Attending: Council President Jorome Ogden; V.-President Tonya MacNamara; Councilmembers Cheryl Bubacz, James Holleman, Raymond Kaminski, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk: Mayor John Backman: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett: Borough Manager George Lloyd: Police Chief Ronald Steffen. (Borough Secretary medical tests- absent)
Guests: Glen Bastian, Ralph Mundis, Terry Kreger, Annette Grinnell, Charles Freeberg: Reporter Sherry Beaty.
Minutes of 12 May 2003 meeting: Approved Motion of T. McNamara
Second R. Kaminski
All in favor.
Treasurer's Report Accepted subject to audit Motion of T. Bogaczyk
Second J. Holleman
All in favor.
Bills to be paid on Motion of R. Kaminski
Second T. McNamara
All in favor
EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED: 6:33 P.M. Meeting reconvened 7:10 P.M.
Guests: C. Freeberg reported on the K.C.C. Building. Balance on hand $3,834.00 in account. Sheating and shingles cost split between Coal Festival Committee and Kiwanis.
The second part of the roof has not been completed. Advertisement for helpers to be made.
Still discussing changing heat from natural gas due to increases.
At this time P. Barrett asked President for permission to bring up items which will be continued to complete actions on Fire/Ambulance land, etc. The request was that the meeting be continued to June 30, 2003 as he will have the new maps by then. G. Lloyd had told him the surveyor was to be here this week or the next so he could then do the deed.
Motion R. Kaminski, "That the meeting of 9 June 2003 be continued to 30 June 2003". Second, T. Bogaczyk. All in favor. (Reconvene at 6:30 P.M.)
Also, the Ordinance for the width of Hanibal Street will have been advertised as required. The time requirements will be met by 30 June 2003.
The Ambulance Company wants to sell the building (Hanibal Street) and the lot. The lot belongs to the Borough. P. Barrett would ask for authorization to advertise for sale by sealed bids. The occupancy date would be negotiated to accomodate the ambulance storage until the new building is completed. Discussion as to what involved in sealed bids-lot and building or just the building. The sale would be for the building according to the further questions from Councilmembers.
Motion, "Authorize preparation of Resolution for sale by sealed bids as per Solicitor's request", T. Bogaczyk: Second, T. McNamara. All in favor.
Permission is requested by P. Barrett to prepare advertisement for sealed bids for the former Borough Building, 206 Main Street either for improvement or for demolition.
Motion, "That sealed bids be advertised for either the improvement or razing of the Borough Building, 206 Main Street, Blossburg", R. Kaminski; Second, T. McNamara. All in favor.
Just as housekeeping matters-Hanibal Street Ordinance will be ready for action for the 30th of June 2003 meeting. The Resolution pertaining to the parking lot has been completed for Riverside Plaza to Blossburg Improvement Association.
Emergency Operations Ordinance was advertised by the County. This is ready for adoption.
A motion was made by T. McNamara; Second, J. Holleman, "That the Ordinance for Emergency Management Operations as advertised by the County be adopted." All in favor.
Annette Grinnell T.C.C.C.C. attended to discuss the PA Stream Signage Program. There are not any signs for the Tioga River in Blossburg although it is crossed four times. She is willing to prepare the grant application for the project, not just for Blossburg but; also, for participating townships.
A possible reimbursement of $197.00 is supposed to be made.
Motion "That the Borough participate in the application for the Stream Signage Program," made by T. Bogaczyk. Second, T. McNamara. All in favor. More applications will be made when more work completed cleaning up the river.
Ralph Mundis "Just listening".
Glen Bastian attended about the easement to the Improvement Association. If the easement is to them (BIA) by 25 June 2003 when they meet, they can take action if they wish.
He will also need a copy of the Hanibal Street Ordinance when it is adopted. He understood this was planned for the 30th meeting.
After the 30th they intend to close 1 July, 2 or 3-He will need a certified copy of the Ordinance.
They hope to close with the Improvement Association shortly after the 30th in order to begin the work on construction. G. Lloyd is scheduling the time for moving the water line.
(A) Mayor: The Mayor asked C. Freeberg to stay while he discussed one item of business. An idea at the end of 2000 it was decided by some people active in town to have a "Time Capsule" to be buried. A vault was donated by the Freeberg Funeral Home (not an adult size) to be used for this purpose. Items that he has include Legislative Guide, mementos of the Coal Festival, some other Borough items. He asked if he should just give it back to Chuck or do what-some suggestions were made. J. Ogden said it would be something that could be done in conjuction with the Fire and Ambulance plans so the items concerning the new building could be put in so it could be commemorated at the time they are doing their dedication. No one had any objection to this plan. This will be brought up for the two companies to consider doing. (Mr. Freeberg left.)
The Mayor had a request from the P.S.P. to use R. Steffen June 23-26, 2003 from 1:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. to do Camp Cadet Program. He advised Chief he should not do unless Council approved. He suggested he could take vacation days or handle it somehow. Could leave after lunch and is supposed to be done at 3:30 P.M.. He could stay the rest of the time on his own time, it was suggested.
J. Ogden said it is a good idea to co-operate with the State Police as they help the Borough. There had been a presentation on this at Kiwanis so some of the members were familiar with the program.
T. Bogaczyk made the motion, "That Chief Steffen participate in the Camp Cadet Program as requested." Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
(B) Police: Report accepted on motion of T. McNamara. Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor.
Discussion on dirt bikes. R. Kaminski talked about those behind his place and on South Williamson Road. Chief said he is finding out who is doing it. Going to the houses after they determine who it is. Seems to be doing some good. This is a continuing investigation. R. Kaminski spoke about the motorcycles which are speeding. Chief said if they land in Blossburg, they will find who it is. It is too fast to chase at the speed they are going.
Last complaints from December of 2002 are cleared up. The burglary at the Laudromat has been solved. Probably will add up to $7,000.00 what with the damages, etc.
(C) Borough Manager Report accepted on Motion of T. McNamara. Second, T. Bogaczyk. All in favor.
The footbridge project discussed. Six different bids due to the way project presented. There is one bid only for the roof. The bids will be acted upon at the reconvened meeting of 30 July 2003 if the Street Committee could meeting to review them and it is recommended by the Committee.
(Meeting set up for Committee about bridge)
G. Lloyd reported on the Blossburg Improvement Association presentation for getting business in town and improving those already here. The B.I.A. would appreciate any members of Council attending the meeting 25 June 2003 at 5:00 P.M. in the Council Room.
The Shade Tree Commission will be asked to meeting at the Manager's request. Members are R. Kaminski, J. McCauley, Martha Bastian. Number of trees are in need of being cut back as too close to the street.
(D) Planning Commission: No meeting as no applications received.
(E) Recreation: No minutes received. R. Kaminski reported they had talked about the swimming activities.
Lisa Frederick was appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of Susan Kaczynski to the Board on Motion of R. Kaminski. Second, T. McNamara. Lisa had been contacted and was agreeable.
(F) Fire: No minutes. Copy of letter from E. Cunningham for Ruah Street property he owns and would sell to the Fire Department send out.
G. Lloyd reported D. Wetmore resurveying land Ruah St. area to Duncan's. Permit from County for Sedimentation, etc. not received.
(G) Police: Nothing more.
(H) Television: New station added #48. No. 5 still rolls sometimes. The 48 doesn't do talk when person speaking- etc.
Nothing more on Emergency Service nothing determined yet.
The Board Attorney Sandra Olson was contacted again.
(I) Library-No meeting.
(J) Street Committee: Three miles of road need to be tar and chipped. Only money to do two. Some money owed to Borough by PADOT. They mad do some tar and chipping for us. This might get most of the roads.
(K) K.C.C. Reported earlier.
(L) Budget: Nothing
(M) NP Student: No school.
(N) Ordinance Update: Hanibal Street the 30th of June 2003
(0) Business Update Committee: Discussed with Borough Manager Report
Old Business:
Well: Hydrogeologist coming here with aerial maps.
Pedestrian Bridge: Sheet with deposits and Assets lists total. Borough has paid $13,000.00 out of pocket for crane and engineering. If need to borrow more, can get at 2.99%. No money from Baker or Scarnati-Governor put all grans on hold for 2002
Old Business: Emergency Operations Ordinance adopted on Motion of T. McNamara. Second, J. Holleman. All in favor.
(Letter to be sent to T.C.C.C.-see copy which was sent 4 June 2003-T. Bogaczyk said it had been received.)
Car calls and letters being taken and sent.
Meeting to reconvene on 30 June 2003 at 6:30 P.M.
(Cheryl Bubacz Notes)