Borough Council Minutes May 12, 2003 6:30 PM |
[Webmasters' Note: We typed these minutes exactly as provided to us; spelling, grammar and other errors are not ours.] |
Attendance: |
Council Members:
Jerome Ogden, Council President
Tonya McNamara, Vice-President
James Holleman
Cheryl Bubacz
Raymond Kaminski
Timothy Roupp
Tom Bogaczyk
John Backman, Mayor
Patrick Barrett, Borough Solicitor
George Lloyd, Borough Manager
Ronald Steffen, Police Chief
Sally Ward, Borough Secretary
Sherry Beaty, Wellsboro Gazette/Fire Chief Kevin Lindquist
Ralph Mundis McIntyre Street (Mr. Mundis left without comment
did not return to Council Room when reconvened after Exec. Session)
Agenda |
I. |
Minutes of previous meeting 14 April 2003: Accepted As Corrected Motion of T. Bogaczyk Second R. Kaminski
Discussion See addition
Additions: Mayor John Backman not listed from previous meeting. He was in attendance.
Roll call All in favor:
II. |
Treasurer's Report: Accepted subject to audit Motion of R. Kaminski Second J. Holleman
Vote All in favor.
Bills: Payment approved
Motion of R. Kaminksi
Second T. Bogaczyk
Vote: All in favor
III. |
GUESTS: K. Lindquist requests meeting with Solicitor and Council and/or Committee of Council to have in depth discussion on property and all other items which seem to be causing roadblocks. Meeting at 206 Main Street set upwith Solicitor to attend. Ambulance Building questions, access to building site, NPDES/E & S? Meeting Mon. 19 May at 6:30 P.M. Committee Kaminski, Bubacz, McNamara
**Note Guest: Glen Bastian arrived later/Left following Plaza Parking Discussed/ and No report on Business Plan.
IV. |
Reports: |
A. |
Mayor: Mentioned cul-d-sac questions-passed on-nothing further
(Granger St)
B. |
Police: Report accepted
Motion of T. McNamara Second T. Bogaczyk
Vote: All/C.Bubacz followed vehicle into town today (construction worker he turned left into town. Chief will see foreman. Letter sent to Fire & Ambula
Items presented: Had meeting with concerned citizen about 4 wheelers. Will go to those who have them and disucss concerns. Chief asked if there would be any objection if person had in first gear and just walked them to get machines moved. Can not just push them due to weight, check on legality J. Ogden requested. R. Kaminski commented about speed Gulick St.
C. |
Borough Manager: Report accepted Motion of T. MC: Second R. K.: Vote Allin favor.
Additional Items presented Bridge bids-3 June 03/Garbage pickup 30 tons garbage, 20 tons metal (est) goes to park for free pickup by dealer (Bor.will be paid)
Requests motion on paying ALL 2003 taxes to Fire Co. Motion T. Bogaczyk/Second, R. Kaminski. All in favor. When payments come in from Collector will remain with Boruogh General Fund. Park cleanup went well, thank you to C. Bubacz for getting help from probation. She advised when you do not take work from borough or other paid person, you can utilize their services.
(T. Bogaczyk asked if any handicapped access funding for bridge-C. Bubacz had tried)
Action for motion or resolution Action of Council needed at June meeting on bridge bids. Successful bidder must deliver in 45 days. Borough Crew to install roof canopy.
D. |
Planning Comission Report meeting of 29 April 2003
Actions requested Information Re: Parking Lot Riverside Plaza
Improvement Association Resolution for this.
Zoning Hearing Board set up in case needed on parking.
Access to parking needed for Dollar General.
E. |
Recreation: Minutes of previous meeting not received
Report from member attending Pool to open Memorial Day-weather permitting.
Lots of work done on cement, etc.
F. |
Fire: Meeting19 May 03
(Minutes of meeting not received)
G. |
Police: Any additional action Reported paint stolen from KCC building
H. |
Television: Added two religious stations and will have FXX by end of week
I. |
Library: Minutes (Quarterly meetings) Very successful "Book Signing" held, a nice event for the Borough.
"Hold Harmless Agreement" presented for Borough information.
J. |
Street Committee: Schedule meeting. 19 May 2003 10:00 A.M.
K. |
KCC: Report submitted by (Paint theft reported)
Coal Festival volunteers completed half of roof)
L. |
M. |
NPHS Student: Tyler Lisowski arrived after work. Reported spaghetti dinner sponsored by Student Council at KCC 20th 5-7:30 P.M. (had tickets)
Talent show to be held at school.
N. |
Ordinance Update Committee: No report from Committee; P. Barrett will have Hanibal Street Ordinance size change for Council this is part of what the Dollar General needs
Council Action required: Motion of CB: Second TM:. Vote All
"Intent to Advertise Ordinance for Hanibal Street width"(C.Bubacz/T.McNamara)
O. |
Committee Business Development: No report-
V. |
- Ordinances-Fences/ Sidewalks/ Adult Entertainment/Side Lot Lines Commercial/
No report
- Evaluation
- Well-Old Hospital (B. Manager reported pump pulled. Looking for site)
- Pedestrian Bridge: Class of 1968 donated $100.00 in memory of Bob Reid.
Pending $5,000.00 from H.U.D./$2,000.00 Mun. Auth. Balance 5/9/03 $13,955.62
- Cul-D-Sac/Minor Sub-Division-B. Jones/A. Lindner Granger Street
G. Lloyd spoke to B. Jones as followup to P.C. meeting Letter
- Houses for Possible Condemnation; Atty. P. Barrett sent letters to:
Scroback/Wilson, R/Bogaczyk M/Robinson
One response-talked to Ward also-R. Wilson trailer.
- Cul-D-Sac Davis Lane:
- Commissioners Letter RE: Borough Occupation and Per Capita Tax (Hold)
- Building Code Changes R. Kaminski received certificate of completion on course. T. Bogaczyk asked if anyone had received information changing complaince dates-yes but not writte
Council Action required.
Council Action required: Motion of R.K. (R. Kaminski): Second T.B. (T. Bogaczyk): Vote All in favor.
- T.C.C. Information presented on river clean-up project. Requests endorsement by Borough Council if in accord on doing this. This had also been presented to Tioga County Development Corporation for input. (R. Kaminski reported)
Fred LaVancher asked about including lower Tioga River being included.
Council action required: Motion of RK (R. Kaminski): Second TB (T. Bogaczyk): Vote All in favor "Send Letter of support-send one.
(Liberty can not host(letter received after meeting) Sent notices
Following this meeting for Westfield)
(Coal Festival 21 May through 24 May 2003.

Sally Ward Borough Secretary