of persons scratching things on the doors-very disgusting.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
NPHS Student Representative report:
Zoning report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:

Meeting adjourned at 8:41 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary