Call to order 6:30 P.M. Council President- Jerome Ogden. Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Attending: Vice-President Tonya McNamara. Members Cheryl Bubacz, James Holleman, Raymond Kaminski, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk. Mayor John Backman; Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett; Borough Manager George Lloyd; Chief of Police Ronald Steffen. Kevin Lindquist Fire Chief. Secretary S. Ward has been confined at home due to health problems, off on doctor's orders.
Minutes: Incomplete- Ward off so soon after meeting of July, did not get all typed. Discussion-Council would like to have notes earlier.
Solicitor suggestion motion due to secretary being sick, action taken after discussion. Motion R. Kaminski; second, J. Holleman as Solicitor stated due to secretary being ill, act upon at a later time. All in favor.
Treasurer's Report: Accepted subject to audit motion of T. McNamara; second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Bills: Approved for payment on motion of C. Bubacz; second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Guest: Kevin Lindquist attended to give status report on progress of building project. Ground breaking 17 August 03. All invited to attend
Guest: Sheri Baity -Wellsboro Gazette Reporter
(A) Mayor-Nothing at this time.
(B) Police: Report accepted motion T. McNamara; second, C. Bubacz. All in favor.
(C) Borough Manager: Report accepted motion of C. Bubacz; second, T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
Watershed Project discussed. B. Laverty had been the borough representative. As he has left Council, suggest replacement. Motion to appoint Thomas Bogaczyk, R. Kaminski; second, J. Holleman. All in favor.
Next meeting 26 August 2003. Borough water supplies all outside of borough. This deals with protection of sources.
***** see below
(D) Planning Commission: No meeting-no applications.
(E) Recreation: Minutes of previous meeting-none. Ward gave R. Hall copies of ordinances pertaining to Island Park and animals for the Board to review and comment upon or make suggestions.
*****(on tape, not on notes from C. Bubacz)
Pension forms received. Must be on record before 30 September 2003:
Non-Uniform $26,941.00 Police $7,342.00
(2003 was $27,068.00 3,926.00
Police difference-Last year 2 full time
Meeting for Store Front Improvement Program will be held 13 August 2003. Blossburg Improvement Association trying to improve the business district. The burned building across the street will be discussed. It is hoped it can be repaired.
Concerns expressed about the building. If torn down would leave another hole in business district. Bank in process of foreclosing when fire occured. Bank has insurance on it. Mayor reported he had talked to bank people who have had inspector checking extent of damage. No report as to action suggested at this time.
New item: Letter from Andy Levindoski about a land purchase by "Owls Nest" Co. behind Parkhurst Street from C. Tama. They are looking for a way to access the property in order to timber. Water Company owns land by water tank on Parkhurst. The Municipal Authority wants nothing to do with this. They are looking for a way now across Coal Run which would mean the trucks would come down White Street. There is an ordinance about trucks on White Street. No action taken.
(F) Fire-nothing further.
(G) Police: Josh McCurdy wants to join the DUI Task Force. Discussed insurance coverage if allowed. Motion R. Kaminski; second, T. Bogaczyk: "All officers be allowed to participate." All in favor.
(H) Television: No meeting.
(I) Library: Nothing to report. Question as to owns building. (Borough owns land down to bridge, Library building belongs to Library.)
(J) Street Committee: Discussed work completed on streets.
(K) K.C.C. Report from C. Freeberg. Hard rain causes leaks around chimney. Last week had advised Partners in Progress girl the Kiwanis would need the building for observance of 30 years of being chartered. Discussed a letter received from Partners when request for ten weeks use of building planned. The period of time changed to nine weeks. He would like permission from Borough to refund the $100.00 which would have covered the tenth week. They missed the one day due to meeting scheduled. He and Mrs. Freeberg are sending the $20.00 for the day they did not use the facility for Partners. No problem with the refund.
Kitchen will be painted after next week. He wants to meet with C. Bubacz re: traffic through main room during football. The officials can access the back room now. He sees no need for all the traffic through the building.
Discussed raising the rent in the fall due to expenses. This will be studied.
(L) Budget: Meeting set 29 August 2003 at 9:00 A.M. in Council Room.
(M) NPHS Student: School not in session.
(N) Ordinance Update Committee: No report.
(0) Committee Business Development: Meeting with B.I.A. 5:00 P.M. 8/13/03.
- Ordinances: Meet 25 August 2003 at 6:00 P.M. for work session on this.
- Evaluation: Nothing at this time.
- Well Site: Nothing
- Pedestrian Bridge: Donations 17 July 03 David and Beverly Jones $50.00 and Ramond and Patricia Kaminski $500.00. Total $35,053.62
Ward Maufacturing $7,500.00 received 11 August 2003.
- Cul-D-Sac Minor Sub-Division B. Jones-A. Linder. No response.
- Houses- Condemnation-Mr. Barrett. Letters sent, one reply. No action.
- Cul-D-Sac: Davis Lane: Mr. Barrett
- Commissioners Letter Re: Borough Occupation/Per Capita (Budget Committee).
- Building Code Changes: R. Kaminski studying. Copies of proposed Mansfield Ordinance if Boroughs do go in. This information along with grant papers reviewed. No action.
- Bid Preparation Sale of Borough Building: Mr. Barrett discussed the Ambulance Co. about the bid for that building. They are to get the information to him so he can prepare the bids. These bids will be brought to Council for approval prior to advertising.
- Mirror Maple Hill/Schulykill: Removed from Agenda. Motion of C. Bubacz; second, T. Bogaczyk. Was installed.
- Notice to Animal Owners: Published twice in Penny Saver regarding removal of feces, not just at park.
New Business:
- Received Red Cross Request for donation: Budget Committee to study.
- Fire Damaged Buildings/Flood/Other Disasters. Policy needed. Will discuss at reconvened meeting of 26 August 2003 at 6:30 P.M. Evacuations ofoccupants from burning building- Borough Building was used, could also go to ambulance building if needed to.
- Meeting on County Wide Enforcement Building Code: 13 August 03 7:00 P.M. at the Courthouse. Discussed Mansfield letters, etc. The intent of Borough was to support application for their plan, no final action on their suggested ordinance. R. Kaminski asked to report on meetings. He commented not possible for one person as inspector to do all that will be required in such an area.
Meeting will reconvene at 6:30 P.M. the 26th of August 2003 to continue business pending.
Call to order Council President Jerome Ogden
RECONVENED MEETING OF 26 August 2003 6:30 P.M.
ATTENDANCE: Vice President Tonya McNamara-Members Cheryl Bubacz, James Holleman, Raymond Kaminski, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett, Borough Manger George Lloyd; Mayor John Backman; Sheri Baity WEllsboro Gazette, Mark and Susan Bowne (Post Street), Sally Ward Secretary.
G. Lloud reported on Pedestrian Bridge. Anyone who wishes to see a bridge built by the company awarded the bid can view one in Elmira NY the 15th or 16th of September 2003. (To be shipped to Michigan). Several other items are being discussed with the engineer.
R. Kaminski reported on discussion at meetings about the building codes. Now, this letter came from the Council of Government-Too many questions, too many people want to be in charge. Ward supplied R. Kaminski with a copy of the most recent Legislative Newsletter that came 8/26/03. An item states, there has been another delay in the implementation of the state wide code.
G. Lloyd reported the Recreation Board had discussed signs containing rules at both entrances. Smaller signs could be placed around the park about the animals. Still discussing suggestion to include no animals on playing fields.
G. Lloyd reported another meeting 24 September 2003 at Court House on the building codes. (Copies had been sent to members.) Discussion had been held by Commissioners about county wide office-expenses and manpower questioned.
G. Lloyd had a copy of the Tioga County Comprehensive Plan for each person to read.
The Borough Solicitor had a contact about the school district agreement to deed the right-or-way to one side of fire company project area to the Borough of Blossburg. When deed received action to be completed.
Requests from two persons for information on the land available to go with the existing ambulance building which is to be sold. Both parties asked if rail-road land adjacent to this plot on Morris Street would be able to be included. One of the interested parties also inquired about the land at 206 Main.
Discussion on the strip of borough property between Hanibal and Lynd Streets. J. Ogden asked if other members were of the opinion in would be best to divest itself of the strip in order that it could then be on the tax rolls. All did agree as the borough would have no further use of the strip.
Mr. Barrett would draw up specifications for sale which would include the lot for the ambulance building (borough owned lot) with the Morris Street strip. Also, for the other properties through there. Acorn Market was granted 10' right of way across back as the Borough needed that right of way on the north side of the 206 Main Street building, this the Corporation allowed.
At this time the Solicitor requested and Executive Session (6:44 P.M.)
Mr. & Mrs. Bowne and Mrs. Ward left the meeting to attend the Planning Commission meeting to convene at 7:00 P.M. in the lobby.
Executive Session ended 7:10 P.M. with meeting at 7:12 P.M. adjourning.
Sally A. Ward
Borough Secretary