
We're Blossburg Proud

245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

Borough Council Minutes March 14, 2005 6:30 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance recited.
The regular Blossburg Borough Council meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA, by Council Vice-President Tonya McNamara.
Attendance: |
(absent, President Jerome Ogden (out of town)); Councilmembers Raymond Kaminski, James Holleman, Cheryl Bubacz, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk; Mayor John Backman; Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett; Chief Ronald Steffen; Borough Manager George D. Lloyd; Borough Secretary Mary Signor; Katherine Tokarz N.P.H.S. Student Representative; Patrick Hull and Susan Blackwell.
GUESTS: Patrick Hull and Susan Blackwell of Laurel Youth Services attended the meeting to discuss and ask permission to hold a 5K Run in conjunction with the Blossburg Coal Festival on May 28, 2005 at 9:00 A.M. Laurel Youth Services are trying to raise scholarship funds for participating graduate students of their program. Of the monies raised 25% would be given back to Island Park. Mr. Hull outlined route to be taken. Borough Manager George D. Lloyd said any activity on PennDOT roads needs to obtain their permission. Permit paperwork will have to be sent in by the Borough Secretary. Motion to give Laurel Youth Services permission to hold 5K Run, subject to State and Borough approval, was made by Raymond Kaminski; second Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Agenda |
Minutes: The minutes of the February 14, 2005, meeting approved on motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Report accepted subject to audit on motion of Thomas Bogaczyk; second, James Holleman. All in favor.
Bills: Bills to be paid on motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Reports : |
NPHS Student: Katherine Tokarz N.P.H.S. Student Representative reported on school happenings. Yearbooks are for sale at $37.10 each. Tonya McNamara suggested sending information to Renee Woodhouse or contacting her by email at renee@blossburg.org so school information or functions can be included in the weekly Blossburg News and Views.
K.C.C. : Charles Freeberg did not attend meeting tonight.
Thomas Bogaczyk reported Raymond Kaminski has finished installing the paneling.
Committee Business Development: Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business and Entertainment)
V.I.B.E. received $30,000.00 grant from Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for front facade work on Main Street buildings. Also, received a $5,000.00 grant through Representative Matthew Baker's Office.
Mayor John Backman asked Council, on behalf of V.I.B.E., if the old Town Hall building could be kept for another year until a use could be determined for building. There is possible grant funding for restoration, but the building has to have a proposed use.
After a discussion of cost to repair building, utility and insurance charges the borough is currently paying, Councilmembers decided a written proposal from V.I.B.E. is needed stating their plans and fiscal abilities.
Next V.I.B.E. meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2005, at 6:00 P.M. in the Blossburg Memorial Library basement.
Mayor : Person has been contacted about Bernard Bailey's home on Granger Street. The old pickup has been hauled away and person will be calling a contractor about tearing down old garage that is falling down.
A video camera has been installed in police office to document any interviews made by officers.
Police : Everyone has received a copy of the Police Report.
The Police Report was accepted on motion of Raymond Kaminski; second, Timothy Roupp. All in favor.
All police personnel have passed their state certifications.
New part-time Patrolman Robert Scott is working out well.
Chief Steffen reported there are three (3) individuals causing many problems in town. The first individual has a hearing scheduled for tomorrow morning at Wellsboro. The other two individuals had a hearing before District Justice Carlson. If the last two individuals cause any more problems within the next six (6) months and they will both be incarcerated.
Police Committee: Nothing further to report.
Borough Manager : Borough Manager Report accepted. Motion of Cheryl Bubacz; second, Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Grant workshop available on April 14, 2005 at Ridgeway, PA. George Lloyd
can't see where anyone needs to go because grants for Borough's are normally
filled out through Northern Tier Planning.
Meeting scheduled with members of Odd Fellows organization to discuss
purchase of property by old borough landfill. Meeting to be held at KCC Building Friday, March 18, 2005 at 8:00 P.M. Raymond Kaminski, Thomas Bogaczyk and George Lloyd will attend meeting.
Cheryl Bubacz reported county probation should be working at Island Park
within next month or two.
Borough Manager's: Activity Log.
Planning Commission : No applications were submitted. No meeting.
Zoning Hearing Board: No meeting.
Recreation : Recreation Board to advertise for lifeguards this summer.
New swings that were received late last year will be put up this spring.
Fire Department : No report received.
Television : Newsletter to be sent out soon.
Library : Librarian Sharon Thomas resigned effect March 28, 2005. Library will be advertising for the position soon. The librarian works 28 - 30 hours per week.
Street Committee : Council discuss storm drain project on Maple Hill Road and Schuylkill Street. Project will entail installation of approximately 200' of 24' ADS pipe, 500' of 18" ADS pipe, 560' of 15" pipe, and 12 catch basins. Material can be paid through Liquid Fuels money and borough employees will complete labor. Total cost of project is estimated at $36,000.00. Money was budgeted for work. Motion to approve project and bid out materials per PennDOT specifications was made by Raymond Kaminski; second Thomas Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Budget: A budget meeting was set up for March 29, 2005 at 9:00 A.M. to discuss Police Workers' Compensation, Occupational Privilege Tax, and building permit fees.
Old Business:
- Evaluation: Councilmembers and Borough Solicitor met at 6:00 P.M. tonight to review Borough's Personnel Policy and make changes as required. Councilmembers to meet again on April 11, 2005 at 6:00 P.M. to continue reviewing Personnel Policy.
- Minor Sub-Division/Cul-D-Sac: Nothing to report.
- Additional Railroad Property: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett is working with Han-Rowe Associates & Company owners of Bear "A" Bar & Grill on purchasing railroad property behind their building.
- Electric System Assessment: Nothing to report.
- Home Occupation: Borough Solicitor to review.
- House Condemnation: Mr. Scroback is coming back from Florida. A meeting will be set up.
Owner of burned home located at 304 North Williamson Road is to be contacted
as to her intentions for the cleanup of the property.
Other unsightly properties were discussed.
- Hamilton Township Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code Agreement: Borough is authorized to do residential or commercial inspections. Add to agreement that Borough or Township has choice of whom they want to do commercial inspection if a problem arises.
- House Numbering: Tonya McNamara to give copy of Ordinance No. 400 to Blossburg Fire and Ambulance Company for review and questioned placement of house numbers on home or roadside mailboxes.
- Tioga County Association of Boroughs Meeting: Blossburg Borough to be TCAB host on Thursday, March 24, 2005 at the Blossburg Fire and Ambulance Building. Social Hour 6:00 P.M. - Dinner Meeting 7:00 P.M. Jeffrey Kriner TCDC Leadership Program Council and other members of group to speak. Council and Borough Solicitor to make reservations through Mary Signor.
- Resolution No. 2 2005: Motion to accept resolution with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to allow the Borough to clean ditch line located on their property located on the North end of the Borough was made by Raymond Kaminski; second, James Holleman. All in favor.
New Business:
Coal Festival - 5K Run: Discussed previously.
Coal Festival Parade: Request for parade permit on May 28, 2005 at 11:00 A.M. Parade permit will be sent to PennDOT on motion of James Holleman; second Raymond Kaminski. All in favor.
Building Permit Fees / Rental Inspections: George Lloyd asked about reducing square footage of accessory structures to 500 sq. ft. from 1,000 sq ft. Council agreed and requested Mr. Lloyd to look up procedure of doing change.
George Lloyd would also like to have Council look into mandatory inspections of rental properties. Borough Solicitor cautioned that this is alright, but will create more liability issues and to notify Borough's insurance carrier about possible plans.
- The 9th Annual TCDC Legislative Breakfast will be held Thursday, March 24, 2005 from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. at the Penn Wells Hotel, 62 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901. The Borough will pay for Councilmembers attending TCDC breakfast. Please make reservations through Mary Signor.
- Tioga County Association of Boroughs Dinner Meeting will be held Thursday, March 24, 2005 at 7:00 P.M., at the Blossburg Fire & Ambulance Building, 324 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912

ADJOURNMENT: Vice-President Tonya McNamara closed the meeting at 8:07 P.M.
Next Council Meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2005 at 6:30 P.M.
Mary C. Signor, Borough Secretary