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Borough Council Minutes
January 7, 2002
        6:30 PM
Mayor John E. Backman having been duly sworn convened the Blossburg Borough Council meeting of 7 January 2002 for the purpose of conducting the election of Council President and Council Vice - President as required by law. As also required, notice of the Organization Meeting had been published as beginning at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Room of the Borough Building, 245 Main Street, Blossburg, PA 16912. Roll call affirmed all Council members present. Oath administered by Mayor - J. Bogaczyk, J. Ogden, C. Bubacz, B. Laverty.

Motion "To appoint J. Bogaczyk as Council President" B. Laverty
Second R. Kaminski
Call for other nominations by Mayor - Being none
Motion "close nominations" R. Kaminski
Second T. McNamara
All in favor.
James J. Bogaczyk appointed Council President.

Motion "To appoint J. Ogden as Council Vice - President" J.Holleman
Second B. Laverty
Call for other nominations by Mayor - Being none
Motion "Close nominations" B. Laverty
Second R. Kaminski.
Jerome L. Ogden appointed Council Vice - President.

As recommended at this time in the event the Council President and Vice- President are unable to conduct business,
Motion "to appoint Pro - Tempore" B. Laverty Second R. Kaminski
Call for other nominations by Mayor - Being none
Motion "to close nominations" B. Laverty Second R. Kaminski
All in favor
Tonya McNamara appointed Pro - Tempore

J. Bogaczyk presented a list of Committees to the members for their review. If someone wishes to change, please advise. R. Kaminski asked that he also be put on the Street Committee. Name added. This means he will also serve on the Property and Borough Equipment as the two are combined.

Minutes of the December 10, 2001 meeting were read, corrected (Typographical error - not content) and approved.
The Treasurer's report was read and approved, subject to audit.

A motion was made, seconded and passed to pay bills as presented.

Reports : Mayor :  View report.

Police :  View report.

Borough Manager :   View report.
Borough Manager's:   Activity Log.

Planning Commission :  No report.

Recreation :  View report.

Fire Department :  View report.

Television :    View report.

Library :     View report.

Street Committee :     No report

K.C.C. :    View report.

Budget Committee :    No report

NPHS Student rep :     No report

Zoning Hearing Board :    No Report.

Ordinance Update Committee :    View Report.

Old Business:
  1. Gulick Street trailer park: G. Lloyd to contact.

  2. Street lighting: No report.

  3. Ordinances: Copies received, discussed earlier.

  4. Monument repair: Cost for project depends on bid accepted after review of the bids submitted.
    Motion "Accept bid of Neal Contracting in amount of $5,800.00" C. Bubacz, Second, T. McNamara. Roll call:
    In favor: B. Laverty, T. McNamara, J. Ogden, J. Bogaczyk, J. Holleman, C. Bubacz. Abstain - R. Kaminski - Does not have knowledge of contractor or his work.
    Bid accepted, majority vote.
    Contractor will have to be notified, date determined starting.

  5. Evaluation: Nothing

  6. Road study: Scott Bray: Discussed earlier. Project ongoing.

  7. Water Study Hospital: Proceeding with favorable results at this time. Joel Jordan of Rural Water (PA) has been contacted for his input as he has sources and has been useful.

  8. Bleachers Project: B. Laverty reported $120,000.00 towards project solicited so far. School Board being advised of progress.

  9. Decal: Nothing new.

  10. Island Sign - Brooks: Project completed. Remove from Agenda Motion C. Bubacz, Second B. Laverty. All in favor.

  11. Condemnation Houses: Contacted FCN Bank about Williamson, Powell, Uteg House on Parkhurst Street. Waiting for reply. Other houses, hearing times needed with Attorney and owners.

  12. Island Park "Use": J. Bogaczyk discussed with J. Rakoski when met at school office. School Board must act upon this. Borough has set forth lists of expenses and given complete costs to Board.

New Business:
  • Discussed Monument, expenses in budget included work projected.

  • TCAB Meeting - Please advise S. Ward if attending at Mansfield.

  • Lists of appointments of Repository of funds - FCNB; P. Barrett Borough Solicitor, S. Ward Secretary, Borough Boards, Committees.

  • Please consider candidates for Council if B. Laverty submits resignation.

Mayor report:

  • J. Backman thanked everyone for the co-operation and support he has received since assuming office. It is appreciated.

  • Mayor

Police report:

  • Discussion on letter to Editor in Williamsport Sun Gazette sent by person in Tabertown Housing. This person had been involved in the problems discussed when meeting held with Solicitor, Mayor, Council President, Borough Manager, representatives from County Human Services, residents of housing. The matter was resovled at the time. Why this written now as nothing new has come up, is not known. No further actions need be taken at this time. Chief advised no need to be concerned. Matter has been acted upon.
  • Chad Buttorff introduced as new part-time police officer.
  • A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Police Report.

  • Police

Borough Manager's report:

  • G. Lloyd explained road study report by S. Bray for Posting White Street and East Creek Road. Project will be continuing as it is involved. R. Kaminski explained what he has had to do when his trucks were using various roads which required bonding when his trucks used them.

  • Motion to hire Robert Kelly full time. C. Bubacz, 2nd B. Laverty. Unanimous. Pension Entry Date 18 June Ol Motion B. Laverty, 2nd C. Bubacz - All in favor.

  • Borough Manager's Report accepted on Motion by T. McNamara Second C. Bubacz All in favor.
    Borough Manager

Recreation report:

  • Due to questions posed reference lighting on football area, meeting was held with school representatives, Council President, Mr & Mrs Wesneski. There had been a complete misunderstanding, as explained to those who met. In fact, since the youth football program is considered a building process for the football future teams, the light use will not be billed to that group either. Everyone seemed to be in agreement as reported by J. Bogaczyk. District is to pay.

  • Recreation

Fire Department report:

  • No reports. C. Bubacz had delivered information to D. Hall on funding, but she has not had any reply or request for assistance.

    Council is asked to let Ward know if anyone is attending the annual banquet. Mayor Backman is to administer Oath of Office to Auxiliary Police for Fire and Ambulance Companies.

  • Fire Department

Television report:

  • C. Bubacz still having same problem with #12. Group still seeking addition of Catholic channel. Concerns expressed about other faiths not having access for just individual church channels. Board still discussing matter. Question directed to J. Bogaczyk about any other channels being added what with increase in monthly payment to all. J. Ogden explained they are studying several other options.

  • Television

Library report:

  • Persons on committee are asked to attend if possible when the Library Board has quarterly meetings. C. Bubacz is out of town at work when they have their meetings. This is why she has been unable to attend. She has kept in touch and offered her assistance whenever possible. This is how she has been able to report back to Council.

  • Library

K.C.C. report:

  • B. Laverty presented report on all profit and Loss 1/1/OO - 12/31/01, list of all expenses. No decision as to who would take over building in the event B. Laverty does leave. Brian has advised Council of his plans to resign from Council as his house is being sold. Regrets are expressed at his leaving since he has contributed to the Borough since his moving into the community.

  • K.C.C.

Ordinance Update Committee report:

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Meeting adjourned at 8:19 PM
Sally Ward
Borough Secretary