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[Webmasters' Note: We typed these minutes exactly as provided to us.]

Blossburg Borough Council Meeting
11 July 2003
Call to order 6:30 P.M.

PLedge of Allegiance recited.

ATTENDANCE: President Jerome Ogden; Vice-President Tonya McNamara; Members Cheryl Bubacz, James Holleman, Raymond Kaminski, Thomas Bogaczyk (Timothy Roupp was at work); Mayor John Backman; Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett; Borough Manager George Lloyd; Charles Freeberg for KCC report; Sam Irwin, Jr., Scott Bastian Developer store; Sally Ward.

MINUTES of 9 June 2003 meeting which reconvened 30 June 2003 accepted on Motion of T. Bogaczyk; Second: Kaminski. All in favor.

TREASURER REPORT accepted subject to audit on Motion of C. Bubacz; Second, T. McNamara. All in favor.

BILLS to be paid on Motion of C. Bubacz; Second, T. McNamara. All in favor.

GUESTS: Samuel Irwin Jr. attended to voice a concern and complaint relating to road work consisting of tar and chipping. There were no signs warning of the work being done in a section of the borough where he had started to drive upon the road which had fresh tar and chips. He contacted PADOT to inquire about the law as related to work signs. He took his vehicle to garages to get an estimate on what the cost would be to have the under part and the rest of the vehicle which had tar coated removed.

G. Lloyd will check into signage for borough streets as opposed to state roads. S. Irwin was asked if he continued on that route. He said he did not.

G. Lloyd will check with the insurance about the costs to see if it would be covered.

S. Irwin complained about the borough crew. He stated he had gone where they were working to have them see the vehicle. He said that Scott Fessler made a remark ********* (not to be recorded as reported by Irwin, was asked to restrain from using bad language) to him which upset him.

G. Lloyd had been advised of this situation. He had all of the crew (interviewed ---individually) to repeat to him the happenings of that day. None knew that the other was being talked to. George said he feels the crew, had been through hard day. He was satisfied with his meetings with them. He feels we should leave it at that.

J. Ogden advised S. Irwin if he wished to have them all come to a meeting to discuss this, he would do this. He asked him to be aware that George will check insurance and get back to him.

S. Irwin said he felt as a taxpayer he had the right to make the complaints. Council members agreed they were all willing to listen to anyone who comes to the meetings. S. Irwin left the meeting at 6:37 P.M after the discussions.

(A) Mayor: J. Backman reported on traffic speed on various streets in town. Complaints made to him and to police. The 25 MPH limit area is ignored by many of the drivers. He has spoken to the Chief about this.

(B) Police: Report accepted-Motion of T. McNamara; Second, J. Holleman. All in favor. Discussion: R. Kaminski asked why a notation was on the report of a summary offence being dropped. The Chief explained it was plea-bargained.

Complaints are being received about the person on the green motorcycle who speeds all the time. He was contacted, hopefully he will slow down.

The four wheelers were again discussed. If they are recognized, the parents can be contacted, if they are not adults riding. He was asked to pursue this.

Speeding on South Williamson Road continues to be dangerous. He was asked if VASCAR could be run in the area. One problem, a continuing one, the speed of employees leaving the plants. VASCAR lines need repainting.

T. McNamara remarked on the parking problems by the stores again. She asked if G. Lloyd could paint the large lines for fire zones along the front. He will do this. Speed on Island Park was discussed. Borough employees are sometimes at fault, also. G. Lloyd will remind them.

(C) Borough Manager: Report accepted Motion of C. Bubacz; Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.

G. Lloyd reported tar and chipping done by PADOT as part of the Agility Agreement on McIntyre, Lynd and Ruah Streets. He said there were no signs put up by them. Again, may not have to borough streets as they are not PADOT roads.

The water line has been dug for the Dollar General Store supply.

The driveway into the lot for the new Fire and Ambulance building was worked on. The lot is being all cleaned up. This will be put at the north end of the lot so that it can all be cleaned up in the winter time. The gas company found lines not marked in the area. PENELEC forms were sent to Mr. Barrett for easement-right of way, etc.

(D) Planning Commission: No meeting, no applicatons submitted.

(E) Recreation: Supplied Ordinances, no response. Ward put notices about animals out. Signs for facilities at each end of park discussed.

(F) Fire: Nothing further.

(G) Police: Nothing further.

(H) Television: No meeting in July. Discussion on usual questions, complaints.

(I) Library: No meeting to report.

(K) KCC: C. Freeberg advised Council the roof is finished at the building. The sheets of wafer board cost $18.00. He commended the Coal Festival Committee and the volunteers for the job well done.

He plans to put spouting on the front of the building. He is asking PENELEC to do direct billing for payment from the bank. Discussed the cost of the natural gas heat. Is still considering switching type of heat as he did at the funeral home. Kitchen to be painted.

Discussed charge for use of building as new Fire & Ambulance Hall will be available for rentals. Price for K.C.C. might have to be increased due to increased operating expenses.

Partners in Progress was sent a check for refund of one week in which they did not use the building. Left meeting 7:15 P.M.)

(L) Budget: Set up meeting end of August if all are available.

(M) NPHS Student: School not in session.

(N) Ordinance Update Committee: Will meet to begin work on several.

(O) Committee Business Development: No report. Discussed burned buildings effect if a hole in district left.


  1. Ordinances: Committee to meet. Mr. Barrett would like to see entire Zoning Ordinance redone.
    Fences/Sidewalks/Adult Entertainment/Side Lot Line Commercial
  2. Evaluation: No report.
  3. Pedestrian Bridge: NP Student Council donation $778.00 for bridge.
  4. Well Site: Three sites are being looked at in the East Creek Road area.
  5. Cul-D-Sac--Minor Sub-Division B. Jones/A. Lindner-Granger Street.
  6. House Condemnation Scroback/Wilson Trailer/M. Bogaczyk/Robinson. Note: Razing of Powell house Parkhurst set for 9/10/03
  7. Cul-D-Sac Davis Lane- Mr Barrett
  8. Commissioners Letter RE; Borough Occupation/Per-Capita Tax-Budget
  9. Building Code Changes: Raymond Kaminski: Conflicting reports being received.
  10. S. Bastian: New Easement for Dollar General discussed. Real Estate Transfer Tax forms to Mr. Barrett.
    Since progressing with no apparent action needed by Council Motion to remove from Agenda R. Kaminski; Second, T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
NEW BUSINESS: Mirror Request: R & JSherman Maple Hill Road. Put in place.
Donation request Fire and Ambulance Building Fund-Budget Study.

At this time Mr. Barrett addressed matters he has been working on. The Mayor had asked him to draw up a memo for all borough employees pertaining to who is allowed to use keys to borough buildings, any type of borough equipment. Each employee will be furnished with a copy of the rules. Each will be asked to sign that he or she understands the information and regulations.

The Mayor had not discussed the Policy with Chief Steffen. The Chief was asked if he had any concerns, he did not.

A Motion by R. Kaminski; Second, T. Bogaczyk "The Policy for borough equipment use and facilities as presented will be adopted." All in favor.

The problems with delinquent bills discussed. A property disposed of which the borough filed liens against which are not satisfied- questioned by Mr. Barrett. He wants to look into this. Municipal liens to be satisfied.

Sandy Olson is the Fire and Ambulance Company attorney dealing with their matters.

Bids must be let for the old borough building and the ambulance building. Ward received call to see if rhte rail-road property adjoing the ambulance building would be included in a sale. Discussion to determine course of action will be held.

As there was no further business at this time, meeting adjourned at 7:57 P.M.

Sally A. Ward
Borough Secretary

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