Borough Council Minutes August 13, 2001 6:30 PM |
Attendance: |
Mayor John Backman
Council Members : Council President, James Bogaczyk Council Vice-President, Jerome Ogden Tonya McNamara James Holleman Cheryl Bubacz Raymond Kaminski Brian Laverty
Borough Manager, George Lloyd Police Chief, Ronald Steffen Borough Secretary, Sally Ward |
Guests : |
K. Lindquist and J. McCauley of the Fire Department.
Agenda |
Minutes of the July 9, 2001 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.
Bids Equipment Sale Borough Mowers - Bid from A. Makowiec of $51.00. There were no other bids. The bid was awarded to A. Makowiec.
1978 Jeep - Bid from Donald Trowbridge of $189.76. There were no other bids. The bid was awarded to Donald Trowbridge.
Guest: Fire Chief Lindquist attending to advise Council that Fire Department is barely making ends meet as it is. Now that they have been told bills for 206 Main Street would be charged to the Department, they need to have something done in order to maintain the department equipment housing. No location or funding for a new building was found. Plans for a new building had only been discussed as they were not advised that borough was planning to move out. The company had thought the housing was supposed to be supplied for their equipment.
Meeting Needed: Since this is something which concerns the department and there will have to be a solution found in order for the equipment all to be housed in heated storage needed for bad weather, it was decided to have a meeting on 21 August 2001 at 206 Main St. to look over the building and have further discussion. The Fire Committee, and all other Council Members, are invited to attend at 6:00 PM with the Fire Company Building Committee.
Reports : |
Mayor : View report.
Police : View report.
Borough Manager : View report.
Planning Commission : View report
Recreation : View report.
Fire Department : No report
Television : View report.
Library : View report.
Street Committee : No report
K.C.C. : View report.
Budget Committee : View report
NPHS Student rep : View report
Zoning Hearing Board : No Report.
Ordinance Update Committee : View Report.
Old Business:
- Gulick Street trailer park: Nothing paid/no report.
- Regionalization: Nothing.
- Street lighting: Nothing.
- Ordinances: Taken care of.
- Monument repair: No bids except first at $3,800.00.
- Evaluation: Nothing
- Road study: G. Lloyd to contact Scott Bray - Nothing yet from Bray.
- Video Store - Nothing more since Solicitor directed permit to be issued. Was sent to her. Not returned.
- Condemnations: T. Phinney hired to do inspections as required. He will be here 21 August and Ward will accompany him to the properties..
New Business:
- 14 August Senator Santorum visit.
- 5 September TCCC meeting at KCC Building.
- 6 September meeting at NPHS auditorium Curative Amendment re: Landfill.
Mayor report:
- Senator Rick Santorum will be presenting medals to Arthur Watkins. The service is set for 9:00 AM at the Veterans Monument, Main Street 14 August 2001. Everyone is invited to attend. Mayor will present Blossburg key.
- More keys are needed. The Foundry makes the keys. R. Kaminski said if "Hap" can not make the plaques, he will.
- A gentleman approached the Mayor regarding consideration of the placement of a basketball court on borough land at the end of Main Street where houses were razed due to flood hazard. Items questioned, discussed liability as far as traffic to houses on end of street, handicapped persons housing, proximity to river although fence is there, lighting, need for facility, insurance and upkeep.
The court at the Island Park is busy. Another at the park would be used easily. The light is there, traffic already aware of location, would not create more area to be out of supervisory locations and it is not close to the river as the Main Street site. The thought is appreciated, but, several concerns expressed if located at that spot. The Mayor will advise the gentleman when Council make a formal decision.
- Letter to Mayor from Mrs. Frank Brown regarding snow plowing on Liberty Street where she had allowed snow placed. Two apartment house buildings have been sold by Brown. This is area mentioned - a short street, problems with other neighbor experienced. Manager will do the best he can as they do not seem to realize difficulty with the snow removal on a dead end street which is narrow.
- The National Guard at Mansfield was contacted about the park cannon. Wheels for the cannon on the park were discussed. Mayor will continue to work on this project and advise Council.
- A company had contacted the Mayor offering to do aerial photos of home. He requested more information from them A $50.00 deposit is required. Photos of the town could be useful. Mayor suggest that Bob Johnson be asked about flying his plane over town. Someone could take 35mm photos from plane. This will be looked into. R. Kaminski said Hughes of Tioga has done his home and business. He could be contacted also. Kaminski will talk to him. When Agnes flood struck the borough, the aerial photos borough and bank had were invaluable in proving there had been dikes, bridges, etc.
- Mayor recommends digitalization of ordinances. Need to be typed up as they are in order to set up searches, etc. No one can "search" except by reading written ones.
- Mayor asked for a decision on basketball court request to relay. C. Bubacz suggested contact with recreation board to see what their thought would be. J. Bogaczyk said that assumption had been the other two houses would be going out at end which would eliminate traffic concern. (No plans for now to raze.) Other uses talked about. R. Kaminski questioned how much room needed for proper size. C. Bubacz said cars would be parked there with radios blazing with noise causing complaints from people. J. Bogaczyk advised them Recreation had discussed adding another court at the park. Big kids push the little kids off the court now. Second court would be good for other kids. R. Steffin said he had always thought the where houses down would be ideal to have concerts. Not much support for basketball court at end of Main Street.
Mayor |
Police report:
- Chief recommends waiting until first of year (2002) to hire full time officer. Right now having to complete training with men he has, wants to see how they come along with experience. No problem right now with hours. J. Kriner plans testing for South Williamsport. If he leaves, more part-time help may be needed.
- Bike Rodeo went off well. Everyone had a good time.
- Grant application submitted for camera mount. Can use for surveillance. Camera will come on when emergency lights go on. He would have only key to tape box.
- Suggestion from Steffin that Fire Department contact DCED representative about grant to help with their need. R. Kaminski said the TCDC will have their work session and possibly he would be able to get a lead on some type of grant funds for their department.
- Head Start Program request from Sandy Mundis - finger printing children, talk to them. Will schedule this to be done.
- Discussed speeding in town. Officer pulling people over, complaints received. If speeding, should be stopped. J. Ogden asked about arrests new road, nothing yet. Boro police can not use radar in PA as discussed at other meetings.
- R. Kaminski talked about speeding trucks on South Williamson Road. One he followed just to check speed, and admits he exceeded limit by doing this. He talked to the truck driver about his speed.
- Taber Street speeds discussed again. Foundry painted lines on the road from plant, but not being observed by operators. This will be brought to the attention of foundry. Also, complaints about the fittings too close to the road in the big crates.
Incident with two year old on North Williamson Road who crossed from west to east related by Ward. Child gone from Berguson home about an hour before they located him. N. Freeberg and S. Kinsey had brought him to S. Ward to see if she knew him. PSP called, Childrens' Services also. N. Freeberg had heard horns tooting and found child trying to get into neighbor's house - not Berguson's house. Child here from Hawaii. Same thing a Methodist Minister's child couple weeks ago.
- A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.
Police |
Borough Manager's report:
- Foundry request permission to put lights on Taber Street by bridge -- employees problems with foot bridge. C. Bubacz, R. Kaminski J. Ogden all commented on number of persons blocking road by not walking on the bridge put there for their use. C. Bubacz remarked they need one on the other side. J. Ogden said he has no problem with the light request if they are properly put up. R. Steffin said there would be no enforcement as the lights would be their lights.
- Parking lot out back is in. Needs to be blocked off and painted. Paving went further than planned, will be putting tar and chips extra Carpenter Street, Granger Street towards St. Andrew's, Granger towards Ed Stanley's, Lynd Street. Post Street to be finished. Call from lady on Post Street thought they didn't finish cul-d-sac as no paving in center. Advised her, this is not supposed to be.
- Some information received on funds for communities on Route 15 for some type of planning. Nothing sent in. R. Kaminski asked about noise barrrrrriers for new road. Nothing mentioned on this before as to noise. This is first comment. He asked C. Bubacz if she had noticed this.
- Discussed Northern Tier Redevelopment & Planning information on uses of land on Route 15 corridor. Motion by C. Bubacz; second, B. Laverty "That G. Lloyd submit paperwork to NTRPD regarding Route 15 land uses". All in favor.
- Discussed money market investment rates 2.47%, if invest can get 3.46% for 3 months investment - more than we have earned right now. G. Lloyd asked Ward if funding at this time would allow for investment of approximately $75,000.00 for three months. Ward commented it depends on weather costs - should we have bad weather for long period. Also Recreation has considerable amount outstanding to be paid to borough. This should be coming in October or November J. Bogaczyk said. Ward suggested that $50,000.00 be considered as there will not be a lot more taxes coming in. $5,000+ in today but not a lot left to be paid to borough. C.D. would mature November. B. Laverty would like to check the rates on other investments for that amount and length of time. Motion by C. Bubacz, second, T. McNamara; "To invest $50,000.00 in C.D. or Money Market". All in favor.
Borough Manager |
Planning Commission report:
- D. Darby elected chairman. Letter to Council reference amendment to Ordinance as suggested by P.C. before. The section refers to minor subdivision when a minor subdivision is again subdivided for instance from lot to two. As written now, would require major module action. Not required in Municipal Planning Code. Remove this and would facilitate action. R. Kaminski expressed his agreement with the needed change as he explained it, also. J. Backman was chairman at one time and he had also recommended this. Motion "To amend the Ordinance to change this section as recommended" by R. Kaminski; second, B. Laverty. All in favor.
- Wasowicz minor subdivision map has been sent to members. Planning Commission had recommended approval as had the Tioga County Planning. Motion "To approve the Wasowicz subdivision" R. Kaminski; second, J Holleman.
Planning Commission |
Recreation report:
- R. Kaminski said he will get to trees before the next meeting.
Recreation |
Television report:
Library report:
- Grant submitted to Taber Foundation. C. Bubacz advised another one had been approved by Gate Foundation..
Library |
K.C.C. report:
- New floor, carpet in. Painting being done by juveniles B. Laverty also thanked Council and individuals for kind thoughts when his mother passed away. Water problem fixed.
K.C.C. |
Budget report:
- Problems with new assessments. Need to start September. Many appeals filed. C. Bubacz said Foundry appealed, too.
Budget Committee |
NPHS Student Representative report:
Ordinance Update Committee report:
- Call and letter from company working with updates coming along. Cost less than anticipated. Some questions to be addressed with drafts when received. Cost outlined in letter. This cost does not put it into digital form the Mayor commented. If done, this would be more expense. The Mayor repeated this. Motion by C. Bubacz; second, B. Laverty, "To approve the work as outlined in the letter from Penns Valley." All in favor. This does not include any digitalization as wanted by Mayor. T. McNamara commented this is probably done by some people for a living and could be hired to do the work.
Ordinance Update Committee

Adjournment at 8:21 PM Sally Ward Borough Secretary