
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes May 9, 2005 6:30 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Council President Jerome Ogden called Blossburg Borough Council regular meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA.
Attendance: |
Vice-President Tonya McNamara; Councilmembers Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, (absent, Cheryl Bubacz), (absent, Timothy Roupp), Thomas Bogaczyk; Mayor John Backman; (absent, Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett); Chief Ronald Steffen; Borough Manager George D. Lloyd; Borough Secretary Mary Signor; Charles Freeberg KCC Committee; V.I.B.E. President Heidi Jones.
GUESTS: None Present.
Agenda |
Minutes: Comment / correction on April 11, 2005 minutes:
Borough Manager: Dorothy Rakoski, Tax Collector did not collect taxes on April 29, 2005, in the Council Room of the Borough Building, as planned.
The minutes of the April 11, 2005 meeting, with correction, were accepted on motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Report accepted subject to audit on motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, James Holleman. All in favor.
Bills: Bills to be paid on motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Tonya McNamara. All in favor.
Reports : |
NPHS Student: N.P.H.S. Student Representatives did not attend meeting tonight.
K.C.C. : Charles Freeberg reported the organization's regular checking account balance is $1,810.53, with all bills paid. Mr. Freeberg has another $625.00 to be deposited. Total balance after deposit will be $2,435.53.
New keys have been issued for the KCC Building.
Committee Business Development: Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business and Entertainment)
V.I.B.E. President Heidi Jones presented a letter, as requested by Borough Council, in regards to plans for Blossburg's old borough hall located at 206 Main Street. "V.I.B.E.'s borough hall team is investigating the feasibility of renovating the building to preserve a core component of Blossburg's history, to create new business and employment opportunities, and to provide an accessible location for a museum about the history of the Blossburg area."
V.I.B.E. is to provide Borough Council a feasibility plan for the September 12, 2005 Council meeting.
Mayor : No report.
Police : Everyone has received a copy of the Police Report.
The Police Report was accepted on motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Adopting a Cat Ordinance discussed. Question on how ordinance could be enforced. Is it worth the cost to advertise and not able to enforce? Ordinance tabled for now.
Raymond Kaminski concerned about high speeds of motorcycles on South Williamson Road.
Project Child Safety to be done during Coal Festival.
Rabies in raccoons is at an all time high. Approximately nine (9) confirmed cases in Tioga County this year.
Police Committee: Nothing further to report.
Borough Manager : Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Tonya McNamara; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Discussed request by Dorothy Rakoski, Tax Collector about adding Fire and Library tax totals to Borough on tax reports. Council agreed that the separate breakdowns are good the way they are. Council decided to leave as is.
Borough Manager identified roads needing tar & chip work this year. Councilmembers agreed with Street Committee and Borough Manager on the roads selected.
There are potential problems with Taber Street footbridge. George Lloyd working with Ward Manufacturing on getting Larson Design to check out bridge and recommend repairs needed. Council wants more information from Larson Design on costs to see if Borough can help with costs. Originally Ward Manufacturing purchased the footbridge during the same time period when the South Williamson Road Bridge was reconstructed. George Lloyd will stay in contact with Ward Manufacturing on costs associated with bridge.
A complaint of ditch needing to be cleaned out by Mrs. Hurley's on South Williamson Road. George Lloyd has been waiting for ground to dry up before attempting to complete work.
Painting of Borough garages was brought up again, because work was not done last year. Council President would like to get work done this year, either with Borough employees or hire out for someone else to do.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : Meeting of April 26, 2005. Review Home Occupation Ordinance and made suggestion to add under 1.C. If inhabitant is a renter, must have owner approval. Council agreed with addition. Also, Council wants to add that an approved Home Occupation must begin within a specified time period or the special exemption for a Home Occupation is null and void. George Lloyd to notify Borough Solicitor about additional language.
Approved the special exemption to convert a single-family residence to a two (2) family home located at 135 Maple Hill Road.
George Lloyd to schedule a Zoning Hearing Board on the special
exemption approved by the Planning Commission.
Zoning Hearing Board: No meeting.
Recreation : No one showed up for Recreation meeting last month.
George Lloyd reported the pool is painted and should be ready to fill with water on May 16. The pool maintenance preparation is about one (1) week ahead of schedule this year.
Discuss cutting down tall stumps (10' - 15') and getting stumps ground down. George Lloyd to get cost estimates.
Tioga County Probation Department is working on the cleanup of Island Park.
Fire Department : No report received. Council asked Borough Secretary to write a letter to Blossburg Fire & Ambulance Association
requesting their monthly minutes on a regularly scheduled basis.
Television : Meeting tomorrow night at tower. Should be voting on three (3) new channels based on survey results.
Library : Shelby Kinsey was hired as the new librarian.
An environmental section to be set up in the library.
Sidewalk work to be done sometime this year.
Street Committee : Pipe delivered for Maple Hill Road/Schuylkill Street storm drain project. Basins
should be delivered the third week of May.
Committee reviewed and accepted proposed streets for tar & chipping. Information presented to Council for their approval.
Budget: Nothing to report.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Personnel Policy discussed before Council meeting. Councilmembers to meet again on June 13, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. to continue reviewing Personnel Policy.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Borough Solicitor is working on Deed of Dedication. When completed, Borough Manager will get signatures from property owners.
- Additional Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett is working with Han-Rowe Associates & Company owners of Bear "A" Bar & Grill about property exchange by old borough hall.
- Electric System Assessment: Borough Manager to ask Borough Solicitor about setting up monthly meetings to discuss Penelec's progress.
- Home Occupation: Motion to send copy of Home Occupation Ordinance, with corrections, to Borough Solicitor for advertising was made by Tonya McNamara; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
- House Condemnation: Another meeting with Mr. Scroback has to be scheduled, because letter sent to Florida about 1st meeting was returned.
- Hamilton Township Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code Agreement: Motion to approve Hamilton Township Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code Agreement, with corrections, was made by Raymond Kaminski; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
- House Numbering: Council suggested having the Blossburg Police Department follow up on property owners complying with "911 Readdressing Project" (Ordinance No. 400). A Countywide standard of blue metal sign with white reflective letters are available to purchase by telephoning (570) 723-8310. Prices are: One sided $10.00, $12.00 for numbers on both sides. Borough Secretary to advertise in Penny-Saver.
- Williamson Commercial Park Access Street: No work done on blacktop yet.
- Building permit Fees / Rental Inspections: New rates passed at April 11, 2005 Council Meeting. Borough Manager to forward to Borough Solicitor for advertisement.
New Business:
No new business to report.:
- Please support the 13th Annual Coal Festival May 25 - May 28, 2005. All activities are at Island Park. The Coal Festival Parade to be held on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 11:00 A.M. Parade line-up starts at 9:30 A.M. at the Blossburg Elementary School.
- Memorial Day services are at the Monument, Main Street on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 11:00 A.M.

ADJOURNMENT: President Jerome Ogden closed the meeting at 8:17 P.M.
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2005 at 6:30 P.M.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary