Attending: Tonya McNamara Council Vice-President; Councilmembers Cheryl Bubacz, James Holleman, Raymond Kaminski, Timothy Roupp, Thomas Bogaczyk: Borough Solicitor Patrick Barrett; Mayor John Backman; Borough Manager George Lloyd; Sally Ward Secretary.
Guests: Scott Bastian, Glen Bastian-Dollar General Store developers; Fire Chief Kevin Lindquist with members of Fire and Ambulance Companies-Dean Hall, Steven Hall, Terry Kreger, Myra Kreger, 'Jake'Barnes, Kim Barnes: Wellsboro Gazette Reporter Sherry Beatty.
Agenda for 30 June 2003 Items:
Bridge Bids: Pedestrian Bridge bids were opened as advertised and reviewed by Borough Manager, Budget Committee, Engineer Evans prior to the meeting.
G. Lloyd reviewed the bid amounts, differences, etc.
Motion, "That Bid 1B submitted by Echo Bridge in the amount of $70,878.00 (Seventy-Thousand, Eight- Hundred- Seventy-
Eight-Dollars) be accepted.
T. Bogaczyk; Second, R. Kaminski. Roll Call Vote: All in favor.
Roof of Bridge:
G. Lloyd again went through type of materials, etc. for roof on bridge.
Motion, "That the bid of Kalwall Corporation in the amount of $22,860 (Twenty-Two-Thousand-Eight-Hundred-Sixty dollars) be accepted.
R. Kaminski; Second T. Bogaczyk. Roll Call vote: All in favor.
(2) Ordinance Hanibal Street width. Duly advertised, time frame met-
Motion, "That the Ordinance stating the width of Hanibal Street section from Main Street west to the Tioga River shall be forty (40) feet being twenty (20) from the center line of said street. Taking effect ten (10) days from the enactment date of 30 June 2003."
T. Bogaczyk; Second C. Bubacz. Roll Call vote: All in favor.
(3) Resolution-Fire Company Building: Borough Solicitor reviewed all the information contained in the Resolution, steps taken to prepare and answered any questions on the Resolution. The new survey of the land to be used by the companies extends to the strip which was purchased previously by Dorn. The maps were examined, also. This is all being handled by "An Inter-governmental Agreement". The Resolution was read aloud to give everyone an opportunity to discuss any questions. The School Board is meeting tonight and the same Resolution for their parcel is to be acted upon. Mr. Barrett had drafted that, also.
A motion was made by T. Bogaczyk, "That Council adopt the Resolution on the Fire and Ambulance Company land, formerly rail-road property, now Blossburg Borough lands. as presented by Borough Solicitor this date."
Second-R. Kaminski. Roll Call Vote: All in favor.
Question to P. Barrett from K. Lindquist pertaining to when bids will be prepared for the ambulance building. The members had been advised the appraisal was for a minimum of $50,000.00.
P. Barrett is to have "language" clarified and will be preparing these papers.
The members of the companies thanked Council and Mr. Barrett then left the meeting.
The Solicitor requested an Executive Session. Council would not be making any decisions after the session.
Time-6:59 P.M.
Sally A. Ward
Borough Secretary